Turnquest goes quietly – for now: 'I will have more to say about the allegations made against me and the actors that have perpetuated it'


Tribune Senior Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis accepted Peter Turnquest’s resignation as deputy prime minister and minister of finance yesterday evening, ending nearly a week of political intrigue after the East Grand Bahama MP was named in a Supreme Court lawsuit relating to an alleged $27m fraud.

Dr Minnis said in a brief statement that he will serve as interim finance minister before a substantive appointment is made to that post. Mr Turnquest said he will continue to serve out his term as MP.

Mr Turnquest’s resignation came as a surprise even to his Cabinet colleagues, with one minister telling The Tribune last night that he was “devastated and shocked” by the outcome. The Tribune understands that Mr Turnquest’s Cabinet colleagues largely wanted him to remain the steward of the country’s fiscal affairs as the nation battles the economic fallout from the COVID-19 crisis.

Mr Turnquest and Dr Minnis sat side by side for what will likely be the last time in the House of Assembly earlier yesterday. As parliamentarians debated a bill to amend the Penal Code, questions about Mr Turnquest’s future hovered over proceedings and were much discussed on the sidelines of the House. His departure from Cabinet comes several months after Elizabeth MP Dr Duane Sands resigned as health minister under controversial circumstances.

He is the third Cabinet minister to resign from the Minnis administration, after Brent Symonette quit his post as minister of immigration and trade last year.

Elected deputy leader of the Free National Movement in 2014 during the party’s tumultuous time in opposition, Mr Turnquest stood by Dr Minnis’ side when Loretta Butler-Turner led a revolt against the Killarney MP in 2016. Despite this, the pair did not enjoy a strong relationship and Mr Turnquest was not in the prime minister’s circle of most trusted colleagues, sources said.

Nonetheless, some in the FNM last night said that by accepting the resignation, Dr Minnis was being true to his long-held promise to take a zero tolerance approach to allegations of corruption and to hold his Cabinet colleagues to a high standard.

Mr Turnquest said it had been his honour and privilege to serve in public office.

“I have done so with total fidelity and adherence to the tenets of our democracy and the Westminster conventions by which we are guided,” he said in a statement.

“As a consequence of all the unfounded and untrue claims that have been circulating in the mainstream press as well as in social media, to protect my family, and in the best interest of my constituency and my party, I have offered my resignation as deputy prime minister and minister of finance to the prime minister with immediate effect.”

Mr Turnquest said, as finance minister, he tried to deepen the country’s democracy through legislation modernising and reforming the management of the economy and the public’s finances.

“When I met with the prime minister today, I informed him that while I am confident that once the allegations against me have been fully ventilated through the courts my reputation of transparency and accountability will be vindicated. I did not want a private business dispute, which occurred prior to my taking public office, to become a distraction to the government, or to the important national work that lies ahead,” he said.

“Our nation is undergoing an unprecedented time in its history. We are fighting a global pandemic, resulting in unprecedented economic challenges and a difficult road ahead to maintain stability and recovery. We must all continue to commit to doing our part.

“I look forward to putting this matter behind me and continuing to encourage modernisation and reform in our country to which, I remain so grateful for allowing me to serve.”

Mr Turnquest said he will discuss the circumstances of the allegations against him and those who perpetuated the claims at a later date.

In a statement of claim filed last week, Alpha Aviation Limited and Advanced Aviation Limited alleged that Randy Butler and Mr Turnquest conspired “wrongfully and with intent to injure” their companies and/or “to cause loss to them by unlawful means and/or to enrich themselves.”

Plaintiffs alleged that Mr Turnquest and Captain Butler used “some 39 fraudulent invoices and/or book entries, and for no adequate consideration” drained away some $3.8m paid by Alpha Aviation to Aviation Oversight Group via 39 separate cheque payments between February 2008 and July 2016.

They alleged that a further $3.026m was also alleged to have been siphoned off “as at December 31, 2017”, to AOG Maintenance Ltd, a company that owned Sky Bahamas’ maintenance hangar at Lynden Pindling International Airport.

Mr Turnquest was not named as a defendant in the lawsuit and maintains his innocence. His former Sky Bahamas partner, Captain Butler, has also said he is innocent of the accusations in the suit.


