Vaccine dilemma

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Society and governments around the world are going to have a major dilemma with the COVID vaccine.

Unfortunately, due to ignorance and the internet’s uncanny ability to make lies into truths, large swathes of society are refusing the vaccine.

This will have an enormous affect on how in the near future societies will function and how their economies will fare.

Unfortunately, but inevitably, the poorly educated countries will have a far higher percent of persons reluctant to take the vaccine.

If you look at the UK as an example of a well-educated country 43.5 million of the population of 68m have been vaccinated. They are vaccinating basically from the oldest down so within a few months crucial herd immunity will be achieved.

The UK a few months ago was getting 2000 plus deaths. Everyday it’s now down to less that 50 a day so the Facts prove the vaccine is working.

If you talk to people here and ask them if they are taking the vaccine the response is always the same: “Man I don’t trust that stuff!” Their opinion is not in any way based on scientific data or facts it’s actually based on something they heard from a friend or something they read on their phone/social media.

Facts should matter, not hearsay. We have one employer already here stating if his staff do not get vaccinated, they will be terminated. This will be the tip of the iceberg.

How can Atlantis and Baha Mar allow unvaccinated staff to mingle with their tourists? It is not going to happen. What they and other employers will do within the parameters of legality is make their employees lives very difficult.

The obvious one is at the employees’ expense they will insist on weekly COVID tests. Hit them in the wallet. From the perspective of the Bahamas and our economy tourism is our life blood. We may be able to survive for a year or so without tourists but long term it’s literally a disaster to this society. Obvious effect will be enormous increases in civil disobedience and crime.

Without money and food people will get desperate. If you were a tourist from the USA or Europe, would you contemplate a holiday in the Bahamas if you were aware that most of the local population is not vaccinated? Whether the population here like it or not the COVID vaccination, whilst not being enforced here as yet, your life will become so difficult you will have to take the vaccine. If societal pressure here does not force the issue, I predict within one year you will be denied any right to take an international flight. Worldwide 930 million people have been vaccinated and the adverse side effects are minimal. If you examine the issue of blood clotting the Johnson vaccine had six cases in 6.8 million doses as a comparison if you smoke tobacco, you are statistically 1,750 more likely to get blood clots from smoking than the vaccine! Again, a Fact and it really should matter.



April 21, 2021.


Bobsyeruncle says...

Absolutely spot on. Unfortunately, with a population having, on average, a D- education (including a few on here), you can't expect the average Bahamian to have the necessary critical thinking skills required to differentiate fact from fiction when it comes to what they read, hear or see on social media or main stream media.
If the churches really get on board with the vaccination program at the local level, and really start emphasizing the need to get vaccinated then maybe, just maybe, we will see a change in their reluctance. People are much more likely to listen to their local pastor than they are to a politician.

Posted 23 April 2021, 7:36 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

So vaccination is the word of God. That is blasphemy from the gatesminis Bible.

Posted 24 April 2021, 7:06 p.m. Suggest removal

GodSpeed says...

Basically you're saying...

> "If you don't agree with me you are
> ignorant"

The fact is you blindly trust authority, and that's fine but some of us don't, why is it that so difficult to understand? You trust Faucci, Gates, MSNBC and giant Pharmaceutical companies indemnified from any loss or repercussion for damage they may create and I don't.

**Nobody** knows the long term effects of the vaccine, that's one "fact" that you do not seem to understand or would like to ignore? If someone is uncomfortable with that **fact** then they shouldn't have to be coerced into taking the vaccine at all. My body, my choice 🙂

Posted 23 April 2021, 10:09 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

> Unfortunately, due to ignorance

I will have my carrot first, thanks.

> This will have an enormous affect

Effect, I detected ignorance

> #Unfortunately, but inevitably, the poorly educated countries will have a far higher percent of persons reluctant to take the vaccine.

If your argument starts with the ad hominem, it is not valid, so the ensuing coercion and threats will not convince the listener/

> If you were a tourist from the USA or Europe, would you contemplate a holiday in the Bahamas if you were aware that most of the local population is not vaccinated?

The majority of the population will not be vaccinated no matter what. So far there is only enough to vaccinate 60000.

By the time more shipments come these 60000 wil likely need another vaccine anyway.

Posted 23 April 2021, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

You have found the vaccine that prevents Covid once you took it. You are deranged and walks on your head. Mixed up propagandists. Hitler is your God.

Posted 24 April 2021, 8:48 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

I think you just might misunderstand "ohdrap4"!

