‘Officers were collecting meals for inmates’



COMMISSIONER of Police Paul Rolle said yesterday that a restaurant that has been opened in the Golden Gates Shopping Plaza during lockdown is one of several servicing people in police custody, but it should not be selling food to members of the general public.

On Wednesday, The Tribune observed officers and regular customers patronising Getaway Restaurant and Lounge, which had been serving breakfast as well as lunch.

Asked about it on Thursday, Commissioner Rolle explained why officers were there and had been seen with bags of food.

He said the restaurant is opened and servicing people in police custody providing about 1,000 meals every day. Each person receives three meals a day.

“Restaurants are to remain closed,” he said. “The restaurants that are allowed open, and they are not to serve the members of the public, are those that we have requested to cook food for prisoners that are in custody.

“You would have seen some of that in the media, recently, well that was for the prisoners. That is what the officers were doing there. Collecting meals for the prisoners.”

The menu included fried pork chops, fried chicken, fish fingers either to be served with French fries or salad. Several dinners were also available. Liquor and other alcoholic beverages were also seen displayed on the restaurant’s wall.

Patrons on Wednesday included men and women of different age groups. Some of them happily left the bar with several plates of food wrapped in clear plastic bags, while others had nothing to disguise their purchase from shoppers on the busy street.

Earlier this month, Dr Minnis announced a strict “two-week minimum” lockdown in the country, closing all non-essential businesses and restaurants in an effort to curb the rapid spread of COVID-19.

No mention was made of restaurants that serve people in police custody.

Apart from new Emergency Powers Orders making it illegal to open restaurants, the Prime Minister specifically said in his August 3, 2020 national address that “there will be no curbside takeaway dining or retail” other than what was mentioned for hardware stores.

Under the orders, people are allowed to access grocery stores and water depots during the lockdown only three days a week.

The businesses are open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7am to 5pm for the general public and Saturdays from 7am to 1pm for essential workers only.


Lwells91 says...

I am sickened by this... As someone who has sampled the food at this particular restaurant and as someone who has spent time in prison I can assure you that this is certainly NOT THE TRUTH. If that restaurant feeds the prisoners they either A) NEED TO BE SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY FOR THE POOR QUALITY OF FOOD GIVEN TO HUMAN BEINGS. or B)NO WONDER CRIME SO HIGH IF YALL FEEDING THEM ALL THAT GOOD FOOD. When I was locked up (2018) we were told that the food was prepared by student chefs at the University of The Bahamas Campus and that is why the food was always hit or miss, late, or didn't arrive at all. I find it impossible that a restaurant could prepare thousands of meals for prisoners AND prison staff and still be able to serve normal patrons.
They really think that we Bahamians are DUMB, STUPID, RETARDED or a combination of all three. What we do not lack is common sense, we are tired of being lied to and treated like animals in our "own" country.

Posted 14 August 2020, 7:48 a.m. Suggest removal

jujutreeclub says...

@LWells91. Not food for incarcerated inmates (prisoners) but those who are in police custody.You are use to that mystery meat etc while lockdown in jail. You need to read to comprehend rather than to respond. Just read it again.

Posted 14 August 2020, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Lwells91 says...

Before one is sent to the BDCS they are held in police custody...Mr. Rolle himself stated that those foods were being picked up for prisoners...so I'm trying to see what exactly I don't comprehend?

Posted 14 August 2020, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I thought the same as @wells. This is almost preposterous. How could the restaurant have been given permission to prepare meals for persins in jail with police officers walking past members of the public also purchasing food? It does seem like certain people are being given the ability to operate monopolies during the pandemic.

Posted 14 August 2020, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

" You would have seen", or saw ? Our politicians, news people, lawyers and police personnel like to sound sophisticated . This is Past Participle , you" should have used ", the Past Tense.

Posted 14 August 2020, 8 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

This clears most of it up.

The story doesn't say why they didn't do anything regarding the non-police in there, or what they intend to do about it. The story also doesn't say if they went through the formality of getting an explicit exemption by the competent authority.

If they do have an explicit exemption from the competent authority, then the question would be why when the officers go there they don't enforce the fact that they are only allowed to the service to the police.

Posted 14 August 2020, 8 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

How could the police collect meals from a business that should have been closed due to lock down orders UNLESS they knew in advance that the business would be open?

Who is the owner of the business and what evidence is there that advance permission was given for this apparent violation of lock-down orders?

Lastly one would think that if orders were for inmates there would be one large order with one or two persons to pick up, not prison room service style food deliveries with multiple police officers picking up one or two orders only!!

Posted 14 August 2020, 8:34 a.m. Suggest removal

jujutreeclub says...

@joeblow. You need to read to comprehend and not to just respond. Read it again.

Posted 14 August 2020, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... I read it, but I don't believe him! This sounds like a cover up!
I ask again why is one police picking up one meal for one inmate instead of 20, 30 or 50 meals as one would expect if the statement was true?

Posted 14 August 2020, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

jujutreeclub says...

These are not inmates that is housed at BDOCS, but for you, if they picked you up this morning for an infraction. BDOCS inmates kitchen supplies food for the inmates daily.

Posted 14 August 2020, 2:21 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... thanks for clarity, I should have said prisoner, not inmate, but that distinction still does not answer the question!

Posted 14 August 2020, 7:52 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

If the prisoners had any sense & if this story is true (they’re great at spinning, saving face, etc) they should probably go on a hunger strike instead. The citizens of this country have a bad habit of disrespecting ‘unworthy’ sources of cash (while forgetting it’s helping to pay their bills). I can picture ‘subtle-spraying’ taking place during the preparation of meals (who would know?).

