Companies urge homeowners to invest in alarms


SECURITY companies in New Providence are urging homeowners to invest in alarm systems as a first line of defence against criminals in view of concerns over a perceived increase in home invasions.

With reports of armed robberies, burglaries and recently a break-in at former Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes' home, it appears there is a need now for the residential security feature.

Kostedde Williams, Managing Director at Pro-Tech Security and Alarms Services, told The Tribune that he'd seen a steady increase over the years.

“In 2019, (it) went up about eight percent, which was a steady increase versus 2018,” Mr Williams said. “(In) 2020 the first few months, we’ve already surpassed our totals for last year January and even this month already we will surpass our totals for last year February. So, more people are engaging in purchasing alarm systems.”

However, another security firm – Sure Alarm Systems – said it experienced a decline since 2015.

The company’s Office Manager Candy Weatherford, attributed the decrease for alarm systems to the rollout of Value Added Tax (VAT) in 2015 as it “took a huge bite out of people spending money on alarms”.

“I think coming into it everyone was afraid of the impact it would make, you know, on their bottom line so you saw the decrease. So I’d say from 2015, we’ve seen a decrease.”

“They’re making wiser choices with their money and how they’re spending it and we are seeing an increase now in alarm installations and crime has become, you know, gotten worse so that has played a factor in the increase.”

Ms Weatherford emphasised that an alarm does not ensure that a break-in will not occur but is a deterrent and a warning for people. She encouraged consumers to shop wisely when buying alarm systems as some companies sell “Chinese knock-offs” with the parts which are hard to find and only available where the device was purchased. She also warned about security companies with hidden fees and not having set prices up front.

Another measure Ms Weatherford suggested was purchasing outdoor lights – energy saving LED or motion sensitive – so that neighbours can see if an intruder is at the door.

Winston Sweeting, a locksmith at Harding Security, advised installing cameras, home alarm systems, strong locks, gates, and fences as the first line of defence against robbers.

He said: “Adding these things or increasing the level of security on these things usually stops them at step one, which is the deterrent. If you have somebody that could see that and is still willing try then (your) camera system should be able to see. You’d be able to see them from afar and monitor them whether you’re at work or home – anywhere once you’re on your phone you could see it happening in real-time.”

While the cost of an alarm maybe a turn-off, Mr Williams underpinned the value of investing in a security system.

“When we build a home, you know, pretty much that’s one of the single greatest investments,” he explained. “We store our family and valuables in there and I think just like a bank - banks secure their money because they know that's valuable. So, they do all the security measures that is needed to protect it and I think we should do the same thing for our homes. We should look at it as a very valuable place even though it has a price and it could be costly. To go through these dramatic events that could happen and what we’re reading in the papers is even a whole lot more costly.”

Last month Police Commissioner Anthony Ferguson, during his 2019 crime statistics, said there had been 113 reports of burglary and 684 cases of housebreaking.

As for shopbreaking incidents, there were 495 and 283 reports of stolen vehicles.


bahamianson says...

It is just like healthcare, no money for surgery. There is no money left for an added cost.Where is the money and the Vat for the service going to come from? Is this a mystery? Are you just not getting it? We need money for these products and services . Either I pay my stupid BEC bill , buy expensive cheap food, or spend a lot of money on Base, security cameras, monthly surveillance, bigger gates, dogs and dog food, and whatever else. We don't have the money.

Posted 8 February 2020, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

The many failures of the Minnis-led FNM government, in this case the failure to successfully fight crime, have saddled the vast majority of Bahamians with great costs of every kind that they can no longer afford. Truly sad.

Posted 9 February 2020, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

Way to go Bahamianson.

Failures of politicians, wastages, massive costoverruns needed VAT levied the mostest neediest poorest known fact the regressive taxes now condemning majority population into misery, grinding poverty, more unemployment, chillrens hungry, misery.....and for those upper levels forced to close businesses, raise prices unreachable levels. The policies just festering poverty, misery, social ills.
Same political slackness, created massive importation chain fencing, razor wires, security cameras, car alarms, pit bull imports, triple security locks on doors, massive wrought iron grills, security doors billions of dollars peoples spending.

Now billions of spending for security devices because existing parties failing to slow crime down and address causes factors contributing to crime. Failures over past decades and stop gap measures got everyone in self imposed prisons and going out widdout wearing gold jewellry, handbag with strong handles, car with car alarm, dressing down, avoiding certain shortcuts using certain roads, even Church doors close until Sunday, being out by dark........really sadsituation looking where who you is todayknowing the political decisions makers for change for better all bin putting hand on Bible promising best of dere ability for decades........

Posted 9 February 2020, 2 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

One can only begin to wonder how many of the many new alarm and security guard businesses that have sprouted up are directly or indirectly owned by elected government officials and/or their cronies or existing and/or former senior officers in the police force, i.e. the very persons who are or were supposed to be protecting us from crime in the first place. Talk about serious conflicts of interest!

Posted 9 February 2020, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

DiverBelow says...

THE BEST ALARM SYSTEM IS A DOG! They not only provide some security but also plenty of loyalty & love to your family, can a security system provide that? NO.
Oh sure, they require attention & feeding, something every child benefits from, taking the responsibility of loving & gaining the Pride of a Well Trained Dog who is part of the loving family unit.
Yes, more effort than turning on a Switch or an App.
Responsibility for a dog is also a positive humane replacement for the common FEAR of Dogs by many Bahamian Children.

Posted 9 February 2020, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

The problem with dogs is that they are not easily trained **not to** eat meat laced with poisons like fast-acting Strychnine. Training a dog to ignore a juicy piece of poisoned meat tossed its way is very costly and no guarantee of the protection sought. And too many low-cost fast-acting poisons are easily obtained in our country today. Quite a number of people I know have had their dog(s) poisoned immediately prior to their homes being burglarized.

Posted 9 February 2020, 11:28 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Seems there are but **six** business types - **Security Devices, Guard Protection, Banks, Insurance, Numbers Houses and Arawak Port,** whose been constantly hearing the steady rungin **cha-ching.** Cant write this, just, **can't.**

Posted 9 February 2020, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

A security system is but a method of notification.
The Authority to be notified, is the RBPF.
If they are a) understaffed b) ill equipped C) politically meddled with d) under trained E) underpaid, your response time will be too long.
If the courts are A) overwhelmed B) politically interfered with C) underpaid D) ill equipped
you don't get timely prosecution of offenders IF Caught.
Unfortunately we are not allowed to defend ourselves with like levels of force the perpetrators are wielding.
You see the trend above?
We have undermined ourselves, abandoned the rules of civil society in favor of Political allegiance and favor.
It was only a matter of time before one of the political elite was subject to the reality the public have faced for years, decades.
No slight to the politically connected family recently affected.
They however can utilize police escorts, police guards, etc.

Posted 9 February 2020, 8:45 p.m. Suggest removal

sealice says...

i got pitbulls and a repeated compulsion to go dove hunting in the middle of the night around my neighborhood with my 12 gauge - will these tools work?

Posted 10 February 2020, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

That 12 gauge is the best deterrent/defense money can buy.......keep it loaded and easy to get to at night if you don't have young kids living in your house. And don't bat an eye in pulling the trigger first if the intruder on your property appears to be armed.

Posted 10 February 2020, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal

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