25 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19

The Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday that there are 25 newly-confirmed cases of COVID-19.

There are now 219 confirmed cases in total with 115 of those active.

• Cases #195 - #200 are residents of New Providence.

• Case #195 is a 49-year-old woman

• Case #196 is a 39-year-old woman.

• Further information on Cases #197 - #200 is pending. 

• Cases #201 - #213 are residents of Grand Bahama. 

• Case #201 is a 43-year-old woman;

• Case #202 is an 11-year-old girl;

• Case #203 is a 44-year-old woman; 

• Case #204 is a 31-year-old woman; and

• Case #205 is a 41-year-old man.

• Further information on Cases #206 – #213 is pending.

• Cases #214 - #217 are residents of the Berry Islands.

• Case #214 is a 20-year-old man;

• Case #215 is a 79-year-old woman;

• Case #216 is a 49-year-old woman; and 

• Case #217 is a 39-year-old woman. 

• Cases #218 and #219 are residents of Bimini.

• Case #218 is a 30-year-old woman;

• Case #219 is a 34-year-old woman.

Health officials are reminding the public to practice the following measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

• Wear a face mask when you leave home;

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol;

• Cover your cough or sneeze in your inner elbow or with a tissue; and 

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as phones, remotes controls, counters, doorknobs, and keyboards. 


ISpeakFacts says...

(**WHY IS ABACO NOT ON THE DASHBOARD???**) We have more confirmed cases in 3 weeks than we did in the past 4 months, all because the **WORST** PM in the country's history decided to open up our borders and allow our D- population to travel in and out of the country without needing to be quarantined or tested upon arrival!


Posted 22 July 2020, 7:54 p.m. Suggest removal

gypsysoul says...

There are active cases in the Abacos?

Posted 22 July 2020, 8:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

Sadly, this country is finished!


Posted 22 July 2020, 9:31 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Simply unbelievable!

Posted 23 July 2020, 11 a.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

**Prime Minister Dr. IDIOT Minnis laid a resolution seeking to extend the emergency orders until September 30. The resolution will be debated in the House of Assembly tomorrow**

It seems this arrogant, nasty, and evil fool is still on a power trip! It looks like the peak of Hurricane Season started a few weeks early, be prepared everyone because Category 5 Hurricane Minnis is coming to destroy this entire country!

Posted 22 July 2020, 8:07 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I hope parliamentarians start asking questions and propose the competent authority be expanded to include a panel of judges and a rep from the opposition

Posted 22 July 2020, 8:13 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

The D- population does not understand that COVID is here to stay. As long as tourism is The Bahamas number 1 industry, this is our reality. Get over it. Follow the measures that are in place to limit the spread.

Posted 22 July 2020, 8:54 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

we have no number 1 industry with covid

it's the same thinking that had tgem rushing to open July 1. noone came

Posted 22 July 2020, 9:01 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

I agree that the July 1st opening was not the smartest decision.

You're right, if no one comes then we have no number 1 industry. But what are we to do when we are so heavily dependent on tourism? We are basically in an economic recession at the moment.

This is a tough one

Posted 22 July 2020, 9:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

If no one came, why our we saying that bahamians travelling had no connection - "blame" - to the increase in covid numbers. Just asking.

Posted 23 July 2020, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

If only we lived in a country of made up of islands where you can limit the spread in an area by stopping flights and movement on those island and have 80%- 90% of the rest country function with the proper protocols in place...instead of tarnishing the brand of nation, pissing off our largest clients, potentially dooming 100s of families to economic ruin, possibly exposing family’s and more pointedly infants and children to hunger and potentially threatening dozens if not 100s of people seeking medical procedures and diagnostic exams to prevent excessive death from latent diseases and conditions over the next year or so...If only...

Posted 22 July 2020, 11:37 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Opening our borders was just dumb. Looks like we now have the mutated strain in our country. 10 times more contagious. Cat Island and now the Berry Islands. Good work incompetent authority...

Posted 22 July 2020, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

10 times more contagious or did we do 100x more tests on Sunday and are still interpreting the results?

Posted 22 July 2020, 11:39 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

It appears most patients are younger than 50.

Posted 22 July 2020, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

PANIC PANIC PANIC - TEST TEST TEST - OH NO WE FOUND MORE CASES - PANIC PANIC PANIC - QUICK TEST TEST TEST - OH NO WE FOUND MORE CASES - PANIC PANIC PANIC.... This is cycle of doom that we are now caught in...Over 1000 tests conducted between Sunday and Monday 70 cases in three days...scary stuff but not so much when keep in mind that they literally did 100 Times more tests in one day then they did in 2 months...I’m sorry but simple logic dictates they are likely to find at least the same ratio of cases...Test Positivity rate currently 5.8% lower than 2 months ago at the “peak”...Every body calm down... Who” get covid matters.... average age in this batch is 36. If it’s not old or sick persons, the house ain’t on fire (yet)... We should be thinking about the people wondering how they are going to get food on the table in a month from now when hurricane season is in full swing...July and August was the last chance for people to get money under the mattress before things really dry up and Minnis just robbed dem...

