COVID-19 SUNDAY UPDATE: Two newly confirmed cases

The Ministry of Health announced on Sunday that there are two newly confirmed cases of COVID-19. This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 80.

The newly confirmed cases are a 49-year-old woman and a 23-year-old woman. Both are from New Providence and are in isolation at home.

There have been seven confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Grand Bahama, 64 in New Providence, one in Cat Cay and eight on the island of Bimini. 

Health officials continue to follow the condition of the other current COVID-19 positive cases. 

The Ministry of Health again wishes to remind individuals who have been advised to remain home in quarantine or isolation that they are expected to stay in their homes until the time of quarantine or isolation has ended. Kindly give consideration to having a family member complete shopping errands for essential items. Following this advice is paramount to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. 


TalRussell says...

**I would've thought by now that all the on Saturday in the parking lot test results** performed on the comrade healthcare workers of the Princess Margaret Hospital and Sandilands, **would've been known health care officials by now.** Nod once for yeah, twice for no?

Posted 26 April 2020, 6:24 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Persons are becoming infected in hospitals and clinics. But they take poor
people in hand cuffs and charge them fees they can not pay.

The brilliance of doc. but it is "THE PEOPLES TIME"

Posted 27 April 2020, 7:53 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Something is wrong with the absolute numbers being reported for our country's confirmed cases and resulting deaths. As anticipated, our death rate of 14% is equal to that experienced by Italy. But based on Italy's 197,675 confirmed cases to date as a percentage of its total population of 60.3 million people, the actual number of our confirmed cases for the Bahamas should be about 1,270 with resulting deaths of about 171.

Either our covid-19 statistics are being fudged or there are a lot of Bahamians dying of covid-19 at home because they are terrified of going to a healthcare facility and wrongly believe they may only have a severe case of the flu.

A very telling statistic of any distortive effect(s), deliberate or otherwise, would be public dsiclosure of the average number of recorded deaths that occurred from **all causes** during the first four months of each of the three years 2017, 2018 and 2019, compared to the same four month period of 2020.

Posted 27 April 2020, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

paulhummerman says...

You appear to be assuming, clearly incorrectly, that the same fraction of the population in the Bahamas is infected as in Italy. Also, it's a Corona virus not a flu virus. Nevertheless, it would be useful to know the monthly death rate in all 4 recent years. My guess is that the death rates will not be significantly different in all 4 years, because there are still very few infections in the Bahamas, thanks to the Curfew and Lockdown.

Posted 27 April 2020, noon Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Probably a bigger fraction of our population infected, comparatively speaking. Also, while Italy may have a much greater percentage of senior citizens, the Bahamas has way more unhealthy people across all age groups. I think you misunderstood my point about Bahamians possibly preferring to think they have a severe case of the flu as opposed to covid-19 in order to justify not going to a healthcare facility because of their fear of catching the Red China Virus at such a facility.

Posted 27 April 2020, 12:41 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*because there are still very few infections in the Bahamas, thanks to the Curfew and Lockdown.*"

This is misleading. We have no idea how many cases we have. What you can claim is that there are a low number of persons presenting themselves for medical assistance, that's it. There may be persons at home with fevers or headaches who simply don't want to go to the hospital

Also we have persons in quarantine with symptoms who haven't been tested. Theyre just being told not to go out

Posted 27 April 2020, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

.0026 percent of the population has died from china flu! keep digging your hole and when china move in for good they can just fill up the hole and run their flag up the flag pole !

no reason to shut down the whole country!

Posted 27 April 2020, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

The only numbers that are this Government's strong suit are the ones in the gambling houses, Mudda 😂 I believe the stats are part of the plan to keep us under lockdown indefinitely.....

Posted 27 April 2020, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I keep wondering on this flattening the curve thing. It's like whatever the US does we mirror with no scientific basis. The major difference is the US was testing.

We closed the border on our people because The US closed their border. The US advised their people that the borders were closing and they should head home. We copycatted but did it sloppily, we just said everything close y'all. Last week Sidney Collie says we have to find out who out there and how much it costs to bring them home. In goodness. We have no idea how people were eating or sleeping for 2 months because we also prevented loved ones from sending any financial support by shutting down intl money transfers. We just started testing Friday and 2 days later the curve is flattened.

I don't know what we doing.

Anyway I hope they right I want go to the beach.

Posted 27 April 2020, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

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