Renovation on Grand Lucayan to begin 'within budget year'


Tribune Freeport Reporter

MINISTER of State for Grand Bahama Senator Kwasi Thompson said the government expects renovation and construction to begin at the Grand Lucayan hotel “within this budget year”.

“We had recent conversation with the developers… RCL and ITM and we are very pleased they have reaffirmed their commitment to move ahead with the hotel development project and cruise port project,” said Mr Thompson.

“Because of COVID they made some adjustment to the timeline and we expect that very shortly they will begin the process of redevelopment of the hotel and committing to an environmental impact assessment with the new cruise port.”

Royal Caribbean Cruise Line and ITM Group signed a Heads of Agreement for the purchase of the Grand Lucayan property and the redevelopment of Freeport Harbour at an investment of some $250 million. It is expected to create 3,000 direct and indirect jobs in Grand Bahama.

In the meantime, Senator Thompson noted that Grand Bahama’s construction industry is beginning to take off.

“The construction industry is beginning to move in Grand Bahama. We see presently the hospital remains under renovation, and there are about 100 workers who are at the site,” he said.

Mr Thompson stated that work is done to major areas of the Rand Memorial Hospital. He noted that work is underway on the completion of the cafeteria and the addition of an infectious wing for additional COVID patients.

In West Grand Bahama, he said construction is progressing on the government complex in Eight Mile Rock, and the new school in Holmes Rock.

“There is going to be a significant amount of construction work and that does not include the Small Home Repair programme, where over 700 in Grand Bahama have benefitted from it. It will continue throughout this year and we hope it will intensify throughout this year. This is a very active year with respect to the construction industry,” he said.


ThisIsOurs says...

I thought they sold the hotel...Anyway...guess they got backed into another *or else* corner

Posted 16 June 2020, 7:16 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Yeah that's another thing, this was supposed to close like 90 days after they signed the agreement. Like to know exactly what the closing date is but of course its all a big damned secret. All I know is the last time this government negotiated with a foreign investor on this hotel the negotiations ended with a deal in Nassau. To everyone's surprise I might add, Turnquest, Kwasi and Minnis flat out lied about negotiating the Freeport deal. So this FNM will never have my trust... Who knows if this RCCL thing is real?

Posted 16 June 2020, 7:23 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

I wish I could believe this...

Wait and see I guess...

Posted 16 June 2020, 7:17 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Here we have bugaboo-eyed Kwasi once again carrying water for his massa who has gone into hiding from the Free Press and Dr. Sands. Anyone believe a word coming out of Kwasi's mouth?

Right now Minnis will do whatever RCL & ITM tell him to do to try get this albatross from around his neck. Hell, he's probably getting ready to have the government pay RCL & ITM to buy the Grand Lucayan property! Minnis has already likely squandered well over $120 million of the taxpayers money on this hotel property when related debt service and other significant costs are considered. And what do we have to show for it? Hutchison Whampoa took Minnis to the cleaners and now RCL & ITM are doing the same. The sheer stupidity of it all is enough to make you want to cry.

Posted 16 June 2020, 7:37 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

"“The construction industry is beginning to move in Grand Bahama. We see presently the hospital remains under renovation, and there are about 100 workers who are at the site,” he said."

...and then proceeds to list government construction programs.

That's like saying the Bahamas Agriculture industry is taking off and then lists all of the govt corps who started to buy vegetables from farmers.

Posted 16 June 2020, 8:37 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

They couldn't tell the truth if it was spoon fed to them. Required qualification of a
Bahamian politician: must be able to lie like hell about any subject under our beautiful Bahama sun!

Posted 16 June 2020, 8:57 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Hi Tribune! Do you have a post-Dorian shot of our wonderful hotel?

Posted 16 June 2020, 9 p.m. Suggest removal

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