Family Islands ‘ready to open’


Tribune Business Editor

Exuma’s Chamber of Commerce chief says “there’s no reason” why all Family Islands other than Bimini should not have their full economic reopening included in the next wave of COVID-19 relaxations.

Pedro Rolle, in a recent interview with Tribune Business, said “it means the world to us” that Sandals has set July 1 as the target date to re-open its Emerald Bay resort given the property’s importance as the main engine of Exuma’s economy.

Acknowledging that the island’s businesses and residents will have to “survive” until that date, which appears largely aspirational given that it depends on both the opening of The Bahamas’ borders and resumption of travel from the US, Mr Rolle said it nevertheless provided time for Exuma to put the necessary health and safety protocols in place before tourism returns.

And, while the full re-opening of Exuma’s domestic economy will provide a much-needed boost, Mr Rolle said the return of domestic travel within The Bahamas is also critical given that his and other islands depend equally on “interaction with Nassau for our sustainability”.

While Bimini will next week start a two-week lockdown in a bid to control COVID-19’s spread there, the Prime Minister’s strategy for resuming economic activity includes the full re-opening of virus-free Family Islands such as Exuma in its next stage, ‘Phase 2’.

Voicing optimism that most of the Family Islands outside Bimini are ready to move to this phase imminently, Mr Rolle said: “We’re waiting on Sunday or whenever the next announcement is made. There’s no logic why we shouldn’t be approved. We can see no reason why Exuma wouldn’t be in the group.

“I think it’s not going to be like it was before. It’s going to take a while, but it would be a boost economically for sure and I’m hoping it doesn’t come with any health costs. We’ll be as careful as we can and see what happens.”

Asked about the impact if Sandals Emerald Bay does open on July 1, Mr Rolle added: “It makes all the difference in the world. That’s going to be huge, but we’re going to have to survive in the interim. There’s the rest of May and June. This gives us the opportunity to put things in place so that when Sandals comes and is ready to open up, we’ll be in a good position. It means the world to us that Sandals is opening back up.”

However, Mr Rolle said re-establishing commercial and transportation links with Nassau is just as important as the return of tourism for Exuma and other Family Islands. “We are dependent on having interaction with Nassau,” he told Tribune Business. “Nassau doing business with us, and have a lot of people travel back and forth from Nassau to the Family Islands.

“We are depending on those dollars; it’s not just tourism dollars that sustain the Family Islands. It’s the dollar flow from family in Nassau or persons in Nassau that have businesses here and, as long as that doesn’t happen, it impairs our ability to thrive. We’re very much dependent on Nassau’s viability for our survivability.”


joeblow says...

This is idiotic. Without exposure there means there is no one with immunity to the virus. One person landing with the virus would wreak havoc since there is no proper medical care or testing in Exuma. Look at the incompetence of the governments response to Bimini! Only those showing they have antibodies to the infection can be allowed to the island or there will be hell to pay. Mark my words!

Posted 16 May 2020, 5:35 p.m. Suggest removal

lovingbahamas says...

I have lived in fear of this virus, more than most people. I am staying at home with minimum trips to the grocery story since March 17. The health care is terrible in most of the Bahamas. The government is pretty-well really inept. Look at Abaco. This could be any island in 2020 only no place to evacuate to if Covid is active-which I fully believe it will be. So what is the answer? Do you put a dome over every family island? Impossible. People might be able to get by for 2 maybe 3 months. But 2 years? With absolutely no tourists? Even a 7 day old Covid test is worthless. 14 day quarantine is an impossibility for tourists. As much as it hurts me to say it, I think the Family Islands have to open up. Maybe a 14 day daily health check-in with a nurse and if there are any symptoms out you go. The Minister of Tourism says no cruise ship will bypass the Bahamas-well they are scheduled to start August 1 with probably 5-6,000 people per day in Nassau. There will be a trickle down effect. It’s not an easy answer and I don’t think the government is ready-but I fear there is no other choice.

Posted 16 May 2020, 9:57 p.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

The lucky dozen on Bimini are those that tested positive for the virus and developed antibodies, strengthening their immune system response.
The other group of fortunate residents on Bimini are those they call "asymptomatic" in their words or in reality they should be called "healthy." They had a mild reaction to the virus, developed antibodies, and if they took the swab in the nose test, weeks after the initial symptoms, they have negative results.
The government, persistent in swabbing to get numbers, but not making any changes to help boost the immune systems is successfully stressing the people, reducing the effectiveness of their immune aystem.
Vit D helps, sunlight helps, deep breathing the salt air from the ocean helps, but now, both those with antibodies to the virus and those without are forced to "lockdown" for two weeks, given a whole two day notice before a lockdown weekend.
Maybe the PM notices the lack of knowledge and planning of the Bimini lockdown and will make ammends by announcement of a retraction.

Posted 17 May 2020, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

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