EDITORIAL: Let’s be serious, Dr Sands

Dr Duane Sands made us raise an eyebrow with his comments reported in today’s Tribune.

When it comes to the vaccine for COVID-19, he says, The Bahamas should conduct its own independent investigation.

With respect, Dr Sands, who will be doing that investigation?

Across the world, the progress of COVID-19 vaccine development has been keenly watched. It is indeed remarkable that we have shown such speed in developing a vaccine – in fact, more than one vaccine, with several now either in use or awaiting final approval.

Yesterday, the first person in the United States received the vaccine, and the United Kingdom started vaccinations last week.

Each vaccine goes through a lengthy process of trials and approval, with the US leaning on the expertise of such bodies as the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control, while internationally organisations such as the World Health Organisation and the Pan-American Health Organisation have been monitoring trials and progress of the various vaccines with a view to assisting nations to obtain them and administer them safely.

So with all due respect to Dr Sands, who in The Bahamas is going to conduct an investigation to more stringent standards than the health bodies addressing the needs of the world and of some of the world’s most advanced nations?

Dr Sands went on to say there is, of course, no long-term data for the effects of this new drug on the market. “So, what happens at three months,” he asks, “or six months or a year or even five years?”

We very sincerely doubt that we’re going to be waiting for five years to see the effects on the rest of the world before The Bahamas takes the jab too.

There are genuine concerns that Dr Sands raises too – such as funding and storage, and dispelling the foolish conspiracy theories that get pushed on social media by people who don’t know better or should know better and still want to harm people.

So let’s not pretend we’re going to outshine the brightest scientific minds in the best-equipped labs of the world and discover something everyone else has overlooked. When the vaccine is available, we want it – so our country can start getting back to a normality we have all missed.

Pantomime villain

If it wasn’t so serious, it would be funny – but every day since the US election, it seems President Donald Trump has insisted he has won, only for him to suffer another defeat in a recount, a court loss or some other quirk of the process.

It’s perhaps fitting for what would be pantomime season over in the UK, a very silly kind of stage play where the audience joins in, with Trump loudly declaring “I AM THE PRESIDENT!” only to be met with a chorus from the audience of “OH NO YOU’RE NOT!”

“ELECTION FRAUD!” he declares. “OH NO THERE ISN’T,” comes the reply.

“WE WILL WIN!” he tweets. “OH NO YOU WON’T,” Twitter users answer back.

Even as Joe Biden won the votes of the electoral college yesterday confirming his presidency, Trump’s allies were out talking about overturning the will of the people with “alternate electors” casting votes for Trump instead. It’s all nonsense, and the sight of Attorney General Bill Barr handing in his resignation yesterday and slinking out of the administration confirms that.

But do you think that’ll keep Trump silent? Do you think he might tweet about it? Oh yes he will!


tribanon says...

The Tribune's editorial staff must be joking when they say these so called vaccines have gone *"through a lengthy process of trials"*. How could that possibly be the case when they were developed at such great **warp speed**?

There's a lot of very greedy 'corporate evil' out there, especially in the bio-tech engineering segment of big pharma. I for one don't want to be the sharp needle end of anyone wanting to send instructions (codes) to my DNA to manipulate it into producing proteins in an extraorordinarily complex process that has not been tested over a long period of time in many different scenarios. That's just me.

Posted 15 December 2020, 5:36 p.m. Suggest removal

KapunkleUp says...

Something just occurred to me... you would make a great Minister of Health. We would all be wrapped up in bubble wrap, wear tin foil hats, attend mandatory daily conspiracy meetings (in person of course because Zoom would be monitored by THE EVIL PEOPLE) and would only be allowed leeches for medicine. Sir, you have my vote!

Posted 15 December 2020, 5:49 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

No need to worry....there will always be the D- educated clamouring to the front of line for their jab. Government and big pharma are banking on it. lol

Posted 15 December 2020, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Thats your right of course but just in case you were unfortunate to catch Covid I assume you will forfeit your right to hospital treatment.

Posted 16 December 2020, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

tetelestai says...

As always, with all of your hot air you miss the point.
Can you, respectfully, advise who will conduct this independent investigation that the buffon Duane Sands is calling for?
I am all ears.

Posted 16 December 2020, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

If the vaccines are so safe why were the companies that produced them indemnified? You know what that's called? A moral hazard. Of course I have no problem if you feel like being a Guinea Pig, just don't force me to join you. You trust those "bright minds" all you want, maybe look up the Tuskegee Experiments aka "Tuskegee Syphilis Study" and see what blindly trusting authority gets you. Bill Gates, the unelected overlord of vaccines, comes from a family of eugenicists who believe in depopulation and abortion, especially targeting blacks. You people know **nothing** really.

The World Health Organization is a joke, they're in the pocket of China and Bill Gates. They had one job, to stop the spread of pandemics like this. But when the virus was going wild in China and Trump said to shut off travel, the WHO said that was "racist". That's who you listen to?

