‘WE DON’T WANT CONFRONTATION’: Police chief warns public not to break holiday beach ban



COMMISSIONER of Police Paul Rolle expects “people to stay home” after the Prime Minister’s order to close three islands’ beaches for the Independence Day weekend.

The announcement was made by Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis on Monday of the closure of beaches and parks on New Providence, Paradise Island and Grand Bahama from Thursday at 10pm to Monday 5am. While speaking to reporters yesterday, the commissioner made it clear police will be out in full force. He asked people to obey the rule as he has to enforce them and does not want “any unnecessary confrontation” with the public.

“I can’t (say) how we plan to enforce this,” he said. “I expect people to stay home. There’s an executive order that the beaches will be closed, the beaches will be closed and I’d ask persons to abide and hopefully we’ll soon get out of this pandemic and they’ll be able to go on the beaches and enjoy themselves on the beaches and I’d say to them do not go to the beach because we’re not going to allow you to go to the beach.

“I have to enforce it and I want members of the public to know that is now the law and we don’t want any unnecessary confrontation with members of the public.”

He also warned people not to participate in any motorcades to save themselves from “unnecessary heartache”. He said there have been a few requests for motorcades and demonstrations, the police chief has not approved them.

“I did not approve them and based on Article 15 of the emergency orders they cannot happen and they will not happen. So I say to members of the Bahamas do not go out, do not attempt to go out and participate in any motorcade. They were not approved. We’ll allow motorcades later but unfortunately we’re unable to do that now and I encourage people to abide by the rules and save us and save themselves a lot of unnecessary heartache.”

The country is still under a 10pm to 5am curfew, but it is expected Dr Minnis will announce changes to this soon. Some have complained about the curfew extending in July, despite no new COVID-19 cases being reported for some three weeks. Some people are speculating that the extension of the curfew is to help decrease crime.

However, Commissioner Rolle said he never signed any curfew orders and is rolling out a policing plan which he expects will help to keep the Bahamian people safe.

“The curfew is in response to COVID-19, and I would hope that the Bahamian people would understand that …..the intent is to keep persons safe. If a sidebar of that is to help crime then sure but I don’t know if that’s the purpose of it.”

The police chief warned a man also named Paul Rolle not to go ahead with any action in Rawson Square or in front of Government House in the coming days. 

 Speaking to reporters, he had a message for the person in question: “. . .I’m the Commissioner and I’m going to invite you to come in to Central Police Station and see me otherwise we going to come, but you’re not going to go to Government House because I’ll be there waiting for you or not going to go into Rawson Square to mess with Queen Victoria.

“I received a request and I denied it and y’all still defy my orders and went in front of Government House….. we have rules in this country and I will enforce them regardless of who they are.”

His comments came after a video circulated on Facebook showing two men, one who identified himself as Paul Rolle, in front of Christopher Columbus’ statue outside Government House. In the video Mr Rolle, who said he is with Coaliton to Save The Bahamas, said the group was fighting against “injustice against all people of colour around the world.” Holding a chain in his hands, Mr Rolle said on July 10 the group will remove the Columbus statue as well as the statue of Queen Victoria from Rawson Square which they view as symbols of oppression. 


mandela says...

I hope the RBPF also makes sure that visitors to our country are also not using the beach on these three islands.

Posted 8 July 2020, 7:41 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Doesn't matter to me, I'm back in isolation thanks to this dumb re-opening....

I have a heart condition, I get this and I'm a dead man...

Posted 8 July 2020, 8:29 a.m. Suggest removal

professionalbahamian says...

Dictators flexing their muscle I guess!

It’s absolute bull sh@! to close beaches for independence if there is no Bahamian transmission and all tourists have negative tests!

Is this what be independent means - just do please explain the rationale instead of treating your voters like children!!!

Posted 8 July 2020, 8:55 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Bahamians had better take their country back from Minnis before it's too late. As for the idiots wanting to tear down the statues, just arrest them in the act and throw them in jail pending the pressing of charges.

Posted 8 July 2020, 9:21 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

And give it to who? Davis? If that your solution, no thanks? Seen what Davis representation of his constituency has produced, so know what we getting with him is worst.

Posted 8 July 2020, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

It has never been either FNM/Minnis or Davis/PLP as you would deceitfully have the voting public believe. That's just a false narrative on your part in an attempt to scare the voting public into believing they will only have a choice between the lesser of two evils next time around at the polls. Nothing could be further from the truth...you just wait and see. In any event, I suspect many Bahamians are thinking these days that no one is as dumb, arrogant, nasty and evil as Minnis has proven himself to be since the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian last September. Minnis certainly takes the cake when it comes to certifiable megalomaniacs. His sinister lust for power at the expense of our constitutional rights and civil liberties is all too readily apparent.

