Pinder eyes seat as Shonel won’t stand


Tribune Chief Reporter

FOX Hill MP Shonel Ferguson has confirmed that she will not contest her seat in the upcoming general election meanwhile Director of Labour John Pinder is strongly considering seeking a nomination with the Free National Movement to represent the area.

Mr Pinder told The Tribune yesterday he’s always wanted a political career and more so an opportunity to represent the people of Fox Hill.

“I’m presently working it out to make a determination, but I know once I nominate, I would have to resign from the government,” Mr Pinder told The Tribune on Sunday.

“So, I’ll have to apply for my pension and all of that. So, once I do get all those things in order, I will make known my intentions. I have no problems ending my career for the people of Fox Hill.”

He said his plans for the Fox Hill community involve helping area residents achieve financial emancipation, including establishing it has a hub for tourists. Once this is done, Mr Pinder said it will be easier to forge ahead with plans to quell crime issues in the area.

The former union leader said he understands much of the crime has stemmed from gang-related conflicts.

“Constituents need an opportunity for economic emancipation in that, historically, Fox Hill has a lot of things to offer and publicly we have a lot to offer.

“I have some great ideas to ensure we can bring economic freedom to Fox Hill. That then speaks to my second point. Once people are making money then we need to see how we can cut down on the crime in Fox Hill. The crime is taking place in Fox Hill, especially among the gangs, and I have a plan in mind to diffuse the situation between the gangs to cause there to be less gang activity.

“If they can have economic empowerment, I think that will cut down on the attraction by these gang leaders to younger kids.”

Ms Ferguson confirmed in a message to constituents on Friday that she would not contest the seat in the upcoming election.

She also thanked her supporters.

“I write to inform you that l will not be contesting the Fox Hill seat in the upcoming general elections,” she said in the note posted on Facebook.

“I thank the Almighty God for the opportunity to serve the Fox Hill constituency as its member of Parliament. Few people are afforded such an opportunity. The people of the Fox Hill constituency gave me the opportunity to speak for them and to work with them for the positive advancement of our communities, for this I am forever grateful.

“To the pastors and spiritual leaders of the constituency who gave me spiritual strength and guidance thank you, the community leaders, Urban Renewal, the principals and staff of the constituency schools – all of whom realised that it takes a village, I say thank you.

“To my office staff and the volunteers who were always willing, able and hardworking, I appreciate you and say thanks.

“To my family and friends who were a tower of strength and support in all ways and in every way; you were the wind beneath my wings, I thank you and I love you all.”

She continued: “To my colleagues and members of the FNM, thank you for allowing me to represent my Fox Hill constituency. I pray that God will continue to bless the Fox Hill community, the entire Fox Hill constituency and the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.”

Ms Ferguson was elected to the area in 2017, ousting former area MP and current Senator Fred Mitchell. 


carltonr61 says...

Pinder could run as a stooge of authority but with his silence on workers being forced to vaccinate which is against ILO convention he has sold out workers for thirty pieces of silver. Seems only the DNA dared to challenge our Covid neo Papa Doc Fascist slave driver. The Bahamas Christian Council is silent on cycle after cycle of testing testing testing and the money with psychological, fear and intimidation cost on poor desperate workers to take the vaccine is a violation of worker rights. He is a politician of convenience as the major issue facing Bahamians is the crime and murder by authority who has kept us house jailed for 390 days and criminally keeps his foot on our life, Christian Heritage, economy and mental stability. Since he is a yes man for this dictator he is totally anti freedom and anti Bahamian and stands for the medical mafia to use Covid to become billionaires under guise of saving lives and brothers keeper mockery. The devil's vaccine passport will separate the clean from unclean and divide and destroy every working who refuses a so called vaccine that neith prevents one from getting Covid, nor giving it to others through third wave then lockdown. Pinder stands for the mental destruction of workers through Covid control.

Posted 12 April 2021, 8:23 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

But Minnis still wants him to run on the FNM ticket. LMAO

Posted 12 April 2021, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...… Even India is using another vaccine besides the one they gifted to The Bahamas. For workers health Pinder should demand the healthiest vaccine for workers also. He should question this madness.

Posted 12 April 2021, 8:39 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Facts, yet they are lying that no reports have been made from people complaining they got blood clots here in the Bahamas. Our Government is too evil and full of greed. The UK has mentioned not to vaccinate ppl under 30, still we are using hotels to vaccinate staff under 30. Now headlines say "We are in a 3 wave" which is bs. This will put pressure on those poor staff to get vaccinated or can't work.

Posted 12 April 2021, 10:03 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**Well, on a personal note,** I've more preferred have read Monday morning headlines, all about how the realm's **Authoritarian Rule's** officials, would've been **less compliant** at chasing after personal career enhancement opportunities, and all conducted whilst falling **under the funding** of the PopoulacesPurse - were actually **more compliant** at making damn sure that the Hospitals - **are in compliant** at being in possession of sufficient ICU ventilators that are to be needed should the **maintaining the breathing of workers** at large be required - **as the latest influx admissions** of COVID-19 patients - does to further escalate.

Posted 12 April 2021, 9:52 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

"Third Wave" the biggest lie to the Bahamas right now. This will put pressure on the entire Hotel Industry to get staff vaccinated or not work. The government needs to stop giving out AstraZeneca because it's the cheapest and most undevelped vaccine on the market. No one should be mentally forced to get the vaccine if they are healthy from Covid. The UK has mentioned a review of their own vaccine...

Posted 12 April 2021, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

FreeOs242 I wonder why the PM Minnis and health minister Renward Wells didn't acquire the US Pfizer vaccine instead of the cheap watered down AstraZeneca?

Posted 12 April 2021, 8:13 p.m. Suggest removal

hrysippus says...

What a sad prospect for the country to see this man elected to a governing position. In his years as the appointed Director of Labour I can not recall him achieving anything at all, perhaps because the person appointed to this position does not have to actually anything productive. The years that he spent as president of the state employed workers union also meant that he did not have to do any actual productive work. Was he not a failed candidate for the DNA, or was that a different Pinder?

Posted 13 April 2021, 8:51 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Present day 242 union leaders are political prostitutes ........... None can wear the shoes of the great Sir Randol Fawkes .......... they are a shame & a disgrace to the cause.

Posted 13 April 2021, 2:51 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

@Sheeprunner, memories my close political time around Comrade Randol, following his exit from **propping up the first Pindling administration.** Taught me a lot. Remember well the pocket-size notebook that recorded his every move. Some read reflects the snappiness his decision-making process, they'd make, today.

Posted 13 April 2021, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

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