PARTY’S OVER: Police blame youngsters for problems caused at illegal lockdown events


Tribune Staff Reporter

POLICE Commissioner Paul Rolle said his officers will be out in full force to enforce new COVID-19 restrictions, as he revealed that officers have faced challenges recently with young people hosting parties.

A weekend lockdown takes effect today at 7pm until 5am Tuesday. Businesses – including food stores and pharmacies – have been ordered to close during this period and people will only be allowed to leave their homes if they are deemed an essential worker. In person worship is allowed at a church for one hour on Saturday and Sunday.

“I would want to encourage residents... abide by these rules,” Commissioner Rolle said.

“The lockdown takes effect 7pm on Friday and we will be out, the police will be out, ensuring compliance with it, and so we are asking people to just abide. In recent weeks we’ve been having a lot of challenges with young people in particular having social gatherings and parties.

“I want to say to them, not to do that. If we find that happening, we’ll be taking a more stiffer approach with those persons who seek to defy those orders.”

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis announced the stricter measures for New Providence and Abaco on Wednesday, amid troubling COVID-19 statistics for the two islands.

He said a 7pm to 5am daily curfew and weekend lockdowns will be in place until the situation improves.

Beaches and parks in Abaco and New Providence also will be closed beginning Friday and only virtual learning is permitted for students on both islands.

Sea and airports will continue to operate and there will be no interruption to flights.

Additionally, during the week, religious services may continue based on the Bahamas Christian Council guidelines approved by the Ministry of Health.

Churches may also open for individual/private prayer during the week. However, other restrictions regarding funerals and weddings will be enforced.

On Wednesday, Dr Minnis said health officials have recommended reverting to previous protocols.

As such, in addition to the officiant and the undertakers, 10 people will be permitted to attend a funeral, which may now only take place at the graveside. Wakes and repasts will not be permitted.

As far as weddings are concerned only ten people will be permitted at a wedding, while wedding receptions will not be permitted.

Exercise is permitted in a person’s neighbourhood Monday to Friday, between 5am and 7pm, but exercise on the weekend may take place only within a person’s yard.

Gyms will once again be closed.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) has 165 confirmed cases, inclusive of officers and civilian staff, and one COVID-19 related death. Yet, the commissioner expressed confidence in having enough officers to man the upcoming lockdown on both Abaco and New Providence and the other restrictions.


tribanon says...

We had better take our nation back while we still can. What's being done here is worse than the Communist China Virus itself. Even the CDC and NIH (NIAID) all agree and have posted on their official websites that keeping people locked up in the confines of their home is about the worst thing a nation already experiencing community spread of the virus can do.

Our government should have long ago adopted health policies targeted at:

(1) protecting the more vulnerable in our society, i.e. the elderly and those with serious pre-existing medical conditions, including making sure they have access to an adequate supply of over-the -counter Vitamin D and Zinc supplements to boost their immune systems;

(2) keeping our frontline healthcare workers safe and our medical facilities adequately equipped with the protective gear, medications and other resources necessary to treat those who become seriously ill from contracting the virus;

(3) providing our population with an adequate supply of low or no cost disposable face masks and sanitizers, recognizing that there are many who simply cannot afford to buy these items; and

(4) making government and private sector work places as safe as practicable in order to keep as much of the local economy functioning as possible.

We need to put an end once and for all to the nonsensical stop-and-go lockdowns and temporary curfews that have been proven the world over to be the wrong way to go after community spread has already become rampant in a society, as is our case.

And Minnis (a medical doctor no less) has proven time and time again that he simply can't be trusted to do what's right and best for all of our people and our nation.

Posted 9 October 2020, 9:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Chucky says...

It’s called conditioning, it’s an exercise

Posted 9 October 2020, 9:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

The benefit of a complete lock down is questionable but if we are to use that tactic then it has to be for at least a two week period. Weekend only lock downs are a waste of time I fear. Your other recommendations make sense.

Posted 9 October 2020, 9:54 a.m. Suggest removal

ISpeakFacts says...

This "dog-looking" SOB needs to keep his dirty mouth shut! This is the same corrupt buffoon who said "If you confront police, you best be prepared to meet your maker" Rolle needs to be stripped of his duties immediately!

Posted 9 October 2020, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

Agreed, straight Buffon, full of hot air and just as clueless

Posted 9 October 2020, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Minnis is finish! How dare his Cabinet allow him to make the Bahamas a Police
State. The FNM Torch has been extinguished. THE People cannot wait another year to two years for an election. When the riots begin and police use force, external forces will take over our streets. It will not be pretty.

Posted 9 October 2020, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

One wonders why Minnis and his crew have not spent more time preaching about the dangers of obesity and poor diet which have led to so many of the corona induced deaths. Dr. Sands, rather portly himself, as is this commissioner in the above photo, paid some lip service to Bahamians improving their diet but then the idea seemed to fizzle out.......

Posted 9 October 2020, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Sea and Airports will be open. And all should be careful and pay attention to Commissioner
Rolle:s Statment. "If one confronts the Police be prepared to meet your Maker"

One will be killed, one will lose one's life.

Posted 9 October 2020, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**Shakehead** once for Yeah the man's **spun too mental since leaving hospital** for even I make this up, Twice for not?
- **Shield one ear** before listening to USA's President Trump On Rush Limbaugh -…

Posted 9 October 2020, 7:19 p.m. Suggest removal

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