Posted 8 July 2020, 5:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

If its the law i can understand why the Police officer says he must enforce it. however why does he not enforce most other laws. Can he show the law that says he can choose which laws not to uphold? Its going to be a proud day for Bahamians when they are not allowed to celebrate their independence by going to the beach (or even a motorcade), but those rich and mighty people in the sea front gated communities will be able to.

Posted 8 July 2020, 10:05 a.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

To shut the beaches down by law because of seems.......first preceived Civil Disobedience confrontation between Constitutional established Law enforcement Police and public is disturbing....... and over the traditional and established custom of ....going to the beaches to celebrate the Nation' Independance Holiday wid displaying National colours. If those do not want to follow the established law of not following the Covid 19 restrictions law..... then lock them up ...but do not punish those majority of nation who follow the recently established law.

Posted 8 July 2020, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

longgone says...

Bring back the UBP!!!

Posted 8 July 2020, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**What's with the sexism? Why no comradeship at play** cause whilst the Chief Colony's Royal Constabulary adheres orders, **Mr. Minnis*** 'em won't listen to **the Mrs** who has publicly called-out for public demonstrations?
**Time to listen to the Mrs.** Time to demand the immmediate**defund and demilitarise** the **brute force** threats constabulary.
Nod Once for Yeah none could've before jumped in support of the **Office the Mrs. OTM,** Twice for No?

Posted 8 July 2020, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Ashinnabash says...

I just wanna high five Minnis behind the head. Minnis where is your heart? where is your logic?

This makes no sense unless your trying to see how far or how much we will take. Is this your way of showing us that we're not independent?

Posted 8 July 2020, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**If my Mr. Minnis in deep trouble read is correct,** what turnabout now to pop its ugly and nasty head now that Mr. Minnis's parliamentary enemies list within the House is to strengths in length?
Comrade Ashinn, **be vigilant** observe if the declared be **rebel** red coats House elected MP's, and **inclusive of Dr Duane and Brent,** is prepared to rise on floor House to once more time to prop up Mr Minnis, considering his current very **weird** behaviour? Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?

Posted 8 July 2020, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

"We donT want confrontation"........Police. On natioanl issue directly relating to Covid 19 disease which going on since start of this year and 11 persons losing their lives. And the gpvt has the ability and so far proven power to trace anyone in this country wid Covid.

Another more disturbing and much, much most worser than the passing of 11 persons wid Covid is the more worser deaths of some 36 persons done get murdered on patios, front yards, in front of house etcetc.........more than 3 times and At Greater Frequency....than the deaths of Covid 19 disease.....ruthless murders by the ruthless wutless gangs of gun toting armed murderous killers spraying bullets on elderly people, 2 year old child, killing 10 year old girl and so far some 36 people.......36 people murdered by gangs in same country, mostly on same 7 x 21 mile island.......and all this National Emmergengy measures to stop 11 done dead by Covid and murderous Gun toting rampant gangs keeps on killing people still going on.

Ain't no politician of the people in Parliament realize an count that 36 murders wid greater frequency is 3 times greater than 11 Covid deaths and needs more priority attention..????

Posted 8 July 2020, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

AlI can say is go and swim... test it, they may not see anyone on the beach ahaha. I always taught Trump was a dictator too, no one is listening to him.. but them Americans sure ain wearing no mask, they still swimming and not keeping their distance. Yesterday, Florida had no ICU beds because of the pandemic. So look at it as political or dictatorship...Freeport has 4 ICU beds, they better stay they behind home!@!.If you test the system it may be a bad idea.

Posted 8 July 2020, 2:43 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Your fear tactics are too transparent and very misguided. If the public swarms the beaches in large numbers there isn't a damn thing Commissioner Rolle or the self-annointed supreme ruler can do about it.

Posted 8 July 2020, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal

My2Cents says...

Is he nuts??? He “expects people to stay home” because the beaches are closed when virtually everything else is open?? This is what happens when we have a bunch of old heads in power pushing their old-fashioned, outdated views and mindset on the rest of the country!

Posted 8 July 2020, 7:51 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

If the police don't want no confrontation all they have to do is stay away from the beaches!!

Posted 8 July 2020, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

And, weather permitting, every Bahamian should go to the beach this coming Friday (Independence Day) so that Minnis gets the loud and clear message that we've all grown tired of him playing the role of a self-annointed tyrannical dictator. None of us are ever going to take Minnis seriously again on any matter and the FNM party is history if it doesn't soon find another leader. And word on the street has it that the good people of the Killarney constituency would vote for an illegal Mexican infected with Covid-19 rather than Minnis in the next general election.

Posted 9 July 2020, 12:13 a.m. Suggest removal

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