EDITORIAL: Not the end of COVID-19 yet - but a landmark day

IT was a landmark day yesterday in the UK. The British government dubbed it ‘V-day’, or vaccination day, and the first person to receive the approved Pfizer vaccine against COVID-19 was a 90-year-old Northern Irish woman.

The second, amusingly, was a man by the name of William Shakespeare, leading to social media dubbing the day “The Taming of the Flu”. COVID-19 is worse than the flu, of course, but we’ll take the smiles where we can get them this year.

As we watch from afar, the thought turns to when will we get our vaccines?

The UK has been the first out of the gate to approve one of the major vaccine candidates – although Russia and China both have their own vaccines they have started administering. Scientists further afield say neither of those countries have finished the late-stage trials considered essential in vaccine testing.

The Pfizer vaccine might be the one we get – but there are others, from companies such as Moderna and AstraZeneca. Not all vaccines are the same – some for example require extra freezer equipment. The Pfizer vaccine has to be kept at minus 80 degrees. Another, being worked on by teams in Oxford, England, can be stored at much warmer temperatures. That might be a consideration in rolling out to the Family Islands and locations which might not have facilities ready to store vaccines.

Health Minister Renward Wells said yesterday that The Bahamas is waiting for the World Health Organisation to approve which vaccine we are likely to receive. We have put down our downpayment of $250,000, and will pay $1.6m, with us in line to receive 80,000 doses.

Those 80,000 doses of course will not be enough – but they will be a start. Those doses might need two injections per person, so they might treat just 40,000 people, or about a tenth of the country. To truly stop the virus, we will need more people with immunity than that.

Who will get those? We hope that list has been made clear already. Healthcare workers and those who are vulnerable ought to be at the top. The essential workers who have kept our country going ought to get the jab so they can keep it going.

Yesterday was a landmark day, but it was not the end. Rather, it is the start of the end. It’s up to us all now to see it through.

Long-lasting effects

For many, thinking about COVID-19 has been a matter of life and death. There has been genuine fear over the number of deaths that the virus causes – and rightly so.

But survival does not necessarily mean a full recovery, or a quick one.

For Henry Dean, his struggles with COVID-19 have been going on for two months, and long past the time he recovered from the virus itself.

In its wake, it left him fighting to breathe normally. He says how even now, weeks later, he is only 90 percent recovered to his previous fitness, and is still regaining strength in his limbs.

Elsewhere, people have described long-term symptoms such as headaches, depression, brain fog, a pounding heart and more. In Tuesday’s Tribune, our health columnist, Dr Greggory Pinto, detailed studies suggesting it could lead to male infertility.

So when we talk about the battle against COVID-19, it’s not only the mortality rate that we face, but the lingering aftermath for so many.

There is so much we still have to learn about how this virus affects people – so don’t take a chance. Be safe. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Keep your distance. Why risk it?


DDK says...

Ttibune, do you have shares in Pfizer? What a global scam!

Posted 9 December 2020, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

It was a landmark day that they are coercing everyone to take the vaccine because they know the COVID-19 virus is about to disappear. So they will credit it to the many concoctions of ‘vaccines’they have circulating and the pharmaceutical companies will take in billions... annually! Damn crooks!!And now there is talk about a’vaccine passport.’ Where you will not be allowed to travel or attend public events unless you take the vaccine.

Posted 9 December 2020, 8:08 p.m. Suggest removal

FrustratedBusinessman says...


That is soon to be forcing, you will soon see many of these nations pass mandatory vaccination laws. We need to learn from the example of Denmark, their loony government was all aboard the mandatory vaccination train until enough people banged outside of their parliament with pots and pans until they reconsidered.

Posted 9 December 2020, 10:22 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Yes, parts of Brazil has already made the vaccine mandatory even though they haven’t decided yet which vaccine they will use. And since the rest of the population will not be allowed to participate in commerce (buy or sell) unless they have not just the vaccine, but a vaccine passport that is up-to-date, yes it will be mandatory. BTW two persons taking the Oxford vaccine have become gravely ill. And Oxford is now saying people with pree-existing conditions, like diabetes or hypertension, should not take the vaccine. Doesn’t that point directly to a specific portion of the world population?

Posted 10 December 2020, 6:43 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

I guess The Tribune's editorial staff didn't hear about the half-dozen or so Brits who suffered near fatal reactions and had to be hospitalized shortly after receiving the vaccine yesterday. This is what happens when science is rushed at 'warp speed' to seize the moment of a crisis to make great profits.

Posted 10 December 2020, 10:15 a.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

C'mon man, stop posting this shite will you !!. It was 2 (two) NHS nurses who had an allergic reaction at the injection site on their arm. Both had a lifetime history of serious allergic reactions to all sorts of things. Both were treated with antihistamines and the rash & swelling at the injection site was gone in a few hours. This is an entirely normal reaction for people with serious allergies.

Posted 10 December 2020, 5:33 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

More than 2 and counting!

Posted 11 December 2020, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

And, there will doubtless be many more who suffer allergic reactions. BUT there will millions if not billions (that's with a 'B'', as you like to say), that will be immune from COVID and able to get their lives, jobs etc. back to some sort of normalcy.
Your sensationalizing of events by using "near fatal" and "hospitalized" etc, just goes to show how your mind actually works.

Posted 11 December 2020, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

tom1912 says...

The facts are that they were not near fatal and that each person concerned had several alleges and recovered quickly!

Posted 10 December 2020, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

I don't think the Bahamas government can manage the Pfizer vaccine. 100 below zero? That aint easy. Better to get vaccines that can be shipped in normal refrigerated containers. We'd need specialized containers and storage. No need for that if the other vaccines are effective...

Posted 10 December 2020, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

And God only knows what happens to you if you get injected with a dose of the warped speed developed vaccine that wasn't properly kept frozen. Scary!

Posted 11 December 2020, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

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