America's leader is taking us to the edge

EDITOR, The Tribune

“Let’s protect each other and our communities. When you visit any BTC store to pay your bill in full, you will receive a free 3-layer protective mask.”

How very thoughtful. This was the message that I received on my cell phone this morning. And it was from BTC. The Corporation was taking its corporate responsibilities seriously. We hope you will too because, in fact, it is for the protection of each and every one of us. Again many thanks to B TC.

I pray that Bahamians will take the only precautions that at the moment anyone knows of until a vaccine is found to protect us from this fatal pandemic. Imagine resenting having some of our freedoms curbed, not only to save our lives, but the lives of our friends — yes, as it is a pandemic, curbing some of our own freedoms will not only save us, but it will save mankind.

It is true that we have rights and freedoms. We also have duties. But so do our neighbours. However, when the thoughtless use of our own rights results in the destruction of the rights — yes, even the life of others — then we have a duty to compromise. As the Bible so rightly says we are indeed our brother’s keeper.

Look at the frightening danger the United States is in because too many are putting self before the survival of the whole human family. We have to be more than concerned, because as the old saying goes: “When the United States sneezes, the Bahamas catches a cold.” However, this time it will be worse than a common cold, it will be fatal.

It is frightening to witness America’s leader, who in my opinion is taking all of us to that fatal precipice because his only concern is what’s good for “me, myself and I “, and yes, that damned November election!

Americans, you are smarter than that – please wake up before it is too late!

Again many thanks to BTC for reminding us to protect ourselves.



July 3, 2020.


milesair says...

Trump's refusal to do anything at the beginning of this pandemic in the U.S, is now endangering Bahamians. The U.S. now has the most cases in the world. How's that for 'leadership? Ask U.S. farmers what they think of Trump's trade war? They won't vote for him this time for sure! As for the U.S, economy. it will be in a depression like state real soon even though Trump is not totally responsible for it. The world including the Bahamas will be better off when he is gone. Good riddance!!

Posted 7 July 2020, 4:49 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... one of the very first things Trump did was to close the borders to flights from China and other countries severely hit and the Dems gave him heat for it! Meanwhile our leader is opening up the borders to places severely hit and you say nothing. Trump banned the shipment of PPE's and ramped up production of essential equipment to meet growing demand and meanwhile an individual or company can't get proper masks (which are essential) shipped into this country without special permission from the competent authority! Trump has virtually no control at the state level, the governors do, which is why Cuomo in NY is responsible for thousands of deaths due to his incompetent leadership; that Trump can't be blamed for. Trump is also not responsible for people going into bars, rioting and looting in large crowds. The real problem is people have enormous difficulty being objective when it comes to Trump and that's not his fault either!

Posted 7 July 2020, 8:35 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Actually no dems gave him any grief over it other than to say it is not strong enough. FYI the virus came from China so had he actually blocked travel from there the USA would not have the problem it has now... But let's ignore the obvious and go with dumb talking points....

Posted 7 July 2020, 9:18 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

@proudloudandfnm... people tend to have selective memories!
Click right links if so inclined!……

Oh there's more if you are willing to actually look!

Posted 7 July 2020, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Don't suppose you have any actual sources huh? Just gossip rags... Ok then... You have a good one...

Posted 7 July 2020, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

As if your sources are any better! LOL

Posted 7 July 2020, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

Yes they did, they all called him racist for doing so. The WHO said it was not needed. You can not change the past to fit your narrative. Trump has done plenty wrong, but he did try and shut flights form China and was slammed for it.

Posted 7 July 2020, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...


Posted 7 July 2020, 7:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Joeblow is the most accurate information on the comments, all the negative comments, including those om the editorisl, are derived from whatever news show or media you listen to or watch on TV. You are obviously watching a lot of fear based mania. Research evidence based studies before making judgements or comments on the United States.

Posted 7 July 2020, 12:02 p.m. Suggest removal

milesair says...

Some people can't see the forest for the trees. It would be interesting to know what Trump has ever done for Bahamians. Why such loyalty from a select few? I can produce articles that will contradict anything mentioned above. Propaganda and "fake news" is everywhere. Interesting to note that Trump's relative has a whole lot of things to say about Trump in her book and they are NOT complementary. She calls Trump a loser. Nothing to argue about there! Besides that, while all politicians lie, Trump is the world's BIGGEST liar and buffoon. He even contradicts himself. I can not and will not LISTEN TO ANYTHING that this liar has to say about ANYTHING! I won't waste my time with anyone who idolizes the liar. Trump is and always has been a racist pig and he has brought out all the racists in the U.S. His inept way of responding to the virus has made the U.S. the world's leader in virus cases. And, the idiot won't even wear a mask. He should be setting an example not acting like he is too macho to war one!! Trump loyalists can take their love of this jackass and put it where the sun don't shine!! That is where it belongs.

Posted 7 July 2020, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Are you running on or just supportive of the anarchists' ticket? Call Trump what you may, but the US electorate got what they wanted. They got a fearless and tireless showman capable of shaking things up really good to expose decades of unfairness that the average US citizen has been subjected to by an out-of-control government and DC swamp beholden to the power hungry and greediest of the wealthiest 0.1% of all US citizens.