Posted 22 July 2020, 11:19 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

the sad thing is we don't really know the stats because Dr Minnis foolishly took the attitude that testing was unnecessary. So the previous ratios are likely skewed.

What is clear though is because we weren't locked down as we were in March through June, infected persons have had more contacts this go round. That accounts for the increased testing numbers because I don't get the impression they've started widespread testing. They're testing contacts. The number of contacts have gone up

As to panicking, weve doubled our 4 month infection rate in 2 weeks and we have 10 people serious enough to be in hospital. its possible we could also double our death rate. it took about 3 months for the virus to abate in extreme lockdown measures. This virus is insidious, there's alot to be concerned about. In every community this virus has hit there's been the initial reaction why is everyone panicking only to be followed by an exponential increase in cases and hospitalizations

The reluctance by Dr Minnis and DAguilar to acknowledge the source of the problem and blame this on Bahamians going to the beach has caused us time.

Further the science is now saying that the virus can cause lifelong damage to the heart and lungs of survivors. So the exponential rise is very concerning

Posted 23 July 2020, 3:04 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

I m afraid you have not been following the numbers that were released. The average test per day have been about 22. The average of infection is in the 30s...On Sunday they completed over 1000 supposedly. Prior to Sunday there were around 2.6k tests by Monday 3.k test were completed. Between March and June only 2k were down and yet in the space of day the did 1000. Clearly you would expect at least a similar ratio to be confirmed. Prior to Sunday they by in large testing sick people or those they came in contact with, Sunday marks the first wide spread testing effort. Case increase as you have admitted should be expected from such actions. Infection did not just magically double. You have to acknowledge that testing increased by a factor of 50. Remember 30% -70% of cases or asymptomatic. So we are only ever looking at the tip of the iceberg. According to The CDC’s best guess is that 99.8% will survive infection...obviously there are different shades of survival but that means it is highly promising that we are not In fact facing the bubonic plague as the Pm would suggested by his need obliterate the economy to save our sorry souls...

Posted 23 July 2020, 8:02 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"* The average test per day have been about 22. The average of infection is in the 30s...On Sunday they completed over 1000 supposedly. Prior to Sunday there were around 2.6k tests by Monday 3.k test were completed. Between March and June only 2k were down and yet in the space of day the did 1000. Clearly you would expect at least a similar ratio to be confirmed.*"

actually I still expect some skew. I stand to be corrected but if you test 2000 people over 4 months and another 2000 over 2 weeks I would suspect you would get different results. a person may have tested positive in week one but negative by week 16. So I don't expect similar ratios at all.

Posted 23 July 2020, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

It’s a question of prevalence - prior to Sunday they tested only those that met a specific criteria - symptoms and contact. But even using that Crimea they were still getting positive rates of 6 or 7%. Wider testing picks on more mild and asymptomatic cases. Even with the 1000 extra test positive rate was roughly the same - around 5.8%. But we re talking about larger case loads so it sounds scary. Any body that talks about cases without mentioning the volume of testS is telling half the truth and not looking at the facts objectively.

Posted 23 July 2020, 1:09 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

The good news in all of this is that so-far there's no new deaths.

Posted 23 July 2020, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

I think you mean no new deaths ***counted as Covid-19 related.***

Posted 23 July 2020, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

shonkai says...

There are similarities between all the murders here and this Covid virus. Similarities in the attitude towards them. Older people say "Not to worry, it is only young gangbangers killing off each other", Younger people appear to say, "Not to worry, it is only the elderly that are dying from this virus". Seems to me we could all be a little more considerate to each other. This is not an old vs young thing, or black vs white, or rich vs poor, or Bahamian vs foreigner. We are all trying to have a good life here, the foundation of that is to be considerate and tolerant to the others that want the same.

Posted 23 July 2020, 10 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Here is our prime problem in this crisis. . .foolish talking from people who should know better!! Sideline dummies who een gat a clear clue. . .no good input nor common sense solutions!! The Bahamas will get this in hand. . .no thanks to posts like these and some glaring lack of wider stakeholders input I see with government services executives! I think I will sit this crisis out with this site. . .THIS USELESS SITE!! See yinna on the other side. . .useless people!!

Posted 23 July 2020, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

thanks. for leaving everyone appreciates it

Posted 23 July 2020, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

One thing is for sure. Minnis will go down in history as our country's very own Dr. Frankenstein for having endangered the lives of so many Bahamians by his very foolish emergency orders in the height of a global pandemic. Any day now he will be announcing our hospitals, clinics and healthcare workers are all overwhelmed by Covid-19 patients. It didn't have to happen, but it's all happening because of Dr. Frankenstein's inability to appreciate the very harmful consequences that flow from many of his ridiculous emergency orders.

I pray for the elderly, the weak and the more vulnerable among us today, especially those who have one or more pre-existing underlying conditions like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, asthma, etc. The thought of slowly drowning in the fluid build-up in one's own lungs is absolutely terrifying to say the least and certainly not the way many of us had planned to leave life on earth for that better place.

Posted 23 July 2020, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

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