Divided views on Sands' decision to resign



BAHAMIANS have mixed views on Dr Duane Sands’ resignation from Cabinet this week.

Raleigh Francis, an insurance executive, feels Dr Sands “got played by political operatives”.

“Dr Sands could not have been the only man involved. He got played by political operatives,” Mr Francis said. “If you followed the story closely you can see that. No doubt Dr Sands is a legend in his respected medical field, but in politics he is still growing.

“In this COVID-19 pandemic and if I was in the Minnis administration I surely would not want the health portfolio at this time...too demanding and stressful. The PM had no other choice but to step in and take on the role as minister of health. He is presently a part of the leadership team keeping the country informed with COVID-19 and also was the last minister of health in the Ingraham administration.”

Richard Simms, a certified public accountant, thinks Dr Sands was honorable in resigning. However, the resignation has left many questions behind, he said.

“He broke the rules that were set out by the prime minister,” Mr Simms said. “However, he could not have acted alone so there should have been more resignations. Someone had to give the approval for the plane to land. Someone had to give customs and immigration permission to search the plane and its passengers.

“If Dr Sands had orchestrated this he should have known the amount of persons on the plane. There are so many unanswered questions that will or will not be answered. Dr Sands was a sacrificial lamb and he did it with his head held high.”

Antoinette Lotmore, an operations and training professional, said: “I have a lot of respect for Dr Sands for his work in the healthcare field and for what he has done for years which is managing the health of the Bahamian people. I have even more respect for the way he has handled this pandemic. It has been comforting to me to see him at the head of it. “Everyone knows that I am not a personal fan of his, but I cannot take away from him the excellent job he has been doing.

“What has impressed me even more is that what he did in this residents travel fiasco was wrong, but he owned up to it. He never once ran away from it, he never once tried to justify it, he never blamed anybody and he never tried to hide behind anyone. He was honest and upfront. Of course it needed to be addressed but I think it should have been shelved until we have gone through this crisis and then let the chips fall where they may. This is not the time for us to play politics and this is not the time for us to change our direction right in the middle of this pandemic,” she said.

Architect Sheldon Maycock said Dr Sands’ resignation has not brought a fair and just end to the controversial matter.

“Customs, immigration, civil aviation and the health department were all involved here,” Mr Maycock said. “As Dr Sands was just in charge of health, these other departments and their ministers are not doing the public the fair service by not specifically stating their roles in this debacle.”

Bahamian classical singer and consultant Franz Hepburn said what has occurred should usher in a new era in politics.

“I have lived in the UK for 30 years and I am used to seeing Cabinet ministers resigning for certain actions taken by their ministries,” Mr Hepburn said. “Dr Duane Sands did the right thing in resigning as health minister. If not, it would have sent the message that has blighted Bahamian politics, ‘Do as I say and not as I do.’ I am sure it was a difficult decision for Prime Minister Minnis to accept the resignation, but he made the right one and the optics quite powerful for our country and the region.

“PM Minnis taking on the role of health minister should be an interim measure due to the magnitude of the current pandemic, but a new health minister should be appointed in due course.”

The Elizabeth MP offered his resignation to Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis on Monday for his actions related to six permanent residents who landed in the country last week with COVID-19 testing supplies and were allowed to quarantine at home before they produced a negative COVID-19 test result.


joeblow says...

Yes Sands should have resigned. The swabs were a red herring for abuse of position!
The others involved in this debacle should be found and made to resign as well!


Posted 8 May 2020, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

You say to be found...didn't the former health minister, not callout names the main government officials he placed telephone calls to? Try not to encourage this investigation runs like the long drawn out OBAN missing file?

Posted 8 May 2020, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Flyonthewall says...

Dr. Sands is a victim of another disease contagious and destructive - politics.

My mother's advice was "starve a fever" i.e. If we aren't going to have people with
credentials (from respected schools or organizations) then we don't need an additional
mouth to feed on Government payroll.

Posted 8 May 2020, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

yesterday, bahamaspress posted a receipt bearing a wealthy resident of lyford cay possibly Albany's name on, of course making their allegations that the govt does special favours for the rich. Interestingly, a fight ensured in teh comments, apparently these rich white children were having a party someone posted the receipt on social media or circulated it, between the children on instagram as to who is privileged and think they can get away with things because of who their daddy is and this and that, what does it matter ppl always congregated on delaporte beach etc......long story short that picture was deleted this morning.

So why is it that bahamaspress, ppl propaganda made sure that the tale of Dr Sands was public debate, but deleted this tale... lets just. make sure that all our high moral principles are not being used for other purposes.

Posted 10 May 2020, 6:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

Also, the children alleged that albany has been open and serving its customers. Do we care about that as much as the swabs?

Posted 10 May 2020, 6:54 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

The headline is misleading 75% of Tribune own poll say they dont agree with the decision to resign. But I guess 75/25 is technically "divided"

Posted 8 May 2020, 6:40 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamaPundit says...

No way Dr. Sands should have resigned during the Covid 19 emergency. All hands on deck! Mistakes are made at WAR, but forces move ahead. The generals must hold their post; the captain shall NOT abandon ship, but stay course until the bitter end.

Posted 8 May 2020, 6:47 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

If compared to the **Citizenry Homeless** the tossed out curbside Churchill Square, I'd say that the former health minister got off pretty damn lightly.
**This is the year 2020** and the **Citizenry Homeless** is being sentenced under the Vacancy Act of the year **1939** to jail terms equal death sentence for having committed capital murder.

Posted 8 May 2020, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

truetruebahamian says...

Minnis shows what a weak, petty and small minded "leader" he actually is.

Posted 8 May 2020, 7:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The PM's decision to accept Dr. Sands resignation was a huge blunder. He may have thought it made him look tough and morally upright but it was a big mistake. The country needs Dr. Sands in the COVID war cabinet. Poor leadership.

Posted 9 May 2020, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

roc wit doc is afraid of Dr: Sands. Sands knew what he was doing so no tears should be shed
for him. He was at the OBAN fake singing.

What come to my mind with him is Frank Smith Ms. Hanna and the Judge who ruled on the

They matter at least to God they do. Ask the sick people in Grand Bahama who were in
the tents at the Rand memorial hospital how they felt during the storm. they matter also
Sands is cunning like a fox.

God's Justice will always prevaile.

Posted 9 May 2020, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

The owners and editorial staff of The Trib seem to be laying the sympathy card ground work for Sands to seriously consider challenging Minnis for the leadership of the FNM come the next general election.

Posted 9 May 2020, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Hoda says...

....the mob is fickle

Posted 9 May 2020, 6:03 p.m. Suggest removal

pileit says...

indeed. and cultivated for sensationalism and ignorance.

Posted 10 May 2020, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

Mudda where have you been? Are you sick ( double entendre intended)? There is no backstabbing and infighting in the FNM like the kind which defines the PLP.

Our Prime Minister has the loyalty and support of every member of his Cabinet.

Not to worry about the future of Dr. Sands. He still has a critical role to play in the party. His exceptionally brilliant mind will not be allowed to lay fallow. It will continue to be harvested for the benefit of the nation. Just keep looking.

And your silly attempt to plant the seeds of disharmony will not find fertile ground in our Party. Try something else dummy. Continue self flagellation. Pervert.

Posted 9 May 2020, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

You were probably saying the same thing when the dissident 7 or 8 ousted Minnis as leader of the opposition. LMAO

Posted 10 May 2020, 2:06 a.m. Suggest removal

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