151 new cases of COVID-19

The Ministry of Health reported on Thursday that there were 151 new COVID-19 cases and 39 recovered cases.

Of the new cases, 115 were in New Providence, two were in the Berry Islands, one was in Grand Bahama and one was in Exuma. The locations of the other 32 cases are pending.

There are now 4,864 cases in total with 2,646 of those active.


ISpeakFacts says...

New Providence is going for **GOLD** cant no one stop em!!! And can someone please tell the buffoons at the Ministry of Health that "location pending" cases aren't supposed to remain pending after 2 months! At this rate "location pending" will have more cases than Grand Bahama!

Posted 8 October 2020, 11:25 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

I smell a rat. 201 rats to be exact.
No one knows whose location is pending, maybe the numbers are just being made up.
Labs have been known to make up pap smear test results

Posted 9 October 2020, 3:25 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...


Usually when people talk about how Bahamians can't listen and are so undisciplined they project a mental picture of loud "ghetto" people with pant waistlines below their hips and 10 different colours in their store bought hair.

But that is not what the data shows us. The data says the virus was first spread around by POLICEMEN, DEFENCE FORCE and NURSES doing their jobs. Remember the RBDF arresting and holding the COVID positive illegal immigrant and how that spread? That's where the initial clusters were. Then we saw it move to people at other work places namely GOVT Essential services. So what the data says is, responsible working people spread the virus. If we had gotten that message right, things could have been different instead for months cabinet ministers were repeating the foolish what all these people doing on the road mantra and busy cutting down shade trees on the beach with sadistic pleasure.

Leadership has us where we are. NowMinnis back to his I get a big stick and I using it talk. 7:01PM. Seriously? Did he see the traffic jams last time he implemented the ill thought out 7PM curfew? And if food stores are closed on the weekends it means everybody will jam in the food stores after work on weekdays. WHO IS DOING THE THINKING when Minnis implements these policies?

Posted 9 October 2020, 4:29 a.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

I think until the government sector employees feel it in their pockets like how private sector employees are then maybe they'll take it more seriously too

Posted 9 October 2020, 7:48 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

also, the constant Air BNB parties going on. The younger individuals are not taking it seriously. They were having parties and sleepovers at these Air BNB places. you should fine the rented houses ,and they will stop. Bars were still open with no masks and no distancing. These individuals catch the virus and then go into the work place to spread it. The minister and others then say that the workplace is the problem. It was not the problem, the problem came to the workplace...

Posted 9 October 2020, 8:24 a.m. Suggest removal

DWW says...

the only people got any money to be partying are on gov't salary right? am i wrong?

Posted 9 October 2020, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

before airbnb. the stories of spread through nurses and police force was in the news

Posted 9 October 2020, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

How is the government making any decisions with 201 locations pending? If they were all on one island (except NP and GB) wouldn't that mean a serious problem? This is all a joke as they don't have any decent information from which to make decisions so they just make them based on what they know (which has always been our Governments problem).

Posted 9 October 2020, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Tribune, this dashboard, is useless, clueless and inflammatory. It is not helping, or does it have an ulterior motive?

Posted 9 October 2020, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

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