Posted 15 December 2020, 6:31 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Trump didn't do us any favours. If he had acted early there may have not been a need to order a travel ban. And the way he did it caused global panic. As we've seen from early 2020 Fear and Panic are greater threats than the virus itself.

Posted 16 December 2020, 3:41 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

When Trump was saying to shut down travel from China it was early! The only reason Trump didn't act early is because he was listening to the WHO, which was more concerned about "racism" than stopping a pandemic. The fake news media and democrats were saying he's racist against Asians and Pelosi and co. went to dance in the streets in China Town. The WHO lied and covered up for China, which is the real criminal enterprise. That's why Trump cut off funding to the WHO, they're useless. Trump was the only one trying to make the right choice and got attacked for it. Completely ridiculous.

Posted 16 December 2020, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal

tetelestai says...

Sigh, Godspeed, dont be daft. Indemnification is typically standard for firms developing vaccines. This is so elementary that the fact that you asked this question lets me know that you are either an idiot or intentionally spreading false info.
If you care to be educated, rather than wallow in your own stupidity, then you can look up no fewer than 15....FIFTEEN reports that explain why indemnification is necessary in developing vaccines.
If your litmus test is that vaccines have to be perfect - i.e. no side effects - then noone would develop drugs, because of fear of litigation. That, of course, is not the outcome we are seeking.

Posted 16 December 2020, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

lol do you understand what a moral hazard is? You think that vaccine companies being indemnified is a GOOD THING? 🤣...Jesus....WAKE UPPPPPP! You believe in authority that much that you will put your body on the line for these sickos who only want to make a profit off you useless eaters? It's like the destiny of mankind is to be enslaved, my God. Bill Gates and the people like him wants you dead, they say so themselves, don't you don't get that? They believe in depopulation, this is documented, look it up! Why would anyone who believes in decreasing the human population want to help you live longer? You think these fake news media companies in the US are your friends and have any credibility whatsoever?? The same news companies that pushed WMDs in Iraq? THINK. They're LYING to you.

Posted 16 December 2020, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Aren't gun manufacturers also indemnified?

Also, wasn't it Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld who pushed the WMD's in Iraq, and not the media?

Posted 16 December 2020, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

A lot of those bright minds are on the take, Tribune. Get a grip! Whose pocket are YOU in???

Posted 15 December 2020, 6:33 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I'm wondering the same. Its very weird. Dr Sands gave very cogent advice. Simply don't rush this vaccine thing. We have too much evidence of drugs that go through even stricter trials that eventually have to be pulled

Posted 15 December 2020, 9:20 p.m. Suggest removal

tetelestai says...

His advice was specious. Who will this backward 3rd world Bahamas get to conduct imdependent research and analysis of this vaccine? Notice Sands the idiot nevet proffered any suggestions?
Sands is a political has been that never was who is throwing crap to the ceiling and hoping something sticks.

Posted 16 December 2020, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

tetelestai says...

You havent answered the Tribune's question, though. Who will we get to conduct this independent investigation that will be more robust than WHO?
Please answer that.

Posted 16 December 2020, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Tribune, with all due respect, perhaps YOU should be serious and take the time to properly study the criteria for the development of vaccines before blindly jumping on Big Pharma's latest and, perhaps deadliest, cash cow.

Posted 15 December 2020, 6:50 p.m. Suggest removal

tetelestai says...

Enlighten us, Dr. DDK, since you are so wise. Please let us know, in very simple terms, because I have a "D" average, how the development of this COVID vaccine was compromised.
If you lack the time because you are traversing the health world conducting seminars, then an internet link would suffice.
I appreciate you educating us D average Bahamians. Thank you!

Posted 16 December 2020, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

From time to time throughout history there come topics which are simply off limits to sensible discussion. Some are even not allowed to be discussed or debated in any way. Covid is one of them and is the most recent member to join the following list of OFF-LIMITS discussions, in reverse date order. It is simply impossible to discuss these topics sanely because everyone has already made up their mind (one way or the other) and is not open to consideration of any kind.

2020 Election Fraud (2020)
Covid-19 (2020)
The Sale of Uranium via Hillary Clinton's approval (2010)
9-11 Twin Towers attack (2001)
Kennedy Assassination (1963)
The Holocaust (1938-1945)
The Creation of the Federal Reserve (1913)

Posted 15 December 2020, 11:28 p.m. Suggest removal

tetelestai says...

Nonsense. Academic reports, well-intentioned unbiased documentaries, indeed people have PhDs based on their robust independent review and analysos of independent facts on topics.such as Kennwdy, Twin Towers, Holocaust. These are routinely discussed in the public domain.

People just like to believe in and wax nonsensically about theories, conjecture and conspiracies. Makes us sound all intelligent in comment boards and stuff.

Posted 16 December 2020, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

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