John says...

Who are the real victims in this brutal SAGA? Are the Bahamian people among them?

Posted 26 November 2020, 5:19 a.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

"Nonetheless, some in the FNM last night said that by accepting the resignation, Dr Minnis was being true to his long-held promise to take a zero tolerance approach to allegations of corruption and to hold his Cabinet colleagues to a high standard."

Where do we begin with this line?

Posted 26 November 2020, 6:41 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

where's the Oban file. And can we see the resignation letter that Christina Alston wrote. So many questions

"*Sources familiar with the situation told The Tribune her decision to leave had been brewing for quite some time, adding there were disagreements over certain issues at the electricity provider.*

*It was sparked by the manner in which executives of BPL were “unprofessionally” operating its affairs, The Tribune was told.*

*Namely, it is said she took exception to the selection of Finnish Technology group Wärtsilä to build BPL’s new $95m electricity plant.*

"*Christina is a consummate professional,” one source told The Tribune. “She just could (not) live with the host of irregularities present at BPL.*

Host of irregularities at BPL you say? This seems like the perfect time to produce the investigative report.

"*They were operating unprofessionally and her background would not allow it.*

"*She had issues with the level of people that took voluntary separation packages leaving BPL without the needed expertise. Overall BPL is a far cry from the places she’s worked.*"

Posted 26 November 2020, 6:57 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*Minnis said in a brief statement that he will serve as interim finance minister before a substantive appointment is made to that post.*"

I hope this doesn't end like his stint at Health. He stayed enjoying the limelight until everything around him was crashing then handed the mess to someone else

Posted 26 November 2020, 6:53 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The curiosity of this entire matter is no no claim for damages has been launched against Peter Turnquest neither have any criminal charges been filed. This means that at any point along the process, the allegations against the former DPM can be withdrawn or even dismissed by a court.

> ‘ At any time after the institution
> of a suit the plaintiff may, as
> against all or any of the defendants,
> withdraw his suit or abandon part of
> his claim.

So as it is now panning out, Turnquest can basically be publicly stripped naked of his dignity, credibility, pride and position, social, financial and political, but the claims and allegations against him can be dismissed and/or withdrawn, even before they reach trial or are required to be proven. But the goat had been ‘scraped’ already, and at what price?

> Withdrawal of suit (also known as abandonment of suit) means a retraction / secession of a previously held position by the party/parties in a legal proceeding. The suit may be withdrawn either in the trial or in the appellate stage. The provision of withdrawal and abandonment is founded on the principle that the law confers upon a person no right or benefit which he does not desire invito beneficium non datur. The second suit after withdrawal of the first one, without seeking permission to file a fresh suit, is barred, not because of the principle of res judicata, but because, whoever, abandons or disclaims a right, will lose it.’

Posted 26 November 2020, 8:32 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

How comes The Tribune never reported this?

> Class action lawsuit against Peter Nygard suspended after US government requests stay of proceedings

Posted 26 November 2020, 8:45 a.m. Suggest removal

johnmcntsh says...

It is because Nygard is being investigated by US law enforcement. It will harm a criminal case if people are called to testify in the civil case before law enforcement can pursue charges.

Posted 26 November 2020, 8 p.m. Suggest removal

shonkai says...

an we also request the resignation of members of the opposition?

Posted 26 November 2020, 9:25 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Should be easier to get a member of the loyal opposition to resign

Posted 26 November 2020, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

jus2cents says...

Its easy to lose $30M in aviation, just ask BahamasAir their 2020 financial year was down $32m compared to 2019. And 2019 was a really crappy year as well. Losing $60 M.

Posted 26 November 2020, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

>“When I met with the prime minister today, I informed him that while I am confident that once the allegations against me have been ***fully ventilated*** through the courts my reputation of transparency and accountability will be vindicated. I did not want ***a private business dispute, which occurred prior to my taking public office,*** to become a distraction to the government, or to the important national work that lies ahead,” Mr.Turnquest said.

Rethinking the facts as he knows them seems to have given Turnquest a change of heart. There’s a big difference between looking forward to allegations being "fully ventilated" in court and simply vehemently denying them as he has previously done. Up to now Turnquest had been very dismissive of the implications of the lawsuit for himself, being only too quick to assert he had not been named as a defendant.

