COVID-19: No new cases for fifth consecutive day

The Ministry of Health has reported that there are no newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 for the fifth consecutive day.

There are currently 96 confirmed cases, with 42 of those active. Forty-three have recovered and there are seven cases currently in hospital.


ISpeakFacts says...

That's what happens when you only have 32 tests completed in the last 3 days LMAO, cant make this stuff up... JUST CANT!!!

Posted 18 May 2020, 9:55 p.m. Suggest removal

happyfly says...

So the "Public Servants" that failed us miserably in preparing for and initially responding to a pandemic can not manage to 'test' our way out of the lockdown. The lockdown they convinced us all was the only option. Was it for two weeks to flatten the curve ? Was it for a month to three months to "destroy" the virus ? What's it for now ? To prove that we "naughty children" will do as we are told ? Last month we were going to test our way out but it now appears the only test kits that these guys could get their hands on - had to come with a plane full of wealthy foreigners and the MOH's resignation. Seriously, talk about paddling us up sh.t creek and then throwing away the paddle !

Forget early closing of our borders and quarantine the vulnerable so that we could all stay working and keep our economy afloat. Nope. Just blind fear, panic and communist-inspired lockdown. And what did we get for allowing Pappa Doc to grant himself absolute authority and comply with his every whim? A denial of reality. A denial that he really did not have any idea what he was getting us in to. Arbitrary rules literally made up or changed on a daily basis with zero scientific basis or common sense behind them - with just enough arrogant bullying thrown in to justify the incompetence. That is it. That is all our leader has achieved on our behalf.

For all of you who can't think for yourselves and trust that Pappa Doc is doing a good job. I say anyone can be a dictator and bully us around with fear and the threat of jail and ridiculous fines. What we haven't seen is courage and imagination to get us out of this lockdown as quickly as humanly possible. Why, because Pappa Doc has more power than anyone has ever seen in this country and he can do whatever he wants

This island can open but this one can not, even though there have been no cases reported for months in either. You think there is any science in this, or is he punishing an entire island community full of god-fearing, law-abiding citizens because a few have misbehaved? You think it makes sense to deny hard working Bahamians a right to return to their livelihoods when there is zero risks of infections just because you are annoyed. Since when is that enlightened leadership? It is an absolute abuse of power and a travesty for an elected representative of the people to behave in this way

The sham is going to be up when all of this is over and the money piper comes a calling. I have no doubt that it will be proven that a total lockdown was not the best course of action in the long run. And when the economic results of the shutdown cause VAT to go up 20%, bank loans to go up to 20% and unemployment stays at 30%. Then all you are going to remember is the bullying and one man's love of controlling your lives

Posted 19 May 2020, 9:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

He (PM) thought, because he had power, he had wisdom.

Posted 19 May 2020, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

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