Show me the money


Tribune Staff Reporter

SCORES of Atlantis employees and members of an activist group chanted “Minnis got to go” as they protested near Parliament Square and marched for workers to receive their severance pay from the resort.

Police reported one protester was arrested for alleged idle assembly and inciting a riot. The group was expected to march over the Sidney Poitier Bridge to Paradise Island yesterday morning, but were blocked. They then tried to take their protest to the House of Assembly.

At one point, the group was lined up near a bank on Bay and Parliament Streets behind barricades, as police tried to direct the crowd away.

Operation Sovereign Bahamas managing director Adrian Francis, whose group organised the protest, had told The Tribune earlier that they were stopped from going over the bridge and had unsuccessfully attempted to go to Parliament Square on their first attempt. So, the group gathered at a park across from the bridge. Police were present watching them and two police buses were at the scene.

He said Atlantis workers wanted their money now.

“Atlantis is not going to open before March of next year,” he predicted. “Nobody is going to travel during the (US) presidential election. All the winter travel has already been planned and gone. The Bahamas is a (COVID-19) hotspot - nobody’s coming here right now. So these people are gonna be out of a job for a year to wait on the government to tell them what to do? Man, the devil is a liar.”

After being denied the right to walk to Parliament Square, the protestors got in cars and drove there instead, hoping to speak with Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

“We were at Parliament and they rushed Dr Minnis out of Parliament and they rushed him in his car,” Mr Francis said.

Commissioner of Police Paul Rolle said police are not trying to stifle protests, but said that demonstrators needed a specific permit or approval to protest at Parliament Square.

He said the process required permission from the Speaker of the House of Assembly if protestors want to go into Parliament Square, and the Speaker would send him a note advising he had given permission. He added: “If they want to go in Rawson Square, you need permission from the secretary of the Cabinet.”

Meanwhile, many Atlantis workers voiced their frustration over not getting their severance pay - particularly those who have been employees at the mega-resort for years. One 60-year-old employee explained she had been working for the hotel for 30 years. Now, the employee said she has been sleeping inside her car for four to five months and her children are hungry.

Another worker, Elizabeth Saunders, 43, said the workers are “tired” and have had “enough”. She has been at the hotel for the past 13 years.

“It’s been a fight. They don’t pay us our money and we need it now. I have five children to feed and I need my money.

“I had enough. You work and it’s like you can’t see your money...they give us the run around, we tired we had enough.”

Dave Beckford has been an employee for 25 years as a gardener in the landscaping department. Through the “grace of God” he has been getting by, but most workers are only getting $150 a week in assistance from the government.

“The money they gave us is our health and welfare fund and the monies that we’ve been getting from the government. How do you expect us to live off $150?

“The law is clear after 12 weeks, three months, the Act says that the employer must return the employee back to work or pay them off but what the government did is meet with the hotel owners and then suspend section 28 C. So basically, you are taking my rights away.”

The government has suspended the Employment Act provisions that mandate employers must pay full severance/redundancy to workers who have been furloughed, or sent home, after 90 days/13 weeks or otherwise recall them to work.

This provision is suspended until 30 days after the government’s COVID-19 emergency powers orders —currently in effect until the end of October—cease.

A room attendant at The Reef said she is sick and tired of the double talk. She has now been out of a job for seven and a half months. Her husband also works at Atlantis and he is out of a job as well.

“All I want is what is mines. It’s my money and I want it now,” she said.

“They just keep promising us that they’re gonna do something for us, but are not getting anything. The $150 every two weeks is not going to kick it.”

She planned to use the severance pay to start her own small business as she vowed she is finished with Atlantis.

Atlantis temporarily laid off staff in March for an initial period of four weeks in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. However the resort’s closure has been protracted due to skyrocketing cases of the virus in The Bahamas and the United States, the country’s main tourist market.


tribanon says...

It's going to take mask-wearing crowds of 'peaceful' protesters much bigger than this to remove Minnis from office. Too many Bahamians are docile as Minnis tramples all over their most basic constitutional rights and goes about transforming the Bahamas into a police state ruled by himself with the support of his Communist Chinese masters.

Posted 8 October 2020, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

We all know Minnis and his corrupt cronies alike including the RBDF/RBPF have yet to take any sort of paycut during this pandemic, meanwhile he's shutting down businesses and giving citizens **OUTRAGEOUS** fines for picking up medicine or selling coconuts, but #ItsDaPeoplesTime!


Posted 8 October 2020, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

jamaicaproud says...

I feel for you guys. If you look through all the papers in the Caribbean etc. Your PM is not handling this Covid well at all?
There seems to be no good results with all these lockdowns.

Every other island allows full commerce by day with night curfew.
In Jamaica you can enter the country with a test after applying online and be monitored by a Phone app.
Why are them leaders not collaborating?

Posted 8 October 2020, 6:02 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

The Cambridge Dictionary defines "POLICE STATE" as "a country in which the government uses the police to severely limit people's freedom.

Posted 8 October 2020, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

This is what's happening at this very moment! Did you not see the persons arrested for selling coconuts? What about the homeless man given a ticket by a very corrupt police officer for simply preaching on the sidewalk? Or what about the viral videos of the corrupt RBPF/RBDF officers forcing citizens into that smelly ol' police van for simply protesting against Hubert "Idiot" Minnis because he closed down food stores and water depots for an entire week without any warning thus allowing Bahamians to starve?

Posted 8 October 2020, 8:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

We some strange folks.. covid is killing us and all we can talk about is this nonsense? Please look at the number in this country, then other Caribbean countries where the tourist will go because we don't understand what the PM is trying to do. Who ga come here to a covid infested town? If I was a visitor and I was traveling I wouldn't come here either. But we sit and blame the government when the problem is ourselves. They post the numbers every day, they are scary, all we cud think of is me, I, and my... selfishness. I glad I don't live there in Nassau. Even if the government changes the problem will still exist, that's the bottom line.

Posted 8 October 2020, 9:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

You must be as slow as Minnis if you're blaming the Chinese Virus as the reason tourist wont come to the bahamas, the main reason why tourists wont come here is because Minnis will have them locked in a hotel room for two weeks without any sort of freedom or as the great dictator Minnis would call it... Vacation in Place! (**VIP**) The sad part is that Minnis is so dumb that he actually believes this stupid idea of his will bring in tourists!

Posted 8 October 2020, 11:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ted4bz says...

As long as you all agree with the ways Minnis and the globalist industrial cv19 Unchecked program and methods are relayed to you, whereas they can tell you all anything they want without providing substance and verifiable details. As long as you all agree and parrot whatever they choose to tell you, that way won’t get you anywhere. Agreeing with him and then attacking him makes no sense. Make up your minds one way or the other.

Posted 9 October 2020, 7:57 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

You should listen to yourself. Are you saying Minnis is incapable of making informed decisions that are in the best interests of our nation and its people? If so, most of us would agree with you. The man clearly can't think for himself and is therefore most vulnerable to reacting to the loudest voices as he jerks us around from one direction to another because his only concern is staying in power no matter what.

Posted 9 October 2020, 10:06 a.m. Suggest removal

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