Waterloo ‘may be forced to shut’


Tribune Senior Reporter


POPULAR bar, nightclub and restaurant Waterloo said it could be forced to shut down and make 50 workers redundant if it allegedly continues to be the target of “arbitrary, unfounded harassment” from police.

Waterloo general manager Kenny Mackey said that the establishment has strictly adhered to mandatory safety protocols during the COVID-19 crisis but has “fallen victim to a persistent campaign of intimidation, unsubstantiated raids and unprovoked shutdowns” by police that has caused damage to its operations and reputation.

However, when contacted yesterday, Commissioner of Police Paul Rolle said police have received several complaints about large gatherings at Waterloo over the past few weeks, most recently on Sunday where he said police found “hundreds” of people gathered inside and outside. He said any suggestion police are targeting the restaurant is not true, adding officers are only doing their jobs and ensuring laws are being upheld.

“Waterloo has been operating at a substantial loss for several months now, persevering to keep the doors open as responsible employers to look out for the interests of its staff during these unprecedented times,” Mr Mackey said.

“Unfortunately, it is proving impossible to maintain a loyal customer base when faced with large groups of fatigue-wearing, machine gun outfitted officers descending upon the property with patrol lights flashing, terrifying guests and disrupting business repeatedly throughout the day, every day.

“The constant unprovoked interruption of business, the intimidation of our guests and staff members and the issuance of multiple unsubstantiated citations, which we can disprove with concrete evidence, leaves us dumbfounded.

“Closure would be a huge blow to our employees and their families not to mention the various food and beverage vendors and sanitation teams we contract with on a daily basis. The Prime Minister pleaded with employers in an impassioned address to hold on to their staff for as long as financially possible – this is what we have been trying to do.”

Mr Mackey said Waterloo officials suspect officers have been provoked by misinformed people who spread fake news. He said the property is only operating its restaurant and not the nightclub.

“Waterloo is unlucky in two senses: the property’s parking lot fronts onto a very busy thoroughfare and the venue has a previous history, under totally different management, as a crowded nightclub,” he said. “Under the circumstances it is understandable that passersby might see 50 or more cars and draw incorrect conclusions. However the matter has now reached such a level of absurdity that raids to ‘break up the crowd’ are taking place on days when the property is closed. We have made multiple efforts to meet with Police Commissioner Paul Rolle and other officials to set the record straight, but there has been no response.

“Contrary to the claims on social media, although licensed to operate as a restaurant, bar and nightclub, Waterloo adjusted its business model to focus solely on its restaurant offering in adherence to the emergency orders. We are well within our legal rights in this regard.”

Waterloo said although it is capable of accommodating 500 people under the Prime Minister’s emergency order, its policy is to seat a maximum of 190 guests.

“The aforementioned are the facts,” Mr Mackey said. “What appears on social media is misinformed opinion. We do not harbour any ill will toward members of the public for voicing their concerns—these are frightening and unprecedented times for everyone, ourselves included. All we ask is to be treated with respect and extended the courtesy of being allowed to operate uninterrupted and without persistent, unjustified harassment by law enforcement — those entrusted to protect and serve.”

However Commissioner Rolle pushed back at these claims. “Some weeks ago the Royal Bahamas Police Force began receiving complaints from members of the public regarding the conduct of the operators of the Waterloo restaurant. We summoned the operators to police headquarters, a meeting was held with them regarding our concerns,” the police chief said.

He said police met with the operators and shared their concerns and later accompanied the operators to the site where they conducted an inspection and the operator promised to ensure that the rules would be complied with. He said an officer informed the operator that the police will conduct periodic visits.

“The following week we received numerous complaints from members of the public about large gatherings at the establishment accompanied by a video of the operation.”

He said officers warned the property again to follow protocol. “On Sunday past the police again received numerous complaints from motorists in the area about large crowds at the establishment. I personally received reports from members of the public as well. I instructed Police Control to dispatch officers to investigate.”

He said officers reported “roughly 300 persons gathered outside and about 250 patrons on the inside.”

He said officers ordered people to disperse and issued citations to the operator. “The suggestion that the police have been harassing the operator of the Waterloo restaurant is not so. The Royal Bahamas Police Force has expended a considerable amount of police resources in an effort to assist the operator in getting his business organised and again responding to complaints. As the matter is now in the arena of the Magistrate’s Court, I will not comment on the actions taken by the police officers on Sunday other than to commend them for doing their job. I encourage all businesses to do their part to assist in keeping all safe during these most difficult times.”


themessenger says...

Not to mention the noise pollution off the decibel scale from their music and their DJ in love with his own hollering right next door to a large residential community.
Should have been shut down years ago. Good riddance!

Posted 24 September 2020, 4:14 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


Posted 24 September 2020, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamian242 says...

Guess what? If you're used to getting your way all the time,you expect it all the time. Waterloo is not a Web Shop, get it right..........

Posted 24 September 2020, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

themessenger says...

They may not be a webshop but the operators are certainly affiliated with them.

Posted 24 September 2020, 8:22 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

I will not comment on this story except to give a comment, I will not comment on the actions taken by the police officers on Sunday other than to commend them for doing their job.. Hmmmm.....

Posted 24 September 2020, 5:22 p.m. Suggest removal

thps says...

I dont want to be rude but I'll proceed to be rude.

Posted 24 September 2020, 6:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Amused says...

Stop having large gatherings simple. You are not above the emergency orders. Also your patrons are making you a target as they post of every pic and video while in there like they aren't use to phones or being out

Posted 24 September 2020, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Debunking the attempting to protect the **sacred paycheques workers** role's myth behind the why we're remaining open for business.
**Shakehead** once for Yeah movie theatres paycheques **will be protected promise** made to workers has become cemented in the mind's workers, Twice for Not?

Posted 24 September 2020, 8:48 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

The owner of this business sounds like an entitled ... well , let's just say he believes he should get to live by another set of rules, while his business serves as an incubator for spread of this virus! Other business owners who violated orders were hauled before the courts and fined, how come he has not shared their experience?

Posted 25 September 2020, 8:14 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Do you mean their experience of being "... faced with large groups of fatigue-wearing, machine gun outfitted officers descending upon the property with patrol lights flashing, terrifying guests and disrupting business repeatedly..."

Posted 25 September 2020, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I'm impressed to see that nobody has made any racial statements here, and those that "may" have were sly enough to "cover" them. I'm sure that this has nothing to do with race. Not in the Bahamas. Absolutely not.

Posted 25 September 2020, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

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