Abortion on demand is just murder

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I must commend The Tribune for its stellar job in engaging in investigative journalism. The recent exposé of unscrupulous Over-the-Hill pharmacies illegally selling the prescription abortion drug, Cytotec, to Bahamians, is another feather in the cap of the premier newspaper publication of The Bahamas. Abortion in The Bahamas is illegal. Consequently, well-to-do Bahamian women carrying unwanted babies typically run to the US, where abortion had been ruled legal by the Supreme Court in the infamous Roe v. Wade case in 1973, in order to terminate the life of their unborn babies. Pro-choice advocates argue that abortion is about women's rights and healthcare, while callously ignoring the rights of the unborn. This can explain why unborn babies are given the scientific definition, fetuses. This lessens the guilt when the life of the defenceless child is ruthlessly terminated. Many of the abortion procedures are downright inhumane, conjuring up images of Auschwitz, Buchenwald and other Nazi concentration camps.

Such acts are carried out in a matter-of-factly manner by some Bahamian women who simply don't want to be encumbered with children, while ignoring the eternal ramifications for their actions. These women are enjoying the sex but dread the prospects of rearing children. In other instances, there are school aged girls getting impregnated and are resorting to using Cytotec in order to avoid the stigma of being another teenage mother.

While the Christian community recognises that there are extenuating circumstances in which an abortion is warranted, such as rape and difficulty at childbirth, we believe that the overwhelming majority of these abortions are based on convenience due to the false gospel of abortion on demand. Notwithstanding the noise in the market, Bahamians, by and large, subscribe to the traditional moral values of the Judeo-Christian worldview, which argues that the life of every human being has intrinsic value, inclusive of unborn children, despite the encroachment of secular humanism in The Bahamas. According to the Bible, any sexual activity outside the boundary of heterosexual monogamous marriage is forbidden. Moreover, according to the Old Testament Book of Jeremiah, abortion is also prohibited. "Before I formed thee in the belly; and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5). I believe it was Francis Schaeffer and Dr C Everett Koop who stated in their Whatever Happened to the Human Race that each civilisation will be judged by future generations on how they treated their people. The Bahamas is no exception.

The Bahamas Christian Council and the entire Christian community must make it painstakingly clear to the Free National Movement government that under no circumstances will abortion for convenience be tolerated. Bahamians need to stop attempting to emulate everything the US, Canada and other first world countries are doing. With some 54 millions abortions carried out since Roe v. Wade, the US, at some point, will be placed under divine judgment.

With the regularisation of web shop gaming under the previous Progressive Liberal Party administration amid rumblings nowadays about same-sex unions, the Bahamas Christian Council has already ceded far too much territory to Bahamian leftists such as chronic letter-to-the-editor writers The Graduate, Simon Front Porch and Porcupine. We must fight tooth and nail any legislation that would seek to legalise the killing of innocent babies.



Grand Bahama

January 20, 2020.


joeblow says...

Exercising personal responsibility and self control is too heavy a cross for many to bear!

Posted 23 January 2020, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

The opinions expressed by letter writers who claim to be able to speak the will of God are invariably flawed. It is simply dishonest to correlate the murder of a baby with taking an aabortifact pill. A six week old foetus is not a baby and cannot even be seen with the naked eye . It is so easy to spread misinformation and self proclaimed religious leaders do more than their share. it would seem

Posted 23 January 2020, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... a sapling is not a tree, but if you just leave it alone....!

Posted 23 January 2020, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

I do not agree with Mr. Evans.He has his opinion as I have mine. Each is valid to ourselves - and forcing his opinion on others is just as wrong as me forcing my opinion on him.

Posted 23 January 2020, 12:37 p.m. Suggest removal

empathy says...

‘Wo’-(to)-‘men’ who interject themselves into the lives of women and discuss ‘expertly’ situations and experiences they will never have.

Bahamian religious organizations have avoided this issue for good reason and we’ve benefited from the fact that abortion is not a hot-button-issue here as it is in our neighboring country to the northwest. However since we are subject to the same level of hypocrisy I am hopeful we continue to be compassionate and understanding of young women making very personal decisions and keep our emotions under wraps🤞🏽

Posted 23 January 2020, 6:38 p.m. Suggest removal

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