‘Don’t just call killers monsters, bring them to justice’


Tribune Staff Reporter


PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis said National Security Minister Marvin Dames has to do more than just call the gunmen behind last week’s mass shooting “cowards” and “monsters”, but must “promise to bring them to justice”.

In a statement issued on Saturday, Mr Davis said Mr Dames must also clarify “backwater chats on social media” about the immediate events leading to the men’s deaths.

“Were the victims in police custody immediately prior to their untimely demise? Who would normally be privy to the release of wards of the state? What additional preventive and social engineering measures has the government implemented over the last four years?

“Important internal security and social issues of this nature must be adequately addressed and clarified if the government is to secure public support and confidence in its ability to manage and handle crime,” Mr Davis noted.

Police have said the men were shot about two hours after they were released from custody in connection with illegal firearm possession. Police also suspect the killings were motivated by gang activity. 

Meanwhile, Mr Davis also raised concerns about the crime prevention technology purchased by the Minnis administration.

“I raise the issue of crime prevention yet again because as I have said in the past, the multimillion dollar Shotspotter technology is clearly reactive.

“The efficacy of the multimillion dollar drones remains to be seen.

“By the time the shots fired were detected or spotted, conveyed to a control centre somewhere to a foreign country and relayed back to the Royal Bahamas Police Force for action, six people lay dead, two injured and the assailants made good their escape.

“In its wake, families are devastated and communities are left deeply shaken and vulnerable, trying to make sense of this senseless act of violence, while questioning the government’s ability to keep them safe.”

Mr Davis said it appears Thursday’s ambush was well-planned and executed. He said anti-crime measures must not only be comprehensive, but more dynamic and proactive than the organised criminal elements seeking to counter them.

“Like mutating viruses, organised criminal elements constantly change their criminal methodologies in order to evade authorities,” Mr Davis continued.

Yesterday, Bishop Simeon Hall also weighed in on gun violence.

The former chairman of the National Advisory Council on Crime said Mr Dames must keep his election promise of putting a major dent in crime. While crime has been trending down in recent years, there have been frequent gun attacks this year. 

The outspoken pastor called for the issue of guns to be tackled in an effort to deal with the country’s murder count.

“I think the least we could do is to let the Minister of National Security lead the country as he promised in his pre-election campaign he would lead the country in getting rid of guns,” he said.

“Now I know he’s done a good job so far, but obviously guns are not made in The Bahamas. We can solve to a greater degree murder counts by ridding the country of illegal weapons.

“We need to do better with how guns come into The Bahamas.

“Right now, I believe that as good a job as Minister Dames is doing, it could be better and he must keep his election promise that he’s going to put a major dent in crime and we need to hold him to that.”

The pastor emeritus of New Covenant Baptist Church also said Christian parents should turn in their “criminal sons and daughters” instead of turning a blind eye to their illegal activities.


tribanon says...

Does anyone remember Yellow Belly Davis calling for law enforcement to clamp down on all the serious violence that was associated with massive amounts of illegal drugs flowing through the Bahamas a few decades ago? I guess back then he was just much too busy making a small fortune and name for himself as the numero uno 'well politically connected' lawyer for kingpin drug dealers who got into trouble with the law. lol

Posted 19 April 2021, 9:40 a.m. Suggest removal

Emilio26 says...

Tribanon I this Brave Davis forgot how the murder rate was also high under the last Christie administration.

Posted 19 April 2021, 8:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Sickened says...

God has now brought these gang bangers to justice. DEAD, DEAD, DEAD!

If the police and court system had put these rats away for life earlier then there wouldn't be a need for another gang to hand out street justice.

Round up all known gang members and put them in jail so they can shiv each other in a secure environment.

Posted 19 April 2021, 10:14 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

wont work. Especially when your innocent son or daughter in the middle of the shivving because they got stopped for driving while tinted and possibly black.

These calls to treat anybody less than honorably no matter what they've done will backfire on is. If God want strike them with lightening or let a shark walk on land and eat them so be it, the rest of us have to ensure blind justice is done.

Posted 19 April 2021, 7:58 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Nice shot , brave, weak, but nice.

Posted 19 April 2021, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

This guy is a clown, he is now a crime prevention specialist...he needs to check out their 5 year crime stats when he was DPM... over a hundred murders every year.

Posted 19 April 2021, 7:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Cobalt says...


Posted 20 April 2021, 12:16 a.m. Suggest removal

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