Thompson calls on Grand Bahama residents to take COVID surge seriously


Tribune Staff Reporter

MINISTER of State for Grand Bahama Kwasi Thompson yesterday admitted he has received complaints that some residents returning to Grand Bahama from abroad have not been following self-isolation guidelines prescribed by officials to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus.

This comes amid growing concern about the rising number of COVID-19 cases on the island.

Dubbing the situation as a “wake-up call”, Mr Thompson urged residents on the island to not let their guard down and to follow every health precaution to protect against the spread of the infectious disease.

Speaking to reporters ahead of a Cabinet meeting yesterday, he said: “We must comply with the COVID regulations. We must comply with law. There are still too many persons who are in public and who are not wearing their masks and they’re still too many businesses that are not ensuring that their patrons wear masks.

“We still have a number of complaints with persons who are returning home and residents who are returning home, Bahamians and residents who are returning home and not complying with the quarantine regulations.”

He continued: “This is in our hands to be able to control. We did it before, we can do it again, but we need to send a clear message out to Grand Bahamians that we must be vigilant when it comes to these regulations.

“We cannot be relaxed and so I send a plea out to the entire community to ensure that you comply, wear your masks and keep your social distancing regulations. COVID is still here. We are still in the middle of the fight and we have to ensure that we do what is necessary to keep it under control.”

While outlining revised rules for entry protocols into the country last month, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said residents travelling outside the country for “over a period of 72 hours or less” will not be required to produce a negative COVID-19 test to return home and instead will have to quarantine for two weeks upon arrival. If they want to shorten the quarantine period, they would have to take a negative COVID-19 test.

However according to Senator Thompson, some residents on the island have not been adhering to the orders.

There have been eight new COVID-19 cases on Grand Bahama reported in less than a week and on Monday, Pizza Hut announced that one of its workers on the island tested positive for the virus and is now in quarantine. This came after a more than two month lull in cases in Grand Bahama.

Health officials have previously said they are still conducting contact tracing on the island. But, given the recent spike of cases, some residents on Grand Bahama have been calling for drastic measures to prevent further community spread.

Asked yesterday if the government was considering implementing a lockdown, the minister replied that officials would have to be guided by health officials on the matter.

“So, again I think the medical officials will be able to advise us in terms of that,” Mr Thompson said.

“What is think is necessary for residents to do what they can and what is in their control which is when they go out in the public to wear their masks and to ensure that they have their social distancing and to maintain their hygiene and continue to wash their hands.

“...If you do not have to travel internationally, do not travel internationally. If you do and you come back home, ensure that you abide by the quarantine regulations but in respect to the additional lockdowns, I’m sure that the health officials will give us the proper advice and we’ll take action based on the advice given.”


TalRussell says...

Keep your **social distance** out the **backdraft wind reach** the comrade's farts which word on streets has it that 'em's farts are easily detected wherever 'em goes in and about **FREE** port and outlying areas as one the worst polluters amongst politically appointed redcoats farts. Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?

Posted 15 July 2020, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Why doesn't boogey-eyed Kwasi ask Minnis as his self-annointed supreme ruler and now minister of health why he and D'Aguilar foolishly decided to pre-maturely re-opened our borders to international travellers?!

And to think this decision was made by Minnis and D'Aguilar in the very midst of an out-of-control wide spread resurgence of Covid-19 in so US states,, especially in Florida, not to mention what's happening with Covid-19 spread in Mexico and all of the Latin American countries. The height of lunacy!

Posted 15 July 2020, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

We should've known from the very start that Minnis wouldn't close our borders to the USA, this is the same buffoon who kept our borders open to China while the Chinese Virus was destroying Wuhan! Minnis takes orders from nobody, except his masters in China aka Huang Qinguo and Xi Jinping!

The current members of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Tourism should all be fired immediately and shipped to China where they can happily play catch with their Chinese Masters like the sick, rotten, and nasty dogs they are!!!

While we're at it, send the entire FNM and PLP party to Haiti too, those nasty SOBs love those illegal aliens more than their own kind, maybe then this country can have some sort of normalcy for once!

Posted 15 July 2020, 5:09 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

Well now I wonder with these new covid 19 cases coming up and the beaches were closed... just wondering if they had open them up.....

Posted 15 July 2020, 7:08 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

The recent Covid-19 cases have absolutely nothing to do with the beaches and everything to do with Minnis and D'Aguilar's dumb arse foolish decision to pre-maturely re-open our borders to international travellers. But you already know that as one of Minnis's die-hard supporters tasked with trolling and trying to diffuse any and all negative comments posted on this website about Minnis and his fellow cabinet members. You likely also know that direct UV light (sunlight) instantly kills the deadly Communist China Virus which is why being outdoors in the Bahamas is much safer than being indoors.

You die-hard and most deceitful Minnis supporters never cease to amaze me when it comes to your willingness to sell out your fellow Bahamians to kiss the arse of the self-annointed supreme ruler you so blindly worship and rely on for your supper.

Posted 15 July 2020, 7:42 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

Be careful sir, they may be your government again in 2022.

Posted 16 July 2020, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

More jokey political talks.
What is the percentage of those not wearing mask?
What is the percentage of those contracting the disease and dying?
How much of the cases and dead are those not wearing mask?
No ones answering questions and equally alike, no ones asking either.
Everyone just saying whatever comes to their heads and repeating political
insanity like parrots, following senselessly like donkeys and spreading all this
Virus nonsense like blind bats with no sense.

Posted 17 July 2020, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

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