Hotels chief: U.S. quarantine drop ‘step in right direction’


Tribune Business Reporter

Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) president said the US dropping its quarantine policy for vaccinated Americans returning from abroad is a “step in the right direction”.

Robert Sands, told Tribune Business yesterday: “Well, it is certainly a move in the right direction for travellers and for the general population. It is also a move towards a more normal existence, which I think is very important and there’s no question that certainly the United States is aggressively trying to vaccinate its population.”

The CDC announced in February that American citizens who have been vaccinated upon return to the US there will be no mandatory quarantine. The two week quarantine had been labelled an industry killer as the US sought to rebound from the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I looked at the latest statistic that maybe the US is close to having 70m vaccinated, so at this point and time they’re getting to maybe about 20 percent of their population,” said Mr Sands.

“The US is vaccinating 2m-3m people a day, which is a good pace, and I think that’s a good thing for the continued rebound of tourism certainly for The Bahamas.”

To move forward itself Mr Sands said The Bahamas should continually work towards sourcing tourists from other markets while getting as many Bahamians vaccinated as possible.

Numerous voices in the tourism industry have expressed anxiety over the need to vaccinate and the pace at which those in the tourism sector are being immunised. Some argue hotel workers should be a priority to stimulate a quick rebound to the Bahamian tourism sector.

“I think that the government will be addressing this particular issue of vaccinations for people in the tourism sector. The Prime Minister alluded to it more than one occasion, so I think should star tuned,” said Mr Sands.

Aashwin Bali, general manager of the Holiday Inn Express, was less enthusiastic about the US government announcing new quarantine guidance to vaccinated Americans. He said: “The thing is you can still catch COVID-19 even after you have been vaccinated and you can still spread COVID-19. Vaccinations will not stop the spread of COVID-19.

“Vaccinations will save you as it will make you more immune towards COVID-19, but you can still spread the disease if you don’t follow the COVID-19 protocols that we have.

“So vaccination is just for your personal safety and boosts your immune system, so by saying that you don’t have to quarantine after you have travelled is not 100 percent right. In my opinion, you still should have a test when you travel in from somewhere and you have to quarantine in terms of the quarantine protocol as well.”

Mr Bali cautioned that despite the increase in vaccinations taking place in key source markets for The Bahamas, the virus is “still spreading”.

“As I said, it is just immune boosters and boosting the human body’s immune system,” added Mr Bali.

Notwithstanding that COVID-19 is still looming over the country, Mr Bali said he had a 50 percent occupancy over the Easter holiday and that Holiday Inn Express is “slowly gathering momentum”. Offers to local tourists that he has been giving offers too, gave the hotel the boost it needed during the Easter break.


moncurcool says...

Amazing how the quarantine has shown how we are so dependent on other markets and countries. Yet every July 10 we have the nebulous notion where we talk about independence.

Posted 7 April 2021, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Bill Gates is such an evil man pushing for vaccinations globally, more man made fruits and vegetables to be eaten, and now pushing for blockage of natural sunlight. He's literally overthinking his mortal state of being.

Posted 7 April 2021, 5:30 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Bill Gates is not an evil man.

But obviously you are an idiot...

Posted 8 April 2021, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

not advocating for quarantine.. but isn't the purpose of quarantine so YOU don't spread the infected? Csnt persons who've been vaccinated still get infected? So if they're infdcted, but not quarantined, they still spreading the virus to all their coworkers....I don't get it.

Posted 7 April 2021, 10:31 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The vaccinated along with the unvaccinated can get Covid and spread it. It is mostly a matter of your immune system, sunlight, masks and washing hands before you eat. Car steering wheels, money in hand and finger eating fast foods on the go is probably the greatest spreader of this flu.

Posted 8 April 2021, 7:47 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

yeah but the purpose of being quarantined is so you don't spread the virus even if you're non symptomatic. Tithe vaccine basically renders you non.symptomatic... or mildly so.. which is worse than if you in the room coughing and gasping for breath. The rationale is what I dong get

I could see you saying if everynody is this hitel is vaccinated noone had to quarantine. That would make sense

Posted 8 April 2021, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

spelling is atrocious.

Posted 8 April 2021, 8:11 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Lots of questions out there about what this injection can or cannot do. Hopefully something can be done about this deadly disease. When im driving along i see people just falling over on the sidewalk every other lampost. Then the hearses come to take them away. Everyone in my family has died of Covid and nearly everyone i knew ... all dead. Friends and associates, all dead. One was a funeral worker who died from being overworked - but im sure the virus snuck into his lungs during his last breath making him a case as well.
The true mystery is how has it been able to kill 12 billion people worlwide when the global population is only 8 billion? Very strange. Very deadly.

Posted 8 April 2021, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

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