The rudest awakening

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Picture this:

It’s 1980’s Bahamas. The Internet does not exist. Cable has not yet arrived.

Satellite television is too expensive for some. Cellular telecommunications is in its infancy, and the first functional cell phone is a five pound plastic brick that costs as much as a scooter and is affordable only to American corporate executives, the so-called “Yuppie” – young urban professional; smartphones, touchscreens, social media, and video conferencing are the stuff of Science Fiction that you’re more likely to find in a Philip K Dick novel than in real life.

Your only sources of communication are the three pillars of Media: Radio, Television, and Print – newspapers and magazines.

In this “ancient” Bahamas, electronic media is controlled by the government, and there is only one TV station and channel: ZNS TV 13.

As for radio, your only choices are Power 104.5 on FM, whereas on the AM dial, you have either Radio Bahamas 1540, or Inspiration 1240, for those of us who are Christians and want the Word of God, along with some good, old fashioned Gospel music.

And there you are, a five, six, or seven-year-old school boy or girl, rushing home from school to catch Sesame Street at 4pm, the time television signed on in the Bahamas back then.

As a young, impressionable, and naive Bahamian child, watching Sesame Street and all those great and wonderful TV shows that made life in the 1980’s enjoyable, you were led to believe that America was the greatest and most wonderful country in the whole wide world, far greater than your own little Bahamas.

A place of unlimited “awesome-ness”, where you can do anything and be anyone! You dreamed of visiting America – heck, you wanted to live in America! Visit Disneyland! Drive a Ferrari like Don Johnson or Magnum P.I! Become a soldier like G.I. Joe! Live in a big mansion and drink wine and eat caviar (whatever that was) like a certain Donald Trump! Visit New York City and gaze at skyscrapers! Wow! America! Land of the Free, and home of The Brave! There you were, standing at attention whenever the American national anthem played, despite being a Bahamian; why not pay respect to such a great and wonderful country?

Flash forward to today, and the adult you now realises how badly you have been scammed, bamboozled, hoodwinked, run amok, and lied to, by the carefully orchestrated propaganda machine that is American media.

The America that you fell in love with as a child does not exist; it had never dawned on you that your childhood heroes did not look like you, a young, Black, Bahamian child, and as the old saying warned us: “never meet your heroes.”

You have met your “hero”, only to be utterly disappointed, saddened, and disgusted to the point of nausea.

You are left crestfallen from seeing the “great” America not as the universal symbol of freedom, liberty, justice for all, and equality (it’s in the national anthem, for God’s sake!), but as a hypocritical country plagued with racism, hate, intolerance, violence, and inequality.

A country where Black people, people who look exactly like you and 90% of the Bahamian population, cannot even exist without being subjected to horrendous treatment.

Now that you have cable, Internet, and Social Media, you can see what has been hidden from you.

The hate crimes.

The police shootings. The subsequent riots and demonstrations.

The mass shootings. The same Donald J Trump you idolised as a youngster watching Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous on ZNS, becomes the President of the United States, a president who will go down in history as the worst ever, a president who, instead of uniting America, only succeeded in further dividing it, while shamelessly catering to and invigorating the right wing and their agenda of bigotry.

You see and hear about the killings of unarmed Black men, women, and children by the police, and how the officers responsible are never convicted, or receives a light sentence.

The shocking contrasts between make believe on TV, and reality, comes not only as a rude awakening, but as the absolute rudest awakening.

Only then do you realise how truly blessed you are to not live in such a place, and only then do you start to appreciate your own country, its history, culture, and national heroes and people.



April 15, 2021.


tribanon says...

> "A country {the USA} where Black people, people who look exactly like you and 90% of the Bahamian population, cannot even exist without being subjected to horrendous treatment."

The writer of this article is either mischievously motivated or ignorantly unaware of the horrific treatment our fellow black brethren around the world have received from majority black governments in predominantly black nations. But the sillyness of the election season is upon us and we all know how some of us just like to keep on playing that tired 'ole race card. lol

Posted 17 April 2021, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... written by someone who probably was indoctrinated at a HBCU, has a victim mentality and can only see the world in terms of race. Probably a believer in the rhetoric of BLM too!

In the Bahamas we have two words for the same act- racism when a black is mistreated by a person of other color, but its victimization when mistreated by a person of the same color.

Just another brand of ignorance!

Posted 18 April 2021, 8:57 p.m. Suggest removal

JohnQ says...

Just an observation from a person who visits the States frequently. If the US is so bad for persons of color or for that matter anyone else, why are thousands of people of color making their way to its borders trying to enter the country illegally every day of the week? Why are are there thousands more waiting to be processed legally? Why do many people of all colors travel there for medical procedures that could be done in their home country?

Ask yourself why and then ask again. Its not hard to answer if you are an honest objective thinker. But if you are a BLM follower looking for a hand out you might have trouble.

Posted 19 April 2021, 8:15 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

I understand that a Georgia congressman is intriducing a Bill in Atlanta that will outright forbid police from arresting or assaulting any person of color for any reason. Even if they are the midst of committing a crime.
I hope it passes and is signed into law. Black people and other people of color need to free from police interference. The congress lady from Michigan is proposing the same thing.
Say for example, a black man is speeding in his sports car on the interstate at 95mph. Why police have to pull him over? They dont know where he is going or what his priorities are. Stop making assumptions and leave that man alone!!!!!
A black man with a gun holding up a liquor store. How they know he didnt just lose his job and just needs a few dollars to pay rent? Leave that man alone!!!!!
This is just common sense.

Posted 19 April 2021, 12:01 p.m. Suggest removal

longgone says...

JokeyJack you cannot be for real. You are delusion in your opinions and you are basically what's wrong in the world today!

Posted 19 April 2021, 12:21 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

@JokeyJack just enjoys tickling some of us with his sarcasm and cynicism.

Posted 23 April 2021, 2:42 p.m. Suggest removal

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