U.S. ELECTION: Biden wins Michigan, Wisconsin, now on brink of White House


WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden won the battleground prizes of Michigan and Wisconsin on Wednesday, reclaiming a key part of the "blue wall" that slipped away from Democrats four years ago and dramatically narrowing President Donald Trump's pathway to reelection.

A full day after Election Day, neither candidate had cleared the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House. But Biden's victories in the Great Lakes states left him at 264, meaning he was one battleground state away from crossing the threshold and becoming president-elect.

Biden, who has received more than 71 million votes, the most in history, was joined by his running mate Kamala Harris at an afternoon news conference and said he now expected to win the presidency, though he stopped short of outright declaring victory.

"I will govern as an American president," Biden said. "There will be no red states and blue states when we win. Just the United States of America."

It was a stark contrast to Trump, who on Wednesday falsely proclaimed that he had won the election, even though millions of votes remained uncounted and the race was far from over.

The Associated Press called Wisconsin for Biden after election officials in the state said all outstanding ballots had been counted, save for a few hundred in one township and an expected small number of provisional votes.

Trump's campaign requested a recount, thought statewide recounts in Wisconsin have historically changed the vote tally by only a few hundred votes. Biden led by 0.624 percentage point out of nearly 3.3 million ballots counted.

Since 2016, Democrats had been haunted by the crumbling of the blue wall, the trio of Great Lakes states — Pennsylvania is the third — that their candidates had been able to count on every four years. But Trump's populist appeal struck a chord with white working-class voters and he captured all three in 2016 by a total margin of just 77,000 votes.

Both candidates this year fiercely fought for the states, with Biden's everyman political persona resonating in blue-collar towns while his campaign also pushed to increase turnout among Black voters in cities like Detroit and Milwaukee.

Pennsylvania remained too early to call Wednesday night.

It was unclear when or how quickly a national winner could be determined after a long, bitter campaign dominated by the coronavirus and its effects on Americans and the national economy. But Biden's possible pathways to the White House were expanding rapidly.

After the victories in Wisconsin and Michigan, he was just six Electoral College votes away from the presidency. A win in any undecided state except for Alaska — but including Nevada, with its six votes — would be enough to end Trump's tenure in the White House.

Trump spent much of Wednesday in the White House residence, huddling with advisers and fuming at media coverage showing his Democratic rival picking up key battlegrounds. Trump falsely claimed victory in several key states and amplified unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about Democratic gains as absentee and early votes were tabulated.

Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien said the president would formally request a Wisconsin recount, citing "irregularities" in several counties. And the campaign said it was filing suit in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia to demand better access for campaign observers to locations where ballots are being processed and counted, and to raise absentee ballot concerns.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of votes were still to be counted in Pennsylvania, and Trump's campaign said it was moving to intervene in the existing Supreme Court litigation over counting mail-in ballots there. Yet, the campaign also argued that it was the outstanding votes in Arizona that could reverse the outcome there, showcasing an inherent inconsistency with their arguments.

In other closely watched races, Trump picked up Florida, the largest of the swing states, and held onto Texas and Ohio while Biden kept New Hampshire and Minnesota and flipped Arizona, a state that had reliably voted Republican in recent elections.

The unsettled nature of the presidential race was reflective of a somewhat disappointing night for Democrats, who had hoped to deliver a thorough repudiation of Trump's four years in office while also reclaiming the Senate to have a firm grasp on all of Washington. But the GOP held onto several Senate seats that had been considered vulnerable, including in Iowa, Texas, Maine and Kansas. Democrats lost House seats but were expected to retain control there.

The high-stakes election was held against the backdrop of a historic pandemic that has killed more than 232,000 Americans and wiped away millions of jobs. The U.S. on Wednesday set another record for daily confirmed coronavirus cases as several states posted all-time highs.

The candidates spent months pressing dramatically different visions for the nation's future, including on racial justice, and voters responded in huge numbers, with more than 100 million people casting votes ahead of Election Day.

Trump, in an extraordinary move from the White House, issued premature claims of victory — which he continued on Twitter Wednesday — and said he would take the election to the Supreme Court to stop the counting. It was unclear exactly what legal action he could try to pursue.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell discounted the president's quick claim of victory, saying it would take a while for states to conduct their vote counts. The Kentucky Republican said Wednesday that "claiming you've won the election is different from finishing the counting."

