Minnis backs draft resolution put forward by WHO


Tribune Senior Reporter


ACKNOWLEDGING the destabilising effect Hurricane Dorian and COVID-19 have had on The Bahamas in the last year, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis expressed support for the World Health Organisation’s work in a speech during the body’s general assembly meeting yesterday.

The 73rd World Health Organisation meeting considered the world’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and The Bahamas recorded a milestone during proceedings when Keva Bain was elected president of the 73rd session of the assembly.

Dr Minnis recorded a video message that was played during the meeting.

US President Donald Trump has attacked WHO’s response to COVID-19 in recent weeks and has halted funding to the group. However, countries through a draft resolution acknowledged the body’s constitutional mandate to act “as the directing and ordinating authority on international health work” while “recognising its key leadership role within the broader United Nations response and the importance of strengthened multilateral corporation in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and its extensive negative impacts.”

The draft resolution also called for a probe into the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, including an evaluation of the WHO’s response and timelines.

Dr Minnis said: “Last September we experienced Hurricane Dorian, one of the most powerful hurricanes in the Atlantic in recorded history, which ravaged our second and third most populous islands and economic centres. Now COVID-19 has closed our borders and destroyed our tourism-dependent economy. Economic recovery is halted even as we prepare for the impending hurricane season in our region, which begins on June 1 and extends to November 30.

“The twin, unprecedented events of Hurricane Dorian and the COVID-19 pandemic threaten to destabilise our health response and our public health gains. These two seismic events threaten to widen inequities and increase the burden of non-communicable diseases. We benefited greatly from application of WHO tools, particularly when testing capacity was limited. We support the draft resolution that addresses timely access to quality, safe, affordable and efficacious diagnostics, therapeutics, medicines and vaccines.”


happyfly says...

The WHO got us into the lockdown and has no idea how to get us out of it....no wonder Papa Doc loves the WHO. The Bahamas needs to stop being everyone else's little beach and got it alone. No more WHO, no more WTO, no more EU putting their foot on our neck telling us what to do with our offshore banking. Stay friends with the USA and tell everyone else to love us OR leave us

Posted 20 May 2020, 7:25 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

You aint the brightest bulb in the room huh?

Posted 20 May 2020, 7:30 a.m. Suggest removal

Jim says...

Well said.

Bahamians need to research international news about WHO, including their deceits, lies and recognize the CCP connection and future implications.

The closure of the borders in the Bahama and the deterioration of the tourism industry, COVID did not come in and do it, the Bahamian government did that. Apparently the government is still trying to deplete the economy for unknown reasons.

The summer tourism season is over, Americans ate making their summerl plans to travel within their own country.

Posted 20 May 2020, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Trickie says...

The government shut down the country but has not told the nation what is the plan for reopening nor how is the government going to jump start the economy .Telling Bahamians iits going to b ruff without how the government will assist to ease their pain .The government was elected to provide some solutions to its citizenry problems .

Posted 20 May 2020, 9:06 a.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

I'm sure if he left borders open we would all still be screaming on here for him to close it...I am not sure many people understand the magnitude of this thing. We always only look at the Bahamas. Just yesterday Spain came in at 83 on Tuesday, up from 59 on Monday but under 100 for the third day in a row, They happy with those numbers...for us that is alot. But Check out Iran, France, Italy. I sometimes think Bahamains only see things in Gold and red, its so sad. We in Grand Bahamas piss too, We had Dorian to go with this thing, but look at our numbers. Nuff said!!

Posted 20 May 2020, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

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