North Andros ‘10,000 jobs’ proposal


A US-based billionaire is behind a proposed North Andros “free trade zone” that aims to create up to 10,000 construction jobs over the project’s lifetime, it was revealed last night.

Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong, inventor of a world-renowned cancer drug, is heading a group that plans to invest $200m-$250m over the first two phases of a development targeted at the Morgan’s Bluff area.

The proposal for the North Andros Green Free Trade Zone is currently being worked up in preparation for a formal submission to the Minnis administration and its investment agencies, with sources close to developments indicating this could potentially happen within “a few weeks”.

The project is focused on “value-added” manufacturing involving the creation of finished products from aragonite and other Bahamian natural resources, rather than simply exporting the raw material. Besides creating more employment for Bahamians, Dr Soon-Shiong and his team feel this will generate higher margins and bring in greater foreign currency earnings.

Besides an airport and seaport, the project’s other components include eco-tourism and medical tourism based on a medical research centre and clinic. Dr Soon-Shiong, who is based in Los Angeles, is heavily involved in the global healthcare sector through three foundations, visiting professorships at universities and his NantWorks network of health and technology start-ups.

One contact, speaking on condition of anonymity, said of the project: “It was just a proposal sent to the Government. There was not a formal application yet. It was sent in to say: ‘This guy, and his group, are looking to do a project in The Bahamas’. He had his people send it in to say that was the framework we are looking at.

“The project is based around manufacturing, and creating a new airport and seaport in North Andros, and obviously healthcare. The whole idea is to manufacture product here and export it. The reason I’m pushing this project is because of the state we’re in. We need a capital injection, and a project that can be done locally, and an injection of foreign money to create jobs.”

Describing the scale of the project and its investment as “massive”, with 750-plus full-time jobs planned, the source said details leaked into the public domain had either been altered or were incorrect. They denied that the North Andros Green Free Trade Zone would compete with Freeport and the Hawksbill Creek Agreement, although there would be similarities in terms of the tax concessions sought.

The source also said talk of it requiring 500,000 acres was incorrect, as “90 percent of that acreage is out of the project. It’s not even close”.

Dr Soon-Shiong is a part owner of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team, and is the owner and executive chairman of the Los Angeles Times and The San Diego Union-Tribune newspapers.


tribanon says...

I sure hope the US Embassy in The Bahamas makes sure this info ends up in the right places at the US Department of State.

Posted 18 June 2020, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Good lord why? Leave the US right in their own little weird world, we really don't need their input...

Posted 19 June 2020, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

moncurcool says...

Article headline should be about 750 permanent jobs and not about 10,000 TEMPORARY construction jobs. Why d we boast about temporary things so much. It is time we stop settling for a piece of the pie and give people the ingredients to make their own pie.

Posted 18 June 2020, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

May I start off the discussion by asking to tell all about the quantity, quality, and locations crown lands, casino, and work permits be's involved in the Andross deal, and has the government made any verbal or written Understandings with Comrade Soon-Shiong?
What's **more tangible real to touch and fell** about this Andros multi-billion dollar deal than was the outright **fake signatory** con job perpetrated by the Imperialists' red coats cabinet's **fake OBAN** deal - upon Grand Bahamalanders?** Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?

Posted 18 June 2020, 6:16 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

Undoubtedly a scam artist!

Posted 18 June 2020, 7:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Fee says...

Stop allowing foreign investors to betray you with their riches. The Bahamian government ought to be ashamed of themselves to believe yet another foreign investor is here for the Bahamain people. Foreign developers are choosing to monopolize on our land because they see its potential. The problem is, our own governing body fail to realize it’s worth.
Before we sell ourselves short and give away what belongs to Bahamians and the future of our Bahamian children, we should explore local Investors and Entrepreneurs alike whom are all passionate about the development and growth of this country.
When foreign investors create jobs, they rarely give the upper level positions to locals; regardless of their qualifications. Our people are educated and ethical but we are limited. So how can we progress? The benefits from this project isn’t for our people, it’s for the expats and work permit holders. We are left for scraps; minimum wage and limited rewards.
We need a Bahamas for Bahamians! Time to take back what’s ours and capitalize in every industry.
Mr. PM, listen to your people.

Posted 19 June 2020, 2:13 a.m. Suggest removal

longgone says...

Sounds like The Hawksbill Creek Agreement??

Posted 19 June 2020, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

shonkai says...

Anonymous source? Free Trade Zone?
Not even the words "Green" or "Jobs" can make me enthousiastic after that.

Posted 19 June 2020, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

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