Posted 7 July 2020, 1:02 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

@ milesair... you sound like one of those promoters of tolerance that are quite intolerant themselves!! A lover of the truth you believe, even if not based on objective facts. An open minded person who believes in free speech as long as others agree with you, but to each his own!

Posted 7 July 2020, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

dumb religious beliefs.
lack of morals and ethics.

These are the reasons....

Posted 8 July 2020, 8:36 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... I suspect you won't appreciate the significance of this article being in the Washington Post!…

Posted 8 July 2020, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

"what Trump has ever done for Bahamians." Well Trump was not elected to do things for Bahamians like Minnis was not elected to do things for Haitians. That being said Trump never put the Bahamas on a black list like Obama and Clinton did. Trump ensured that the US economy was booming which the Bahamas benefited handsomely with record tourist visits.

Posted 8 July 2020, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Trump inherited that economy, and now he's destroyed it vis a vis ignoring the virus. And if you actually think trump is smart enough to manage the US economy I have a toll bridge in NYC to sell you today, dead cheap, turn key, start making dollars today....

Posted 8 July 2020, 8:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

The Coronavirus did not destroy the economy, it is the closing of businesses that destroyed the economy. We get the flue virus every year and it has no impact on the economy even if many people die from it.

Posted 8 July 2020, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

Let me preface by saying that I'm a white male, Christian, US republican voter with a household income in the top 5% of the US population. In other words, someone you would think would be a massive Trump supporter. I will call his Presidency an "experiment." It was an attempt by many voters to bring in an outsider and see how a non-politician can run the country. We gave it a try and it has been a complete failure and travesty. There is no way on Gods green Earth he should even be allowed to run again in November. In a perfect world, the republican party would put up a replacement nominee.

As for his leadership during the pandemic -- again, a complete failure and travesty. He has politicized the virus rather than letting the doctors and scientist take lead. He has downplayed the severity of the virus from day one and it continues to this day. Yes, each state can control and make it's own rules on how to manage the virus, but he still could go on National TV and strongly encourage every citizen to wear a mask in public. That is what a good leader would do.

In the end, Trump isn't a republican nor a democrat nor barely a US citizen (as proven by his lack of understanding of the US Constitution, his obvious abuse of our "checks & balances," and the fact he clearly is a narcissist). He unashamedly only cares about himself, his image, and his bank account.

Posted 8 July 2020, 10:36 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

With small minded citizens like you who don't respect the outcome of your country's presidential election process, it's no small wonder the US is ceding its direction and world standing to the far left anarchists and Communist China. And we all know, as the US goes, so goes the Bahamas!

Posted 13 July 2020, 6:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Trump was voted in as President because people could not tolerate the idea of Hilary Clinton leading the country. Joe Biden will win the November election because the American public will not stand for another four years of this narcissistic egomaniac Trump. America can recover with new leadership but can you imagine what will be left of America if Trump is given another 4 years unrestrained by the need to seek re-election? America and the free world deserves better than Donald Trump. To China and Russia, he represents the gift that keeps on giving.

Posted 8 July 2020, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

"To China and Russia, he represents the gift that keeps on giving." Say what? Trump is the 1st US President to stand up to the Chinese. As for Russia Trump did not gift the Russians any territory like Obama with Crimea, and he was not made looking like a fool over Syria like Obama who let Assad walk all over his red line because he was scarred of what Putin would do.

Posted 8 July 2020, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

I guess you haven't heard the latest available data by state on political party affiliation reveals long time registered Democrats are 'jumping ship' in droves to re-register as either Independent or Republican. LOL

Posted 13 July 2020, 6:52 p.m. Suggest removal

longgone says...

Bring back the UBP!!

Posted 8 July 2020, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Never again !!!!!

Posted 13 July 2020, 6:52 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Trump for Prime Minister. I remember when they had a.pronlem with Trump closing down flights from China. I remember when Andrew Cuomo , and deblasio said they where not shutting down schools. I remember when Coumo said New York is prepared for anything. I remember when Coumo said New York had the best Hospitals. I remember when the director of Health in New York said she was.going to a parade to negate the Corona Virus. All Cuomo, Deblasio and she did was encourage gatherings. Stop with the nonsense, like Nancy Pelosi , Coumo, Deblasio did nothing wrong . Trump made some mis steps but so did others. All you guys can see are his faults because you have hatred in your hearts.if he says left ,they say right. If he says black, they day white.i read when the WHO downplayed the virus. After they did that Nancy Pelosi also downplayed it. Give me a break

Posted 8 July 2020, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

America's leader is not taking us to the edge. Does he have that much power. If he does, I am surprised you a knowledged it because he never gets credit for anything.if you keep watching CNN, ABC, CBS , Washington Post and the New YorkPost, what do you expect

Posted 8 July 2020, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

You forgot the worst of the lot - MSNBC !

Posted 13 July 2020, 6:54 p.m. Suggest removal

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