But the lawsuit filed on November 16, 2020 by the plaintiffs, Alpha Aviation Limited (*"Alpha"*) and Advanced Aviation Limited (*"Advanced"*), unequivocally label Turnquest as a co-conspirator to the alleged illegal acts whereby *Alpha* and *Advanced* claim to have been defrauded of amounts totaling $33,422,925 during the years 2008 through 2017. In fact, the lawsuit has been crafted in such a way that the court will find it necessary to compel Turnquest be enjoined as a defendant under well-established legal principles for the compulsory enjoinder of parties in such a civil action. A failure by the court to order Turnquest be enjoined would be prejudicial (in fact fatal) to the interests of Randy Butler as regards his ability to defend himself or initiate any future legal action against Turnquest relating to the very same claims.

There is considerable speculation within the legal community about the close ties *Alpha* and *Advanced* have had to a particular law firm (and lawyer). But we will learn more about these ties once we know the affiliates of the law firms involved in providing *Alpha* and *Advanced* with registered office/agent services, as well as financial facility services through their client accounts. *Alpha* is a Bahamian company whereas *Advanced*, which was also a Bahamian company, was redomiciled and currently exists as a Caymanian company.

Turnquest readily admits the civil action relates to private business dealings that occurred prior to him taking public office in 2014. This revelation in and of itself is a very telling one. It likely means both Turnquest and Minnis had considerable knowledge about these matters when Turnquest was first approved to be a political candidate for the FNM party. And the only thing that has really changed between then and now is the filing of a very public legal action. This obviously begs the question: Did Turnquest and Minnis think these most serious matters were okay as long as they did not see the light of day?

Posted 26 November 2020, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

No legal action was files against PT!! He is accused to be "Co-in-tief" with the accused named in the suit. . .but he is not reported to the court. . .just that he helped to tief the money!! What the hell is this?

Posted 26 November 2020, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

So are you saying if the ‘co-accused’ as you put it is found guilty, then he is also guilty?

Posted 26 November 2020, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Well done Tribune, finally a new photo of Mr. Turnquest and look what it took to warrant it!
It would be nice if the allegations in question are proven to be false.

Posted 26 November 2020, 12:44 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

As for the rest stuff that is far beyond my legal payscale but lookin' me like the sacked comrade KP is obviously **as guilty as sin** of liftin' the words of another substantive, sacked redcoat cabinet colleague and restating them as to be's his original thoughtin' - **I go quietly, for now,** - doesn't mean I won't have more words to say about things uttered and made about and against me.**Shakehead** once for upyeahvote, thoughtin' of others can translate into most serious set charges, twice for not?

Posted 26 November 2020, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

He is done. . .he should have never, I mean never moved. . .let them fire him. . .but he moved. . .with no need to prove anything. . .he was accused of no crime. . .only that he "conspired in bogus loans"!! What the hell is dat?

He is going to form a new political party. THIS COULD BE THE END OF BRAVE AND DR. ELECTION BIDS COME 2022!!

Dis ship has sailed. . .

Posted 26 November 2020, 1:39 p.m. Suggest removal

IslandWarrior says...

Pete sound like another fellow who feels that he win the presidential election but everyone cheated on him. go quietly and pray your situation doesn't develop into jail time ...hahaha

Posted 26 November 2020, 2:06 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

The redcoats House-elected are crafting the **April 2021** general election campaign message. Come with us forgetting about all 2017's goin' do good by you, **lies.** If you come with us our brand red politics makes it easy for you **not to expect much** from amongst the **35 scanties* whom **Mr. Minnis, and Renward** will have left be left standing wanting to be 2021 re-elected back House of Assembly. **Shakehead** once for upyeahvote, twice for not makin' this redcoat nonsense up?

Posted 26 November 2020, 3:32 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

So what is this?

> The BDO accounting firm’s report - which Fred Kaiser’s companies are heavily reliant upon to support the allegations made against his former business partners, ex-deputy prime minister K Peter Turnquest and former Sky chief executive, Captain Randy Butler - says there is presently insufficient evidence to conclude that a fraud has been perpetrated.

So if there is insufficient evidence, what will happen when the matter reaches the courts?

Posted 26 November 2020, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

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