One new confirmed case of COVID-19

One more case of COVID-19 was confirmed in The Bahamas on Friday. This brings the total number of confirmed cases in the country to 73.

The latest case is a 33-year-old woman from New Providence. She has no history of travel. The patient was hospitalised, but is now in isolation at home.

There have been 62 confirmed cases in New Providence, seven in Grand Bahama, three in Bimini and one in Cat Cay.

The news comes as the nation prepares for another weekend lockdown, which takes effect at 9pm on Friday and lasts until Monday at 5am.

Under the terms of the lockdown, everyone must remain at home unless there is an emergency, you are an essential worker or you have been specifically exempted, and you may exercise on your property only.


ThisIsOurs says...

lockdowns wont work no matter how long you extend them for.

Right now they're selling the public false hope.

The last lockdown proved this in a dramatic fashion. 2 days post lockdown the popular message was *the lockdown is working* The newspapers had big headlines repeating it. A few days later the rate of reported infections started increasing. They said it was because they increased testing. Well...whether a test confirmed it or not the person was still infected ..meaning the lockdown never worked.

Nothing will work outside of a coordinated strategy that includes testing and retesting or separation of infected/non infected populations, I.e. the family islands. There seem to be understandable resource issues putting together such a the question is, will anything work? And what extended periods will we be locked down to prove nothing besides testing will work?

Posted 24 April 2020, 8:02 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

I agree lockdowns will not work.

The weekend shutdown will not work unless we shut down for an extended period of time. 2 - 4 weeks. It sound's harsh but that is literally the only option since we don't have enough test kits to test 400,000 people 2 times.

Any household that is infected, must stay home until they retest negative. Which means food must be delivered to them.

BUT then the question is; What will happen to our economy if businesses are closed for that extended period of time? Then one must ask the question...What happens if an additional 100 plus health care workers are placed in quarantine before the first 200 are released?

I hope ALL 200+ health care workers test negative, they need to test negative!

Posted 24 April 2020, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

there's no easy answer really. Add to your questions: what about the 8 people in a household who get infected by a single individual at different points over the lockdown and are asymptomatic...repeated 100 times over the nation. What about the members of shantytowns free to move about at will?

Im saying lockdown of any period by itself will not work "by themselves"

Posted 24 April 2020, 8:48 p.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

Can we please see the number of flu related deaths in the last 2 years?
We desperately need a perspective on how Corona19 compares to other fu viruses that come EVERY YEAR.

Posted 26 April 2020, 9:43 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The government is playing Russian roulette with the colony's entire PopoulacesOrdianay by not ordering and paying for the speedy testing of **all residents and care workers** at care homes, and all other facilities housing groups persons...including the Hospitals, Prison, Immigration Detention Center and post Hurricane Dorian Shelters. Nod once for yeah, twice for no?

Posted 24 April 2020, 9:44 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

You cannot say the lockdowns will not or cannot work if , firstly, you don’t know the intention of them. The fact is this Corona virus is expected to pass over the entire population. And if you recall the original projections, some EIGHTY percent of the population was projected to fall ill and some 30 percent requiring treatment and/or hospitalization. And the mortality rate was expected to be some 5 %. ( or 1,500 deaths). And as you can see, at least at this stage the country, even like NY is with the highest rate of cases outside China ( and besides Ecuador) is well below what was projected . What social distancing, curfews and lockdowns intend your do is to stagger the spread of the virus by limiting contact and preventing a bunch of people getting sick all at once and overwhelming the health care system . Quarantine and curfew, besides limiting a persons contact with others also puts a person in ‘bed rest’ mode so if the virus develops the body will have more ability to resist and fight off the virus. Closing the boarders means that no other persons come into the population, either bringing in different strains of the virus or giving it additional fuel to feed on. And based on China’s premise that once you survive the virus, you become immune to it, the numbers should start going down after the virus has passed over most or all of the population and it is at that point that China started to reopen and relax its restrictions , but it kept tight control of people entering or reentering the country. And then there is the talk of a ‘second wave.’ What is believed to happen is a mutated strain of the virus gets in to the population and starts to reinfect persons who already had the virus. In the case of the Spanish flu, the second round was more deadly than the first, but it can also be weaker and wear off quicker if curfews, lockdown , social distancing , proper hygiene is exercised. Again this is my understanding of how the virus operates and this was not taken from any medical journals or expressed as proven bf acts.

Posted 25 April 2020, 12:59 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

GB is doing well. Lockdown is working. No new cases in over two weeks. Feeling good. Now open our liquor stores!!!

Posted 25 April 2020, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

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