Vote tabulations routinely continue beyond Election Day, and states largely set the rules for when the count has to end. In presidential elections, a key point is the date in December when presidential electors met. That's set by federal law.

Dozens of Trump supporters chanting "Stop the count!" descended on a ballot-tallying center in Detroit, while thousands of anti-Trump protesters demanding a complete vote count took to the streets in cities across the U.S.

Protests — sometimes about the election, sometimes about racial inequality — took place Wednesday in at least a half-dozen cities, including Los Angeles, Seattle, Houston, Pittsburgh, Minneapolis and San Diego.

Several states allow mailed-in votes to be accepted as long as they were postmarked by Tuesday. That includes Pennsylvania, where ballots postmarked by Nov. 3 can be accepted if they arrive up to three days later.

Trump appeared to suggest those ballots should not be counted, and that he would fight for that outcome at the high court. But legal experts were dubious of Trump's declaration. Trump has appointed three of the high court's nine justices — including, most recently, Amy Coney Barrett.

The Trump campaign on Wednesday pushed Republican donors to dig deeper into their pockets to help finance legal challenges. Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, during a donor call, spoke plainly: "The fight's not over. We're in it."

The momentum from early voting carried into Election Day, as an energized electorate produced long lines at polling sites throughout the country. Turnout was higher than in 2016 in numerous counties, including all of Florida, nearly every county in North Carolina and more than 100 counties in both Georgia and Texas. That tally seemed sure to increase as more counties reported their turnout figures.

Voters braved worries of the coronavirus, threats of polling place intimidation and expectations of long lines caused by changes to voting systems, but appeared undeterred as turnout appeared it would easily surpass the 139 million ballots cast four years ago.


Jaffe reported from Wilmington, Delaware. Associated Press writers Aamer Madhani and Andrew Taylor in Washington, Kathleen Ronayne in Sacramento, Calif., and Sophia Tulp in Atlanta contributed reporting.


John says...

Many didn’t vote for Biden, per se, but they voted against Trump. And if Biden was a stronger candidate, his would’ve been a landslide victory. Trump was like a bullying boss you couldn’t stand. But you needed the paycheck. Then you saw an opportunity to ease out while Trump was being distracted.

Posted 5 November 2020, 1:49 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

If Biden wins Pennsylvania he will be a comfortable win. And winning any of the four other states will be icing on the cake and makes it less likely bthat Trump can overturn the vote in any election court.

Posted 5 November 2020, 2:07 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Joe Biden already has a transition team and is now establishing a transition website. No plans to allow Trump to railroad the process.

Posted 5 November 2020, 2:11 a.m. Suggest removal

UN says...

Hopefully Trump wins. Trump has good reason to feel confident. If Biden wins he will do something no president since JFK has done (won without Ohio). I suspect the we-stay-spoiled-teens-who-are-accustomed-to-doing-wrong-but-expect-to-still-get-rewarded people want to go back to a life with no consequences for longterm bad actions.

The same country who for eight years tried to make one woman’s life hell (so juvenile and evil they take turns - make sure she’s harassed everywhere, she depends on us for many things so we get to ‘control’ her). Yup, of course they want an anything goes/turn a blind eye person to win.

Posted 5 November 2020, 7:37 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

A friend of mine, living in an apartment in one of the northern central states of the US that decided to do mass mailings of unrequested mail-in or drop-off ballots, received 5 ballots with the names of previous renters of his apartment on them. The apartment building's superintendent told him that 2 of the ballots were in the names of people who he knew had died a few years ago and another 2 were in the names of people who he knew were now living in another state. The remaining ballot the superintendant surmised was in the name of someone who had rented the apartment before he became superintendent.

My friend told me he could have submitted (voted) all five of the ballots at the polling station along with his own ballot because no one at the polling station could be bothered to check his ID before telling him to simply drop his ballot in a big open box sitting on a table. My friend laughed out loud when I told him we have more security over our voting process in The Bahamas. Ballot box stuffing in many US states must have been rampant in the 2020 presidential election and this no doubt explains why a winner has yet to be declared. Total chaos in what has apparently become the world's largest socialist banana republic. LOL

Posted 5 November 2020, 8:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

There is not “total chaos” and there have been virtually no reports of fraud or ballot-stuffing. None. Those mail-in ballots you talked about are all bar-coded and if they do not match up to a voter who is currently registered, they would not be counted. They also require signatures. Stop spreading lies.

