Open letter to the PM

Dear Mr Prime Minister

I listened with bated breath recently while you were on a trip to Ragged Island, where you were asked by a reporter to state your opinion on oil drilling in our archipelagic waters. Your response was one of great admiration for me and anyone whose desire is to pass these pristine and national waters on to future generations totally unspoiled. There was absolutely no equivocation in your words. Your passion was such that none could possibly judge them as simply utterances from the lips of a conflicted leader. Your words were such that anyone of keen perception could judge them only to be directly from the heart which tells no lies.

Undoubtedly and unquestionably, your expressions carried enormous wisdom, knowledge and knowingness. You, spontaneously and succinctly, put forth all the elements to the country, primarily, and to any other entity which would fancy any notion to venture into the sacred area of the bosom, the breast, belly and womb of our mother ocean to knowingly or ignorantly cause havoc in our greatest and most precious and treasured natural recourse.

Albeit, I would further venture to state that, you, as prime minister of an independent and sovereign nation must have been misguided by legal entities in this nation who advised your government to honour whatever permits were and those still standing to be possibly renewed. This whole matter comes off as one of the most repugnant, egregious and ill contrived schemes this nation has ever allowed thus far. It reeks of a foreign entity and a handful of local profiteers to benefit from an action which potentially spells doom to our most sacred, God-given heritage of this nation of mighty, plentiful and abundant waters.

These forces predicated on greed and selfishness are not worthy to be even heard. It’s in the range of the old Biblical adage, selling our birthright for a bowl of porridge. This action, of almost national betrayal, with its secret schemes, is putrid, and smells to deep hell in the minds and hearts of those who care for the wellbeing of our future generations.

Our greatest wealth is that of our people and our sacred ocean which has benefitted our nation and all citizens for many, many years. In light of climate change and accompanying sea level rise, we owe it to our present and future generations to nobly and conscientiously safeguard this ocean heritage which will be the basis of sustenance for many in the future, even as we lose land mass to ocean surge.

Anyone considering leading this country must exemplify these concerns and take steps to protect its people. This is the type of forward-thinking leadership needed at all fronts for a climate-threatened country. Leadership and forthright thinking that will make sound decisions for current and future generations.

Be blessed, dear sir, as you continue to create a sustainable and dignified path for our ocean heritage and our people.


Save The Bays chairman,

Grand Bahama


tribanon says...

Joe Darville is deceiving himself if he believes his cajoling letter to Minnis will somehow move him to correct his past wrongs and now do the right thing. Minnis is simply buying time, saying whatever he believes he must say to try win as many votes as possible for himself and the other FNM party candidates in the soon to be called national general election. Minnis has no intention of putting an end to oil and/or natural gas exploration and drilling activities in The Bahamas.

Posted 3 April 2021, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Some folks are not of sound mind. otherwise, they would know about the OBAN deal
signed by the same man he praises. They would be mindful of their credibility.
knowing that when one stands before GOD that is all they have their credibility

Try not to sell it for porridge...

Posted 3 April 2021, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

We also remember VAT he was against VAT and the spy bill. as soon as he won. He was all for both He increased VAT by 60%

Posted 3 April 2021, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


Hubert Minnis with Carl Bethel standing at his side should make an immediate public announcement that The Bahamas Government will not be renewing any existing licences or granting any new licences to any enterprise seeking to undertake oil and/or natural gas exploration and drilling activities of any kind anywhere in the territorial waters of The Bahamas.

They should also make it abundantly clear in their public announcement that they fully intend to table legislation in parliament that would prohibit the conduct of such environmentally damaging activities anywhere in our country forevermore.

And if Hubert Minnis and Carl Bethel cannot do this for whatever reason, then all registered voters will know the Minnis-led FNM administration has one or more horses in the BPC Ponzi scheme horse race.

Posted 3 April 2021, 1:57 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Remember, as citizens the only thing we can do is mark an X on a numbered identifiable ballot once every 60 months.

Posted 3 April 2021, 4:03 p.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

Dear Mr Darville,
Three questions;
1. Have you read the 2016 Petroleum Act Passed by parliament?
2. What sea level rise?
3. What is your solution for paying our $10 billion national debt?

Posted 5 April 2021, 8:01 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

We already know the 2016 Petroleum Act needs to be repealed in its entirety. We even now know who was integrally involved in the drafting of that God-forsaken legislation.

Posted 5 April 2021, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

jt says...

Posted 5 April 2021, 1:23 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

What did oil extraction ever do to better the lives of the vast majority of the people in countries like Venezuela, El Salvador, Trinidad, Nigeria, and many, many other similar nations. And besides, the titans in the oil & gas exploration industry have proven using state of the art seismic studies and satellite sensory imaging techniques that there are no reserves or other economically significant quantities of oil or natural gas to be found anywhere in the Bahamas. This commonly known fact alone means BPC is nothing but a rolling Ponzi scheme that is wrongfully being allowed by our corrupt political leaders to use our country's name in its own name to support the fleecing and bilking of its targeted foreign investors. At the same time BPC's drilling operations are destroying our beautiful seabeds, one of the most valuable assets possessed by our small nation. Meanwhile Minnis does nothing but give this BPC nightmare of a problem lip service in his typical all talk and no real action fashion.

Posted 5 April 2021, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

ColumbusPillow says...

Dear "thoanon",
Fossil fuels do a lot for all industrialized countries like USA, Canada, etc etc. FYI, know that no country can exist without access to cheap energy.
No Bahamas oi and gas reserves?... are you really a geologist? Please advise.
How does slandering BPC serve your cause?

Posted 6 April 2021, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

It's ***not about my cause*** but rather our country's cause. But it seems clear your fervent support for the rolling BPC Ponzi scheme is ***all about your cause***.

Posted 6 April 2021, 11:15 a.m. Suggest removal

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