Gym owners slam closure as 'unfair'


Tribune Business Reporter

A newly-formed gym and fitness owners association is planning to meet with the government on the sector's latest "blanket" COVID-19 closure, which occurred without any industry consultation.

Dr Kent Bazard, owner/operator of Empire Fitness, told Tribune Business the abrupt closure of gyms and fitness centres by the prime minister on Friday was not fair.

He added: "To me, I don't really think this is about being fair, but more about the process by which this is being done. There is no rapport, there is no discussion, there is no communication and also there is no advice. There is no reprieve if the government is not going to instruct BPL (Bahamas Power & Light) not to charge us electricity or anything like that.

"It would be fine if we were closed and we're not incurring any expenses. At least it would be better if we were closed and not incurring expenses. BPL is still charging us, the landlord is still charging us, and so is everybody else."

Dr Bazard added: "If the government dealt with that part of it as well, instead of just blanket closing us while offering no solutions while we are being closed - we have loans, we have mortgages, we have rent and we have electricity and water.

"All of these persons are still charging us while we are being closed. The government needs some type of situation where we are not charged when we are closed. That would be much better."

Dr Bazard said the sector has received "no communication with the government at all. We had requested a meeting face-to-face with government some three months ago, and we have received no response from them as yet.

"The Bahamas Gym Owners and Personal Trainers Association (BGOPT), we are meeting and we are looking to request again for another face-to-face with the government. They are just making decisions and they are not looking at how it is exactly affecting us."

The association is not formally established as yet, but is a group of industry partners that decided to come together at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to develop standardised health protocols throughout the industry pending its first re-opening.

"We just hope that we can establish a line of communication with the Government so that when these decisions are made, at least we can have some warning ahead of time so that, one, we can make provisions and, two, the Government can make educated decisions for everybody that's involved in the process," Mr Bazard said.

Jennifer Godet, owner/operator of J-Line Fitness, said: "The Prime Minister is trying to save lives. We just have to trust what he says." While understanding the need for the closure, she added that the Government should have been open with the proper protocols and managed this second wave of COVID-19 infections better.


Economist says...

The government has no plan. Just close. They don't test so they have allowed COVID-19 to spread like wild fire.

They will bankrupt the entire business community.

Other countries are funding business but "this government is anti-business".

Posted 28 July 2020, 3:08 p.m. Suggest removal


This government is anti common sense. And yes all you people who swore it was the peoples time....that discomfort and pain you feel in ya backside, thats the FNM spanking that you know what

Posted 28 July 2020, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

mttyro says...

There is zero evidence that the previous corrupt government would have done any better under the circumstances.

Try criticizing a Bahamian Govt with the intention of pushing them to do better for all of us and not being a political hack who only cares about party politics.

All you party over country people need to become a thing of the past

Posted 28 July 2020, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal


Dear friend, i dont care too much about party politics as neither party does anything for me. If my ma was in power i would call her out on dumb bs. Last time i checked the FNM is in power, so dont take praise if u cant take criticism. And as far as evidence of another party doing a better job, not sure how it would exist if the situation never was, and therefore the comparison cant be made. But hey in 2022 ill be criticising the PLP too when they do bs. Hope this makes you sleep better.

Posted 28 July 2020, 7:41 p.m. Suggest removal

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