Senate to debate home ownership resolution


WHEN the Senate next meets it will debate a resolution recently tabled in the House of Assembly which is designed to bring home ownership to young Bahamians.

The Senate met briefly yesterday and leader of government business, Attorney General Carl Bethel gave notice to Senate president, Dr Mildred Hall-Watson that the debate will take place at its next sitting.

“I would like to renew all notices standing in the name of the government on the agenda,” he said. “And, I give further notice that at the next sitting of the honourable Senate which will be next Thursday, a week from today, that the resolution will be debated.”

Senator Bethel read the resolution for the upscale community which will grant certain exemptions to prospective homeowners.

The lots in western New Providence, valued at $150,000 each, will be available for purchase at a cost of $50,000 for multi-family lots, and $40,000 for single-family lots, Prime Minister Minister Dr Hubert Minnis previously announced.

The land for the development is located on the western side of Prospect Ridge road in the vicinity of Baha Mar and consists of 83 acres. Homes built by those qualifying will have to be completed within two years of purchasing the properties.

This, the government says, will ensure the development is completed in a timely manner.

The community will include walking paths, two parks, a community centre, a swimming pool and will also be eco-friendly with minimal change to the existing tomography of the land, the resolution says.

Those who are approved to build in the area will be granted certain exemptions to make the construction of the homes more affordable, such as the waiver of customs duties on all the building materials and appliances and stamp tax, and real property tax for a minimum of two-years post construction.

Pre-approved architectural designs can also be purchased by landowners at a cost of $1,000.

Dr Minnis has said that young professionals have always been ignored or put on the sidelines in the discussion of making home ownership more affordable. So, he said, these 150 lots will be available during the first development for them, 40 percent being multi-family lots and 60 percent for single families.

The Senate was adjourned until 10am on April 15.


FreeUs242 says...

The average Bahamians are put on hold from buying affordable homes until election talks. The rich people has always lived comfortably in the Bahamas purchasing whatever they want, even breaking the laws. This doesn't only speaks to young professionals but the people that don't have millions in their bank accounts.

Posted 9 April 2021, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

FreeOs242 actually I don't think residents in Skyline Drive, Prospect Rudge and Balmoral want a government subdivision near their communities knowing quite well that after a few years those same neighborhoods with lower income bahamians brings crime.

Posted 10 April 2021, 1:50 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

> Senator Bethel read the resolution for the upscale community which will grant certain exemptions to prospective homeowners.

> Dr Minnis has said that young professionals have always been ignored or put on the sidelines in the discussion of making home ownership more affordable. So, he said, these 150 lots will be available during the first development for them, 40 percent being multi-family lots and 60 percent for single families.

This entire 'vote buying' project in Minnis's very own Killarney constituency is about as unlawful and unconstitutional as things can possibly get in our country. No legitimate government has the right to do what is proposed here. The Minnis-led administration itself readily admits this is not a legitimate social welfare project or programme to help meet the needs of the truly impoverished among us. It falls far outside the remit of government.

If flea ridden Carl Bethel had an ounce of legal sense and a smidgeon of professional ethics, he would have long ago advised Minnis that this proposed pet project of his is not only constitutionally unlawful but also brazenly smacks of the worst kind of outrageous 'vote buying' in the PM's own constituency just before his calling of a national general election. Once again we have yet another glaring example of Minnis behaving like a power-juiced tyrannical dictator.

Posted 9 April 2021, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

tribanon actually the middle class and wealthy who live in the surrounding areas of Skyline, Balmoral and Prispect Ridge don't want another Nassau Village or Pinewood Gardens in their Backyard.

Posted 10 April 2021, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Not to worry. Upon the applying, the young prifessional has to present pre approval ftom the mortgagor that the house will be buiult in 2 years.

But, even if people were successful, they will not oay maintenance fee and the place will fall in disrepair. Similar schemes in other cohntries cause govts ti auction off properties.

On another note, remember the PLPs mortgage relief. It only relieved half a dozen people.

Posted 10 April 2021, 4:20 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...


Our self-annointed supreme ruler is taking care of the young loyal FNM professionals he has already selected and wants to live in his Killarney constituency and is brazeningly using our tax dollars to fund the overly-generous freebies, not to mention the heavily padded real estate development and construction contracts he will award to cronies in connection with this 'vote-buying' pet FNM project of his.

Meanwhile, the many indigent elderly and truly needy 'non-professional' Bahamians, and their families, who are now living well below the poverty line, must somehow fend for themselves because social welfare programmes are starved of the funding so desperately need for them to carry out their mission. But power-juiced Minnis is so self-absorbed with his own political wants and needs that he's totally out-of-touch with the real needs of so many in our society. It really doesn't get too much more corrupt and uncaring than this.

Posted 9 April 2021, 7:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

tribanon the high income residents that live in Skyline and Balmoral doesn't want poor and uncivilized people near their communities.

Posted 10 April 2021, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

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