Govt examining quarantine options for those returning


Tribune Staff Reporter

THE government is looking at several housing options in which to quarantine Bahamians who return home after being stuck abroad amid the COVID-19 crisis, according to Health Minister Dr Duane Sands.

His comments came after Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis told the House of Assembly on Monday that officials are finalising details to ensure Bahamians are brought home and kept in a designated quarantine facility guarded by the Royal Bahamas Defence Force.

According to Dr Minnis, there are currently 200 Bahamians abroad seeking to return home.

“I know that this has placed a burden on some Bahamians overseas,” he said. “I understand the frustration and worry of their families here at home. In keeping with the protocols of other countries, the government is finalising plans to secure a mandatory quarantine facility to accommodate the return of a number of Bahamians in the United States to New Providence.”

Asked by reporters for further details on where those residents will be held upon return, Dr Sands replied: “We’re identifying several options, hotels and other facilities to quarantine individuals.”

Noting officials are still working out the logistics on how to bring individuals home, the health minister said he could not give a definite date on when those Bahamians will be returned to the country.

He said: “...We have to look holistically at all Bahamians and the appropriate timing of when they should come home.

“All of the countries in the region, as a matter of fact, all countries in the world are looking at how they can get their nationals back home to safety. It is not an immediate situation and not any particular circumstance is identical to others.

“So that process is ongoing and as we flesh it out, we are aware that people have already contacted our consulate and embassies and plans are starting to be made.

“…There are some significant logistics that still need to be ironed out, but our goal is to look out for the interest of Bahamians in the Bahamas.”

Last month, the government closed the country’s borders to all incoming commercial travellers, including Bahamians, who were stuck overseas.

Calling the situation “unfortunate” for those Bahamians who are unable to return home amid this health crisis, Dr Minnis had previously said it was “essential” for officials to close the country’s borders to prevent the further spread of the highly infectious disease.


Well_mudda_take_sic says...

>Sands said, "In keeping with the protocols of other countries, the government is finalising plans to secure a mandatory quarantine facility to accommodate the return of a number of Bahamians in the United States to New Providence.”

Perhaps Sands should explain why those Bahamians returning home will be treated differently from those who have already been required to quarantine themselves by self-isolation. Exactly why does our government need to finalise plans to secure a mandatory quarantine facility to accommodate the return of a number of Bahamians in the United States to New Providence?

What is it that makes the Bahamians returning home at any more risk of spreading covid-19 than those already here in the Bahamas who have been identified through contact tracing and told to self-isolate themselves in their own homes? I am not the least bit comforted when Sands says he's try to keep to "the protocols of other countries" (i.e. simply copy what other countreis may have done) rather than think for himself and concludes what's best in the particular case of our own country.

Sands cannot have it both ways. Either he puts everyone in a secure mandatory quarantine facilty who has been identified as being at risk of having had contact with a covid-19 infected person, or they all get sent home with orders to self-isolate themselves.

Bottom line: There cannot be an arbitrary determination of who must go to a mandatory quarantine facilty and who gets to self-isolate in their own home.

Posted 29 April 2020, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Castaway says...

I agree with this. Why are Bahamians that are known to have been in contact with a covid-19 patient be allowed to quarantine at home and those of us that are stranded abroad have to go into a mandatory quarantine facility in New Providence, guarded by the defense force. I am not from New Providence.

I am one of those Bahamians that is stranded in the United States. I have been in isolation for six weeks. All my grocery shopping is done online and the only individual that I have been in contact with during this time is my fiance. We cook all of our on meals and we have had no exposure to anyone else. There is no way that I am going to put myself at risk, getting on a charter flight with 200 individuals and then be put in a mandatory facility to be guarded by and have my meals prepared by strangers. How do I know that those individuals have not had contact with someone with Covid-19? This is absurd.

Bahamians should be allowed to return to their homes. We should be tested before we leave the United States and upon our arrival in the Bahamas. Once we have arrived in the Bahamas, we should be allowed to quarantine in our homes. Track us using an App and have the police or health officials check in with us on a daily basis, but do not treat us like we are criminals while others who are of known risk be allowed to have the freedom of being in their homes.

Posted 29 April 2020, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

pileit says...

100% reasonable....

Posted 30 April 2020, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...


it is a way they say "we have no clue about anything".

Now good luck in the Bahamas with borders closed eventually forever.

"Get your unique Bahamas experience and spend your vacations in our exclusive quarantine facility where you will be held at gun point for 2 weeks"

Sounds like a business model.

Posted 29 April 2020, 7:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Castaway says...

I agree with this. Why are Bahamians that are known to have been in contact with a covid-19 patient be allowed to quarantine at home and those of us that are stranded abroad have to go into a mandatory quarantine facility in New Providence, guarded by the defense force. I am not from New Providence.

I am one of those Bahamians that is stranded in the United States. I have been in isolation for six weeks. All my grocery shopping is done online and the only individual that I have been in contact with during this time is my fiance. We cook all of our on meals and we have had no exposure to anyone else. There is no way that I am going to put myself at risk, getting on a charter flight with 200 individuals and then be put in a mandatory facility to be guarded by and have my meals prepared by strangers. How do I know that those individuals have not had contact with someone with Covid-19? This is absurd.

Bahamians should be allowed to return to their homes. We should be tested before we leave the United States and upon our arrival in the Bahamas. Once we have arrived in the Bahamas, we should be allowed to quarantine in our homes. Track us using an App and have the police or health officials check in with us on a daily basis, but do not treat us like we are criminals while others who are of known risk be allowed to have the freedom of being in their homes.

Posted 29 April 2020, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Sands must admit. It is impossible to do any worse than he has done and continue
to do.

Posted 30 April 2020, 10:24 a.m. Suggest removal

pileit says...

bllsht Birdie, stop sowing blind partisan nonsense. The man is doing his best with the resources at his disposal, and in my opinion has demonstrated frankness, resolve, and authority few of us can match. I wish him well.

Posted 30 April 2020, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

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