‘Now it’s our turn to help’


Tribune Senior Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said Cabinet will discuss giving financial assistance to those affected by the volcano eruption in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Speaking in the House of Assembly yesterday, he said: “I want all Bahamians to remember that when we were affected by Dorian, Jamaica sent its Defence Force here to assist us. Trinidad and Barbados likewise sent their Defence Force to assist us with security. Had it not been for their assistance, we could have experienced severe problems within the Abaco and the Abaco cays.

“Though times are hard with us, I am certain that all responsible and loving Bahamians would agree that under these circumstances things are even worse for them because their whole agricultural products would be covered in ash, their water lines will be affected. Barbados has already offered to accept many residents from St Vincent who have relatives or relationships there and I think it’s essential that we do our part.”

Dr Minnis noted that both St Vincent and Barbados have experienced darkness because of the ash from the volcano.

“Even during the day, completely darkness,” he said. “Because of the ash, the sun is secluded and they are in continuous darkness, especially the areas that are affected. Darkness is throughout the island and because of the direction of the wind, Barbados is likewise affected. I can tell you from experience having lived in Barbados, having experienced a similar explosion from one of the islands, we went to bed, woke up that morning and found the entire island covered in ash. It is a massive clean-up effort after a volcano.

“I’ve spoken to Mia Mottley, the Prime Minister of Barbados. She told me of their challenges of cleaning up. I’ve spoken to Prime Minister Gonzales in St Vincent and I’ve reassured him that we will take the matter to Cabinet and we will offer whatever assistance we have.”

The La Soufriere volcano first erupted on Friday, blanketing the island in ash and forcing thousands to evacuate their homes.

Smaller explosions over the weekend caused power cuts and disrupted water supplies.


FreeUs242 says...

But he's quick to minimize ppl's national insurance. Nothing wrong with helping a country in devastation but ppl here barely make a suitable paycheck because the GOVERNMENT refuses to increase our wages. NIB cuts ridiculous, sometimes social services reject ppl that truly needs help making it a longer process. Where is the money to fund St. Vincent... our TREASURY is broke, no more. Another debt is coming forcing Bahamians to pay back all the their burrowed cash to finance their rich lifestyles. They can start by downgrading their homes, cars, travel expenses, family allowances etc, that money will be able to help St Vincent.

Posted 13 April 2021, 8:20 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

Greedy politicians who want a chance at becoming Prime Minister so bad but doesn't have one ounce of honesty and empathy towards their own. Everytime election is near, everyone out there selling dreams to become the next lying PM of the Bahamas. After election, nothing just scandals, increase taxes, sanctions against the public and so on.

Posted 13 April 2021, 8:47 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

So all non-FNM & non-PLP candidates are liars?

Posted 13 April 2021, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeUs242 says...

They don't want the Bahamians to be richer than them because that gives them the chills at night of losing power and status. Being a business owner under our government is torture of having to put up with their ridiculous demands of extortion. If anyone ever considers running a business that is very successful, pls expand beyond the Bahamas.

Posted 13 April 2021, 8:57 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

This most incompetent power-juiced arse wants us, a financially broke Bahamas with so many Bahamians now unable to afford food for themselves and their young children, to help him make himself look good on the Caribbean/CARICOM political stage. The sheer arrogance shown here by Minnis is a manifestation of his most uncaring attitude towards many suffering Bahamians who are struggling the greatest of hardships at this time.

For Minnis, being PM of the Bahamas is all about helping foreigners, whether they be the greedy cruise ship companies, his Communist Chinese friends or other island nations in the Caribbean that have unfortunately fallen victim to a natural disaster. Yes indeed, Minnis is seizing an opportunity to beat his chest among his fellow Caribbean leaders when they all know only too well how he has grossly mismanaged the economy of the Bahamas and bungled, or should I say botched, the handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian and our COVID-19 crisis.

If I were the national leader of either St. Vincent or Barbados, I would quickly tell Minnis he really needs to do a much better job of looking after his own people before seeking limelight for himself on the Caribbean stage. Minnis should simply stay well out of the way of the assistance currently being provided to St. Vincent and Barbados by other nations (including the US) that can afford to lend a generous helping hand in their time of need. Meanwhile, Minnis must start thinking much more about how to design and implement policies to help struggling Bahamians and local businesses in the midst of our nation's perilous economic crisis, and much less about his personal image abroad.

Posted 13 April 2021, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Understand basic essentials like uncontaminated water and probably food and medical supplies are in great need. Local companies can benefit if government does decide to send water, face masks and even some food supplies. This country is not yet scraping the bottom of the barrel, like some suggests, and every little effort to assist will be appreciated. They may eventually need a sick bay in another country, with oxygen and ventilators. Imagine the effects of the heavy ash on persons affected by corona or having other pre-existing conditions.

Posted 14 April 2021, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

But he has imposed economic and medical tyranny on our brotherly Catholic Haiti. We starve Haiti of air commerce in their poverty. What power! What hypocrisy! Does not the Bahamas Christian Council or The Catholic church sanction this mad man. How further do we have to look to blindly see the mark of the beast. And unholy worse is yet to be inflicted upon us also. Where is the voice of the DNA against this inhumane atrocity. Not in the name of the Bahamian people.

Posted 14 April 2021, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal

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