Pelosi a hypocrite

EDITOR, The Tribune

Since Donald Trump became President he has not received a lot of benefits from the Liberal Media. It has been a constant barrage of negatives comments by almost every TV News Anchor from Norah O’ Donnell, Lester Holt and even people like F Chuck Todd and even George Stephanopoulos.

Why is it that he has taken it on the chin day after day and night after night by these people who are supposed to represent both sides of politics on a television station? Even newspapers like the New York Times and other newspapers have not given him even the right time of the day.

Last night’s speech President Trump tried to inform those who listened of his accomplishments, of which there were many from the economy, the stock market rising and rising, real GDP (the Gross domestic product) has grown, medium income has risen too. And he gave a big tax benefit for most people.

He increased spending for the Armed Forces and even increased benefits in many ways to Veterans, in pay, housing and family aid. He is quoted that he will increase money for Social Security. Eliminated many people from welfare, and even wages have increased for blue collar workers and increased more manufacturing jobs in America.

He stopped the excessive immigration for most peoples from crossing our Southern Boarder, and is now completing building the Wall to restrict people from entering illegally.

Listening to his speech, I felt he tried to bring out what he was trying to do for the country, even though he has been criticised from the Media, to newspaper coverage, and not only the TV anchors, but those that were a part of the TV team anchors from NBC, CBS, ABC, etc. After his speech, I listened to the TV anchors and I did not hear “ONE” good comment that he did that was to them exceptional after spending over an hour telling what he did for the country. I felt that even if he raised a person from the dead, these people would say that the person was never dead to begin with.

Pelosi, said that she prays for him every day, are those just words or does she really pray for President Trump. By ripping up his speech he gave last night gave me the impression that she is a hypocrite. Was this a real appearance of a false expression? I felt she was not the only hypocrite in the chamber.



February 5, 2020.


Porcupine says...

Never a more misguided people than those who think trump is a decent human being, let alone not the greatest threat to peace, law and order, democracy and the state of the planet this world has seen. Such a sad, sad state that after showing himself to be an unstable childish megalomaniac time after time on the world stage, there are still people so lost in their morals and standards for elected office that he remains in office. This is the direction the US and other misguided peoples are now taking, by true virtue in the lack of education about who actually controls the world and why they seek the authoritarians in our midst to save us. Sad. truly sad.

Posted 7 February 2020, 5:30 a.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

I could not have said it better myself, Mr. Olivero suffers from TDS, that's Trump Delusional Syndrome!

Posted 7 February 2020, 6:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Farren says...

...what do you suffer from? to make the comment you made clearly underlines you are not in your full-faculties; you don't know diddly-squat about the USA. mind your business and pay attention to your country's government corruption and relentless murders. 👎

Posted 7 February 2020, 8:03 a.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

Wake up and smell the coffee. I am sure that you must suffer from TDS as well as you are certainly delusional. Don't be making comments about something you obviously know nothing about. You are right about the U.S. corruption and relentless murders where everyday is a "gun fight at the OK corral." Oh and by the way, I am a U,S, citizen who has lived here all my life except for a 9 year stint living in the Bahamas.

Posted 7 February 2020, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

sweptaway says...

Posted 7 February 2020, 7:54 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

The agenda of the Democrats was to destroy Trump and for the past three years every effort has failed. Meanwhile unemployment in the US is at all time low, consumer spending is up, the stock market is optimistic of future economic growth, Blacks have done better under a Trump economy than they did under Obama, illegal immigration is down, decreased regulations have spurred economic growth and the list goes on.

People may not like Trump as a person, but results can't be argued with. MInnis has been in office almost as long as Trump, what has he accomplished in virtually the same period of time?

Posted 7 February 2020, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

Well put!

Posted 7 February 2020, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

Trump and his family represent the most corrupt administration in U.S. history! Trump is a racist pig whose ego proceeds him in everything that he does. More than 80% of Black American voters think that Trump is a racist and they can't all be wrong. Trump loves dictators and would like to become the U.S.'s first dictator. He hates the countries that have been U.S. allies for decades. He likes Kim Jung Young of North Korea who spends money on making bombs while his people starve to death. Trump thinks that the KKK and American skin heads and nationalists are the "good people!" Trump is the worlds biggest liar.
We are still waiting for Mexico to pay for the wall, you know the wall that the wind can blow down and the Mexicans can tunnel underneath or even climb over. He is spending billions on this stupid wall taking money from the defense budget. Trump is trying to take away Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech among other things. Trump is loved by the religious perverts who ignore his lies, his divorces and his sexual harassment of women with his "grab them by the pu$$y" statement. So much for what religion will do for you!

Trump's party, the GOP, is a party of the lawless who ignore The U.S. Constitution and always put their political party before their country. Trump honors people like Rush Limpballs, a racist right-wing nut job whose talk show is all about the crap that he pulls out of his behind, the real "fake news." The U.S. economy is still doing well, for now, because of Obama. Trump won't even reveal his tax returns probably because he is NOT a billionaire like he claims to be. Just another lie. Trump rules the U.S. by Tweet because he does NOT do well holding press conferences and constantly mispronounces words and frequently speaks in garbled sentences. Trump is part of the crazy world that we live in which seems to effect many leaders including Bahamian Prime Minister Minnus.

The U.S. has the largest deficit since WW2 and the highest deficit in its history as a percentage of the GDP. So much for so-called "fiscal responsibility" which is propaganda claimed by the Republican party. I predict that Trump will win re-election this year because this election will be fixed. The U.S. as a so-called democratic nation will be finished as a republic and Trump will be crowned as its new king and whatever is left of a once great America will be finished as the lawless Republicans will prevail. Trump will become a pox on the human race!

Posted 7 February 2020, 3 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

… well won't you be disappointed when he is re-elected with a larger percentage of black votes in November 2020!! Opinions never trump facts!!

Posted 7 February 2020, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

How can it be "factual" before it actually happens? At least I am NOT claiming that my prediction is in anyway factual! Get real!

Posted 8 February 2020, 8:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Right on all of it.

Posted 7 February 2020, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

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