Night of the Saxons

By Leandra Rolle

THE 2020 New Year’s Day parade ended with an overwhelming victorious win for the Saxons Superstars, who captured the unofficial winner title with an indigenous “Bahamian or Nuttin, Dis We Tings” theme.

With top performances in the best music, best banner, best step down, best lead costume, choreograph and free dance categories, the Saxons Superstars amassed a total of 84.62 points, defeating the unofficial 2019 Boxing Day winner – the Valley Boys, who finished second with an overall 81.44 points under the theme “The Games We Play”. The Valley Boys won 2019’s New Year’s Day parade.

One Family, with its theme “Some Like it Hot, Some like it Cold”, took third spot with 81.10 points and was followed by Roots who fell to fourth with 76.39 points with a “Splendor of the Mayans” theme.

The unofficial results were released at the Trinity Methodist Church yesterday by parade management team chairman Anthen Mortimer, who also confirmed that Junkanoo groups Genesis and The Prodigal Sons did not participate in the ‘A’ group category in this event.

It is unclear, however, why the respective groups did not participate at the 2020 parade.

Speaking on the matter to reporters yesterday, Mr Mortimer said: “There was no group that was disqualified for the New Year. Genesis was here, but they decided not to parade. Prodigal Sons, I cannot comment on that because they actually did not show up to the parade.”

Up to press time, calls to representatives from each group were unsuccessful.

Speaking of the Saxons’ victory, Kendenique Campbell-Moss, the group’s public relations director, told The Tribune that they felt the win was “well-deserved” and “well-fought” for.

“The Saxons Superstars did a wonderful job on Bay Street. We brought the views that is indigenous to the islands of The Bahamas and…we are grateful because it’s been a while and it’s been quite some time (since we won) and the group has been through great transitioning and we will not stand here and say that this win wasn’t heartfelt,” she said.

Her comments come amidst controversy surrounding the 2019 Boxing Day parade, which had unofficially declared the Valley Boys as the winners.

On Monday, Junkanoo Corporation New Providence (JCNP) chairman Mr Dion Miller revealed to The Tribune that four to six groups will be contesting the Boxing Day Junkanoo Parade results.

When asked if the Saxons felt that the win compensated for their loss during the Boxing Day parade, Mrs Campbell-Moss replied: “In a way, it makes up and in a way, it gives us an opportunity to look forward and forecast for better results, and it gives us an opportunity to do that... Junkanoo is evolving and we must evolve with the culture and the craftsmanship of Junkanoo so we will do what we have to do in our efforts to do just that.:”

Meanwhile, in the B category, Colours Entertainment continued its domination of the Junkanoo parades, capturing the unofficial top spot with a total of 78.33 points. Finishing second with 64.94 points was The Original Congos.

The Fancy Dancers placed third with 64.45 points, followed by Conquerors for Christ, Body of Christ and Redland Soldiers who finished at fourth, fifth and sixth respectively.


tell_it_like_it_is says...

Congratulations to the Saxons!

Posted 2 January 2020, 7:24 a.m. Suggest removal

BahamianMinded says...

Yesssss! The Saxons!

Posted 2 January 2020, 9:07 p.m. Suggest removal

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