VIDEO: Burglars target eastern estates


Tribune Staff Reporter

RESIDENTS in eastern gated communities have had their sense of safety disrupted by a string of home burglaries. 

Chief Superintendent of Police Perry Clarke, officer-in-charge of the Elizabeth Estates Police Station, said police are investigating after several complaints were reported by residents in Palm Cay and Treasure Cove.

“The amazing part is these are gated communities with 24-hour security services engaged and yet these things still go on. That’s the puzzling thing about it to tell you the truth,” he said yesterday.

A resident of Port New Providence told The Tribune his community has been affected as well.

The criminal acts began when thieves stole money from unoccupied cars, he said, and has evolved into robbers stealing valuables from unlocked homes, including as much as $2,000 in one case.

The resident said the burglaries are unprecedented. Residents, he said, were initially warned about heightened criminal activity in the Sandy Port area, which is in western New Providence, before the crimes in the eastern area took off.

Surveillance videos obtained by The Tribune show thieves in action in both the Sandy Port and eastern gated communities.

In one case, a man with tattoos on his forearms is seen closely examining his surroundings and peering into a home. The burglars have their faces covered.

Residents suspect the thieves are gaining entry into their communities from the sea area.

“We’ve heard that rumour about the seaside arrivals but that can’t be substantiated just now,” CSP Clarke said.

Said the Port New Providence resident: “These people always seem to come between one and four in the morning. They check if patio doors are open and then steal things like cash and valuables that they could easily get rid off. They look very comfortable in all the videos we’ve had, like they’re familiar with their surroundings, like they’ve been there before, perhaps to do landscaping work or who knows. They’re awfully confident about knowing what’s going on. It seems like a very coordinated thing and it’s the same group of people. We’ve never had this kind of issue with crime. Port New Providence always seemed to be the one with the least incidences. We had one or two robberies in the last 15 years that were very coordinated and targeted attacks, but nothing of this level. People are getting very antsy, especially with this cool weather––everyone is scared to leave anything open.”


Porcupine says...

"The amazing part is these are gated communities with 24-hour security services engaged and yet these things still go on. That’s the puzzling thing about it to tell you the truth,” Chief Superintendent of Police said yesterday.

Posted 5 February 2020, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Greentea says...

Doesn't make you feel safe does it? Chief Superintendent of Police? Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

Posted 5 February 2020, 5:16 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*In one case, a man **with tattoos on his forearms** is seen closely examining his surroundings and peering into a home. The burglars have their **faces covered***"

I hope he uses the money for that new laser tatoo removal service

Posted 5 February 2020, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Now that's one dumb white Bahamian with a very distinquishing tattoo on his left forearm! Chances are he lives with his parent(s) in one of the gated communities targeted by these criminals. LMAO

Posted 5 February 2020, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal says...

. You need potcakes, we have three potcakes, the noise they make when they get disturbed would scare the devil into not even trying to enter, no way to get near them to shoot them, they are all over the house. I would never be able to sleep at night without the dogs, they do take some work, but it is worth it, they love you and will defend you unconditionally, wish more people would take time to get to know the nature of dogs, they can be an invaluable friend just when you need it, through thick and thin. Please go to BHS and give a loving pup a chance to share your home, he will have your back at all times, take more than one, while one attacks the other gets him from the back, they won't back down.

Posted 5 February 2020, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal says...

You need potcakes, we have three potcakes, the noise they make when they get disturbed would scare the devil into not even trying to enter, no way to get near them to shoot them, they are all over the house. I would never be able to sleep at night without the dogs, they do take some work, but it is worth it, they love you and will defend you unconditionally, wish more people would take time to get to know the nature of dogs, they can be an invaluable friend just when you need it, through thick and thin. Please go to BHS and give a loving pup a chance to share your home, he will have your back at all times, take more than one, while one attacks the other gets him from the back, they won't back down.

Posted 5 February 2020, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

So white folks doing robberies now

Posted 5 February 2020, 3:07 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

the dog say it ruff

Posted 5 February 2020, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

dey hain takin no gubmint jobs......

Posted 6 February 2020, 4:36 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

"The amazing part is that these are gated communities with 24 hour security engaged and yet these things still go on. That's the puzzling thing about it to tell you the truth." by Chief Superindentent of Police.

Frankly this seems to be going on all this time because the police have PROFILED BLACK TEENAGERS AS CRIMINALS the crooks and tiefs dats why dey never did pick up on whats going on.!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crooks, vagrants, jonsers, dopeheads, dope smugglers, murderers, tiefs, swindlers, electricity tiefs, real estate swindlers, profilic sweethearts, scumbags, wutless scum come in all other colours..!!!!!!! Amazing the culprit in the video just listed as a "man"

Posted 5 February 2020, 6:35 p.m. Suggest removal

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