Posted 26 April 2021, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Some people with herd stupidity with ignoramus hold the word of Fauci and those here who profiteers from vaccine that we must be convinced that God has spoken. Some nut. Find a life evil beasts.

Posted 24 April 2021, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Mr Realist, with not enough vaccines to go around can you explain why governments have not tested for antibodies in persons who request the vaccine or just anyone who wishes to be tested for antibodies?

Even if we believed that natural immunity is not as good as vaccine immunity, there could be those who are allowed to go about their business with natural immunity at least until such time as vaccines are plentiful. That would allow vaccines to be targeted at those with no immunity at all.

At the moment we are behaving like an EMT arriving at a car accident and putting bandages on everyone, those who are bleeding and those who are not. There are 7 people among the 2 crashed vehicles. He only has enough bandages for 3 people. 4 are bleeding. How many of those who are bleeding will he get bandages on if he goes in reverse age order or alphabetical order?

Because we see governments and Fauci just wanting to "get shots in arms" without any logical plan that relates to the spread pattern and effects of the virus, and them doing things like requiring 2 year olds to wear masks, it raises questions about what their true objective is.

Their behavior does not match what someone would do if they were fighting a pandemic, just like the above EMT's behavior does not match someone who is trying to help those who are bleeding.

Thus we question the priority on "shots in arms" and without evidence (admittedly) ask what else is in those shots besides the mRNA to make the spike protein. What other mRNA might be in there as well telling out bodies to make something else also?

There definetely is the right stuff in there because the virus is being tackled. The UK results prove that. The vaccine works against COVID for sure. But what else might be in there?

Doctors have requested to get a random vial from a distribution center in order to study its contents, but have been denied. That just sounds suspicious. The outlawing around the world of decades old drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin sounds suspicious. If aspirin had a good effect against the virus, it too would be outlawed and people like you would find nothing wrong with that. The fact that you have to "register" to get the vaccine is also concerning.

It is clear to many that there is a rat here. The secrecy, the outlawed medications, doctors being threatened with their jobs and licenses. Planes flying for months now with middle seats filled. The masks and double masks that dont work in department store changing (fitting) rooms. Just too much questionable stuff and too few answers.

Posted 24 April 2021, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

***Doctors have requested to get a random vial from a distribution center in order to study its contents, but have been denied. That just sounds suspicious.***

Not suspicious at all. Doing such a thing breaks the chain of custody for the vaccine, and deviates from required validation protocols. This is normal for all drugs/vaccines/medicines as they have to have a record of transfer all the way along the supply chain to the end user. This prevents counterfeiting & doctoring etc. as well as making sure the vaccine has been stored correctly. Any real Doctor should know that.

Also, Doctors probably have access to left over vaccines at their clinics or hospitals, so I would check your source of information. Hopefully it wasn't from a social media post or MSM like Fox, CNN or CNBC. If it was, you have somewhat proven the point of the letter writer.

Posted 24 April 2021, 5:45 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

At their clinics? You think they have any ar their clinics? LOL. Only the vaccination centers have the vaccine.

Posted 24 April 2021, 6:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

Maybe in The Bahamas, but I think you were referring to somewhere outside of The Bahamas, since you said Doctors (in the plural), and distribution center. I stand by what I said 100%. You are not allowed to break the chain of custody. Any distribution center that does that will be in deep excrement. Care to divulge your source of information ?

Posted 24 April 2021, 10:46 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Way too many idiotic US republican talking points here.... Fauci? Seriously.

Go I hate US republicans. Dumbest assholes on the planet....

Posted 24 April 2021, 6:19 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

ProudLoud - Can you offer any explanation for WHY the millions and millions of people worldwide who survived being infected (positive test) with Covid prior to December 2020 (prior to the vaccine) - why did they live?
How did they not die from Covid? They did not get a vaccine (since there was none). Tens of millions were infected in the USA and less than 400,000 died - how did they live ?

Posted 25 April 2021, 1:41 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...…

This is proof of Gates and PAHO that they just called malicious fake news.

Posted 24 April 2021, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

It's increasingly clear elected government officials around the world are being pressured by evil actors to use the man-made Wuhan virus for population control purposes in what has become the largest human behavioural science experiment ever conducted. Even the vaccinated will not be protected next time around if civilized societies around the world don't put a stop to the hideous and sinister agenda of the evil actors behind all of this.

Posted 25 April 2021, 7:15 p.m. Suggest removal

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