Marijuana not priority

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am constrained to compliment The Bahamas Christian Council on two of its most recent decisions.

The decriminalisation of marijuana should not be on the front burner at this time. Yes, we all know that ganja is a socially accepted recreational drug but we also all know the mental and behavioural issues involved by consumption.

As a former first hand student of the weed of wisdom, I no longer advocate the general or even selective usage of the same. Besides we have been admonished by scriptures not to ingest mind altering substances save and except prescribed for medical purposes.

Our esteemed colleagues, Dr Simeon Hall and his sidekick, officer Quint McCartney, are advocating yet another path straight to the pits of hell. McCartney probably caused more black Bahamians to end up in jail for possession and possession with intent to supply moreso than other officers from CDU and the police force during his tenure. After all, I believe, he was in charge of the forensic laboratory for the force.

The second point relates to the wonderful stance taken by you, Illuminator Fernander, relative to individuals seeking to appear to censor sermons and words from The Lord Jesus Christ. That is a no-no and untouchable. If the word is suspect or willy-nilly, The Lord will deal with that not mere politicians and their apostate allies.

I love the pro-active approach now being adopted by The Council. Find time, however, to address the financial; mental and spiritual stress now being unduly imposed upon the unwashed masses. How long will these ineffective curfews go on for?



October 29, 2020.