Johnson’s warning on work permits


Tribune Staff Reporter

AMID economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Immigration Minister Elsworth Johnson said the government will not be issuing any new work permits, except under “urgent circumstances”.

Mr Johnson yesterday reiterated the government’s long-standing policy that qualified Bahamians who are available to do the work will be given first priority for any new job opportunities.

“We’re working, and I’ve spoken to the director of labour and the minister and we’re to work closely with them to ensure as the Immigration Act says that where there is not the expertise you bring persons in but where they are qualified, Bahamians – they get first chance,” he said.

“As I said earlier, we will only entertain new applications in urgent circumstances, but we encourage every employer, persons who want to employ persons, to ensure that those persons are in their country of origin.”

As it relates to work permit renewals, he said: “For renewals, we go through the process to see if there are any available Bahamians and we know in many cases, persons who have been laid off well if they could sustain themselves… but when that that contract of employment has come to an end we encourage the employers and we encourage employees to return to their country of origin.”

His comments came as COVID-19 cases continue to mount, with Mr Johnson revealing that some 30 immigration officers have tested positive for virus.

“We have no less than 30,” he told reporters when asked about the COVID-19 status of those workers. However, the minster refrained from providing further details into the cases but warned people to take the threat seriously. 

“Listen. You have frontline workers, you have police officers, you have nurses, this thing is dangerous. I’m not going to speak to the figures. But to the extent that you have to come out and put on these masks and be about, your life is at risk.

“This is not a joke and and why I’m so impassioned. How you know I wasn’t shell shocked when of the strongest of my father’s children went down. This is no game so we must listen to the medical experts who at themselves (are) trying their best in these difficult times.”

The minister was speaking about the death of his sister, Kim Johnson Rolle, who died from the illness back in April—the country’s first COVID-19 death.

“I’ve lost a sister so when you talk about in terms of cost, you’re talking about someone being dead,” he said. “That’s the ultimate cost that we’re having to pay in this and when people are irresponsible. And so, I want persons to take this very seriously.”

Mr Johnson also singled out opposition leader Phillip “Brave” Davis, warning him to act more responsibly.

The opposition party has heavily criticised the Minnis administration’s COVID-19 response since the start of the pandemic, often referencing its policies as being not “well thought out.”

Yesterday, Mr Johnson said this: “I want to say something for my cousin from Cat Island, Mr Davis. That he must be much more responsible. When I see the recklessness being demonstrated by the leader of opposition, it reminds of just prior to the election when they put up billboards (about the murder count). 

“COVID-19 is nothing to play with. It’s not that I’m saying that you must do away with the freedom of expression, conscience and all those different things, there’s away that you can be legitimately responsible, this about the lives of Bahamians. It’s not trifling.

“And if he wants something to do, let him consider how Cat Island has suffered over the years.”


shonkai says...

*we encourage employees to return to their country of origin*, Any ideas on how to get there?

Posted 5 August 2020, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Same creative way they got here

Posted 5 August 2020, 9:01 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Yep......I said creative ways

Posted 5 August 2020, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

So where were you guys before July 1st when the nation was pleading not to open the border without a viable plan? How come you guys are now realizing how serious this virus is, now that we are almost to 1000 cases, these are the things that should have been said to your leader before July 1st bro, now you all late again and we the people will suffer, and as for work permits when you guys open your mouths we only see lips moving and hear nothing coming out, the Mexicans on work permits are enough proof of you and your government's hot COVID-19 meaningless airbag talks.

Posted 5 August 2020, 8:51 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Spot on!

Posted 5 August 2020, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal


These people are so jokey

Posted 5 August 2020, 9:19 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

No, even worse than that. They are truly incompetent and directionless. And in the midst of the deadly Covid-19 pandemic, that makes them downright dangerous for the health and well being of all of us, including our businesses.

Posted 5 August 2020, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

tell_it_like_it_is says...

Blah... blah... now **every** situation will be an **urgent circumstance**. The government has already convinced me that they don't care about the plight of Bahamians. Now apparently, all Bahamians are dumb and don't have any specialized skills. <br/><br/>
I guess that's why so many go away to work when they are rejected by their own country. It's okay, keep hiring foreigners, give the contracts to foreigners, give the land away. <br/>
Y'all are right on point with the book - "How to destroy a country for Dummies". Keep it up!! SMH

Posted 5 August 2020, 9:39 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**It's true,** it's not just Mr. **Theodore** Minnis but the entire 34 House elected red coat MP's, who not only allowed him to do what he has done and to say kinds things he says, but they're lining up be's stepping forward to do as he does. **Case in point is their individual no shame hypocrisy** in acting as if they really do care for the **paycheques** the out islanders.... then explain the granting of **200 work permits to lower wages Mexican nationals** to fly into The Colony to work as general labourers. Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?

Posted 5 August 2020, 10:59 a.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

It has been at least 15 years where NEW work permit holders must apply from outside the country.

He said NOTHING about renewals. NOTHING. People will just renew.

Posted 5 August 2020, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Reread paragraph five

Posted 5 August 2020, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

What a great way to stop any businesses that need expatriate workers from opening. Absolute genius way to prevent the Bahamian economy from recovering. Why not close down all the foreign owned hotels as well?

Posted 5 August 2020, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Like @stillwaters above who's a diehard Minnis supporter, they just don't give a damn. But just wait until there's no more pay gravy to be had on the gravy train and all government sponsored pension schemes are totally wiped out....and that day is now not far off....the likes of @stillwaters will then be singing an entirely different tune.

Posted 5 August 2020, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

This makes no sense, one day the government says that we are open for business to foreign investors and the next day they close down everything and say no new work permit.

Posted 5 August 2020, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

Bahamians, Bahamians I hope everyone is paying attention it was reported in another tabloid (eyewitness news) our Minister of Immigration states that we can no longer afford to be repatriating illegal landing immigrants, so Bahamians if we can no longer send them back then we will not be the Bahamas for long, but Little Haiti and now by stating such a thing the D-average is letting Haiti feel like or think if they keep coming in we would be under pressure and will have problems sending them back and will have to let them stay. I hope the Bahamas is reading and watching and not have our eyes wide shut.

Posted 5 August 2020, 4:51 p.m. Suggest removal

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