Government implements two additional weekend lockdowns

The Office of the Prime Minister has released a statement detailing two additional weekend lockdowns:

“With the rise in cases of COVID-19 in The Bahamas, and after consultation with local health officials and a review of the response of other jurisdictions due to the current global rise in cases, the Government of The Bahamas has decided to implement two additional weekend lockdowns.

These measures are being implemented to protect the lives and health of Bahamians and residents. The Government will undertake a careful review of the health data after these two lockdown periods.

The lockdown this coming weekend begins at 7 p.m., Friday, 31 July to 5 a.m., Tuesday, 4 August 2020 for all islands of The Bahamas, excluding Grand Bahama, where a complete lockdown is currently in place. 

Food stores, gas stations, pharmacies and water depots will be permitted to operate on Saturday 1 August for the general public from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

On Tuesday, 4 August at 5 a.m., commercial and social activity may resume as outlined in the Emergency Powers (COVID-19 Pandemic) (No. 3) Order, 2020.

This information is available at 

Beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday, 7 August to 5 a.m., Monday, 10 August a lockdown will be implemented for all islands of The Bahamas. 

Food stores, gas stations, pharmacies and water depots will be permitted to operate on Saturday, 8 August for the general public from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. 

Food store workers required to restock after curfew from Monday to Friday and during Saturday over a lockdown weekend, may seek permission from the Commissioner of Police to travel to and from their residence and workplace only.

All individuals wishing to leave the country during the lockdown either by air or by boat may do so.

Religious services may be held virtually. Live streaming is permitted between 7a.m. and 1 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from a religious facility, provided that no more than 10 people participate from the facility.

During a lockdown, exercise is permitted within the confines of an individual’s yard only.

Construction is permitted on Saturday over a lockdown weekend.

A lockdown means that no individual, except an essential worker, is permitted to leave their place of residence for any purpose, other than to seek urgent medical care or as outlined above.

The Government of The Bahamas again reminds Bahamians and residents that wearing masks, physical distancing and thorough handwashing are essential 

measures in limiting the spread of COVID-19.

The cooperation of every Bahamian and resident is vital to protect the general health and the general welfare.

The Government is aware of a tropical weather system that may affect The Bahamas over the coming weekend. The system is being watched closely. NEMA will hold a press briefing tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock on the tropical system.

Under the Emergency Powers (COVID 19 Pandemic) (Grand Bahama) (Lockdown) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2020, effective Tuesday 28 July, 2020, to Saturday 1 August, 2020, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. hardware stores will be permitted to open and persons shall be permitted to make the necessary hurricane preparations to secure himself and his property including any building, vehicle or boat for the purposes of hurricane preparations.”


thps says...

At least we know the health experts around the world agree that construction sites on weekends during a surge poses less of a threat than doing pushups in front of your house across the road.

I am suitably qualified to make this statement (My studies primarily include watching a Briland wedding where they gave instructions on "What to do during Weekend Lockdowns").

Posted 28 July 2020, 8:54 p.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

The Lyford Cay people live in gated, private, secure estates with live-in staff purchasing their food, doing their laundry, preparing for any potential hurricanes, etc. Their homes have everything they need - a/c (no need to sit in the heat during lockdown), an office, gym, theatre, etc. Yes, this is an extended vacation. But ‘The Richest Woman In The Bahamas’, the woman who is so important to the masses, they resort to quoting and analyzing her (even when she throws away trash) now has to find pennies to pay bills. And this is okay.

The white chicks are only focusing on staying comfortable and want the ego boost of being on a weird pedestal to continue (enjoy knowing both black men and women feel they’re superior). self-hating black chicks are too bitter and angry to show integrity and black men are too busy projecting (my ma didn’t live dream life, so you shouldn’t either - as if I’d ever want to marry any of them).

Yes, I’m expected to be happy with both (being an unofficial important-enough-to-quote person and officially an afterthought who’d better not selfishly want to get away from us, want to stop hustling mainly for others, etc). The Klan and passive Charles Taylors get to decide my fate....

Posted 28 July 2020, 9:01 p.m. Suggest removal

mandela says...

While the incompetent authority speaks about his power trip two-weekend lockdown, the nail to our coffin may be just days away by the name of Isaias. If Isaias makes land-fall we will be up S$$t creek and then we can also thank our PM for being locked-down before a hurricane without a chance to prepare.

Posted 28 July 2020, 9:33 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

What does he care? He's on a joy ride with his power crazed ability to order all of us to do ***not*** do this and ***not*** do that, or else!

Posted 29 July 2020, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*hardware stores will be permitted to open and persons shall be permitted to make the necessary hurricane preparations to secure himself and his property including any building, vehicle or boat for the purposes of hurricane preparations.*"

so rather than admitting that the 7PM.curfew is ridiculous and evdn more so in light of a pending hurticane, they want the entire island to cram up in 6 hardware stores on Saturday. another brilliant plan by the CA.

Posted 28 July 2020, 9:52 p.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

*effective Tuesday 28 July, 2020, to Saturday 1 August, 2020, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. hardware stores will be permitted to open and persons shall be permitted to make the necessary hurricane preparations to secure himself and his property including any building, vehicle or boat for the purposes of hurricane preparations.*

Whoever waits until Saturday deserves what they get.

Posted 28 July 2020, 10:27 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

and the hardware store crazy to be open on Saturday (if thats when the storm arrives)

Posted 29 July 2020, 12:09 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

fri, sat, sun, mon... whatever day it arrives

"*from **7 a.m. to 5 p.m.** hardware stores will be permitted to open*"

You missed the part with *people are working 9-5, with responsibilities that extend beyond 5*. by the time they leave work everything is locked up.

haven't you seen the videos with people stuck in traffic at 730**PM**? a large portion of those are people trying to get home "from work".

the point is where is cabinets brain??? Do they really need the met office to tell them it makes sense to remove the 7pm curfew? Are they gonna wait till Friday, no **Saturday**, I wouldnt put it past them, to make a grand announcement (like DAguilar said he can't imagine how a bride hearing Friday night she cant have her wedding Saturday would feel...seriously? aren't you married? don't you remember planning the location, the cake, the clothes, sending invitations, family flying in for the wedding?.) how do they think??? Have they lost all touch with reality on the ground?

Further I pray to God noone say says we've never done this before or who could have thought, I've heard multiple persons including myself pose the scenario of a hurricane during COVID crisis and persons crammed into shelters.

Posted 29 July 2020, 6:30 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The 7pm curfew is unhelpful for the reasons stated by contributors above. Make it begin at 8 or even 9 p.m.- it wont make much difference to the virus but will help those who are working to manage their lives a bit better.

Posted 29 July 2020, 9:41 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

its CRAZY. It's like the cabinet meets to find new ways to add stress to regular Bahamians live. We get up 5AM to get to work for a 9AM start. Rush through traffic dropping off kids and spouses. Now they tell us we have to rush through 5PM traffic too? and stress over whether we can get in by 7PM?. Then after that 120 hours of constant stress they lock you in for the weekend then let you out to rush back to work on Monday. What are they trying to do????

Posted 29 July 2020, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

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