Posted 5 November 2020, 8:58 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

@Clamshell... any system that was created can be gamed!

No one can explain how large states like Texas, California, Florida and New York could get counted within hours, but a state like Nevada could not! Quite strange and third world!

I thought this article written back in August 2020 was an interesting one!


Posted 5 November 2020, 9:45 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

@JoeBlow ... also ... NONE of the states you listed have actually finished counting their ballots. Counting in California and NY is still in the 70% range. Those states have been “called” because the voting is overwhelmingly Democrat.

Posted 5 November 2020, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

... same thing in Texas — they’re still counting the votes, but that state has been called for Mr. Trump because he has an insurmountable lead.

Posted 5 November 2020, 10:47 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

@Clamshell: I guess you're one of the few not aware that the county, district and state voter registers are in a less than satisfactory state throughout many of the states in the US, and many US voters (like my friend) are left to wonder if this is quite deliberately so, i.e. by nefarious design.

Posted 5 November 2020, 10:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

@JoeBlow ... simple ... some states, by law, did not allow the processing of votes to begin before election day; others did. Yes, any system can be “gamed” ... but there is no actual evidence that the voting in any of these states has been “gamed”. ALL of them allow certified observers from both parties to monitor the processing of votes. ALL of them. And the states you mention are a mix of conservative and liberal states.

Posted 5 November 2020, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

@tribanon ... there is a BIG difference between “wondering” about “nefarious design” and actual evidence that any nefarious practice has been employed.

Posted 5 November 2020, 10:33 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

@Clamshell: You're so right! Just like there's no evidence that Joe Biden ever derived any kind of financial benefit from all of that money his son Hunter Biden received from various enterprises controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. And of course how could there ever be any evidence of wrong doing when the very ones responsible for detecting and investigating it are the same ones who are happily turning a blind eye to it? No, you're so right. How could I possible have been so mistaken about all of this. It's all really quite beyond me. LMAO

Posted 5 November 2020, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

OK ... the Justice Department has been under Mr. Trump’s control for nearly 4 years. Where are the indictments? Actually, the “very ones responsible for detecting and investigating it,” as you put it, are Mr. Trump’s FBI, Mr. Trump’s Justice Department, and Mr. Trump’s attorney general. So ... where are the indictments???

Posted 5 November 2020, 11:27 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Don't be so silly. If Trump truly had control over the DOJ, FBI and national intelligence agencies he would never have gone through all of the many efforts made to derail his presidency, not to mention the ridiculously unnecessary impeachment process led by some of the most well known corrupt politicians in the US, namely Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer et al. And the unsuccessful coup efforts led against him started the moment he announced his initial presidential campaign in 2016. Have you ever seriously pondered the reasons why Barr and Durham have been so quiet to date?

Posted 5 November 2020, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

Fact: The Justice Department and the FBI are led by Mr. Trump’s appointees, and have been since Day 1. That’s not some flaky conspiracy theory, that’s a FACT. Atty. Gen. Barr has practically served as Mr. Trump’s private attorney throughout, and Mr. Trump now enjoys a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court. If there were some “deep state conspiracy” afoot, how’d he manage that? So ... I repeat: Where are the indictments??

Posted 5 November 2020, 11:42 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Coming in a lame duck session that may not be so lame.....stay tuned.

Posted 5 November 2020, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

Clamshell says...

OK ... will do. We’ve been waiting 4 years, so 2 more months won’t be so hard.

Posted 5 November 2020, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

As any good socialist will tell you: “It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes”. The USA is on the path to Venezuelasation.

Posted 5 November 2020, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


And let's not forget the vital role the US Postal Service played in those postal zip code areas known to be mainly comprised of Trump's supporters. No doubt many mailed financial contributions did not make it to Trump's campaign coffers, and many ballots mailed-in by Trump's supporters did not make it to the ballot box for counting.

Posted 5 November 2020, 10:39 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Scary that the election is so close, that's a whole mess of racist, trumpie morons in that country....

The US is on a bad road, if that many people support the dumbest, most immoral unethical man ever to hold office what will the US become in ten years?

Posted 5 November 2020, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

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