Man charged with murder wanted for bail violation


Tribune Freeport Reporter

A 29-year-old Grand Bahama man charged with murder is wanted by police for a bail violation.

An all points bulletin has been posted for Kenrick Hanna, of Kings Bay Apartments, Freeport. The suspect is about five feet, 10 inches tall of muscular build, weighing 210 lbs. He has low cut hair, and brown eyes and dark complexion. Hanna also has tattoos on his arm, leg and chest.

Hanna was charged last December with the murder of young mother Monet Darville, who was found stabbed to death at Kings Bay. He had allegedly attempted to take his own life after the stabbing by leaping from the balcony of the apartment complex and sustained serious injuries.

The suspect should be approached with caution. Anyone with information concerning his whereabouts are asked to call police at 911, National Crime Prevention Office at 302-8430/1 or Crime Stoppers at 352-1919.


Clamshell says...

Why the hell is a murder suspect out on bail? Good grief.

Posted 2 October 2020, 9:42 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

Didn't you know? After a murderer serves his 2 year sentence he's free to do as he pleases! Your typical D- country, we need the death penalty back **ASAP!**

Posted 3 October 2020, 1:02 a.m. Suggest removal

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