Posted 14 August 2020, 9:34 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

The prisoners have sense they eating better than most people right now!

Posted 14 August 2020, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal

jujutreeclub says...

COMMISSIONER of Police Paul Rolle said yesterday that a restaurant that has been opened in the Golden Gates Shopping Plaza during lockdown is one of several servicing people in police custody. Why would they go on a hunger strike if they are being fed by the inmates kitchen at the prison. You all need to read to comprehend and not just to respond. He never said that the food was for inmates at BDOCS, but those people who the police arrested and are in their custody. READ BAHAMAS READ

Posted 14 August 2020, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Lwells91 says...

**IT'S JUST LIES**...As someone who has sampled the food from this particular establishment as well as someone who has been incarcerated, I will tell you that WE DID NOT HAVE OUR FOOD PREPARED BY A RESTAURANT. When I was locked up (2018) we were told that our food was prepared by student chefs at The University of The Bahamas campus and that was why it was either hit or miss, late or didn't arrive at all. Now you're trying to tell the Bahamian people that this little restaurant tucked away in the corner of the Golden Gates Shopping centre is responsible for preparing THOUSANDS of meals a day for prisoners (and staff) as well as being able to serve normal patrons. We may lack many things as Bahamians but we do not lack common sense. And the fact that the Commissioner of Police came out and said this blatant lie speaks volumes as to how they view the average Bahamian citizen.

Posted 14 August 2020, 10:40 a.m. Suggest removal

alfalfa says...

Find it hard to believe this explanation. If making food for prisoners, the store should stay locked until pickup time. And then open for admittance of those collecting meals for delivery. Your report describes a restaurant open to the public for business.

Posted 14 August 2020, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

This appears to be a lie to say the least. If you have a business that is catering to people in custody, they can prepare the meals and deliver them or like another person posted, an officer or officers could go there to collect. This appears to be a clear violation that the Commissioner wants to spin as an approved business providing a needed service. Also, to further evidence it's more than likely a lie, why would members of the public be allowed in to patronized? Wouldn't the sign on the door say, "Closed" and the establishment be locked and only thr police who will pick up know that they are open for their pickup and the business will only let them in. This is very basic. If the Commissioner believes wants to continue with this story, then he should step down because either he is dishonest or incompetent.

Posted 14 August 2020, 11:14 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Rolle is lying through his teeth, period!

Notice how he offers no explanation for how The Tribune's staff reporters on the scene were able to enjoy the cuisine at the Getaway Restaurant and Lounge along with other customers present at the time of their visit without any risk of being arrested or charged for defying the supreme ruler's orders by any of the police officers also present.

And to think Rolle really expects us to believe his police officers weren't enjoying the occasional 'pork chop special' offered by the Getaway Restaurant and Lounge. Please, give me a break!

Rolle has just cemented his reputation as someone who is most unfit to be police commissioner and should not be trusted under any circumstance. End of story!

Posted 14 August 2020, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**At-risk operating under the assumption that the Chief Royal Constabulary's arithmetic is accurate** wouldn't it translate into a whopping **333** individuals were in the **Central Authorities** jails lockups on the day the Tribune's reporter captured what they perceived to be an illegal meal transaction occurring...and, how many the **333** were in jails lockup, accused beaching Mr. **Theodore** Minnis's emergency laws?
Comrades, we're not talking about feeding inmates up at Fox Hill Prison, right, and **precisely,** what does **999** daily meals cost the PopoulacesPurse. and **having seen the tummies of many the constabulary,** where's proof of all meals being downed by non- constabulary tummies?
Just couldn't make this stuff up. Just **couldn't.** Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?

Posted 14 August 2020, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

It is well-known that police cover for each other, but this beats all. What a WONDERFUL example THIS Commissioner of Police sets. Where DO they find them?😂🤣😂

Posted 14 August 2020, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

These explanations are tickling me pink. Each station has a lock-up cell. I remember central downtown Nassau could have anywhere for up to 20 or more prisoners. Southern Police Station was the same way. If you had noticed no plane is moving now to Nassau, so those who are convicted stay in the cell at the station. Then there are those who when to court and cannot get bail for whatever reasons, these are there as well... then there are those who just got arrested...all need to eat, 3 times a day... our taxpayers' money feed thm.. so I buy Paul Rolle explanation. I collected prisoners' meals a million times back in the day... Not sure why other persons are there buying food though.

Posted 14 August 2020, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

trueBahamian says...

So, in short you think he is lying. A pickup could be valid but done in this manner suggests the business is completely open. Like I said in a prior post, a simple "Closed" sign and a locked door fixes this story. The people don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out he's lying.

Posted 14 August 2020, 6:30 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

If you people honestly believe that they are providing pork chops, chicken and fish fingers for suspects in custody then I guess you can bullshit people all of the time.
I can’t help but think of that old saying, “when you dumb, you dangerous”
The Commissioner of Police should hang his head and offer his resignation for such a ridiculous response.
This country is really in the toilet now and the stuff in the bowl is now rapidly circulating.

Posted 14 August 2020, 7:16 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

The man should step down immediately. He will have no credibility from this point forward, not that he did in the first place. He and his Minister should do a hand-holding exit to the tune of 'Later For You'!😂🤣😂

Posted 14 August 2020, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Government's Official VAT Register shows the Taxpayer Identification Number for the Getaway Restaurant & Lounge (TIN # 100049134) is registered to Mrs Angela Camille Johnson.

Posted 15 August 2020, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal

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