LETTER: Don't let us join this hate fest against Trump

EDITOR, The Tribune

Foreign Affairs Minister Darren Heinfield’s comment to The Tribune about “it not being this country’s place to express support or opposition to the US strike” against Iran may be viewed as the Free National Movement government straddling the fence on a crucially important geopolitical matter. With the US being our most important and strategic ally, I see no reason for not supporting the American government in going after Qasem Soleimani, who was viewed by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as the mastermind behind Iran’s state sponsored terrorism throughout the Middle East region.

As the leader of the Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force, one can rightly assume that Soleimani had political clout under Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khameni. Bahamians who are rooting for the demise of President Donald must realise that all of Western civilisation is under Dar al-Islam, which means the house of war.

In an ideal world for devout Muslims, each nation would be governed under Sharia Law. The US currently stands as a buffer between Islamic imperialism and the freedoms we Westerners often take for granted. Bahamians who are siding with Iran and Islam have conveniently forgotten about Islam’s strategic role in the 9/11 attacks and its attendant debilitating impact on the tourism industry we heavily rely on; in addition to being completely oblivious to the Prophet Muhammad’s racist gaffe in the Hadith.

These Bahamian hate mongers act as if Iranians and Arabs constitute the majority of the tourists that visits this destination annually. Again, I implore my fellow Bahamians to resist the temptation to enter into the anti-Trump hate fest.


Grand Bahama

January 12, 2020