Tourism chief miscalculated

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I read with amazement in The Tribune that your Tourism Minister is lamenting the fact that Air Canada will not be resuming service to Nassau next month. This route is longstanding having begun in 1947. I have operated a travel agency in the Toronto area for fifty years and have been regularly sending clients to Nassau for all that time. Our family are also of Bahamian ancestry.

It would appear that your Minister and staff did little research of the Canadian market or consultation before imposing very harsh entry requirements when the borders were opened last summer. As a result our bookings to The Bahamas nearly disappeared. We went from Nassau being our prime southern destination to the bottom. We ended up sending even our longtime Bahamas bound clients elsewhere chiefly to Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.

We only had a few bookings for Nassau! Working couples did not have the time to wait in long queues at hospitals to get the required COVID-19 PCR test. No private healthcare is allowed in Canada. They would wait two to three days for the results and then be forced to take more time to scan the result and other forms to Nassau for the bureaucratic Health Visa. The return time for permission to travel was uncertain and flights to Nassau reduced from daily to once weekly. Clients had to be there in the ridiculously short five day time span from testing. Clients simply could not be bothered to go through all these hassles so they travelled to destinations with more realistic entry rules.

How could the Tourism Minister ever think people would be willing to go through all those roadblocks? It was unbelievable. Despite many complaints he refused to ease the rules. Now we see the results. The tourism industry in The Bahamas has nearly collapsed. How does he realistically think when flights eventually resume that Air Canada and other airlines can fill the flights to Nassau if all these rules remain? Sadly there is no longer much interest in The Bahamas. I could also not believe that Nassau health care workers are urging the rules be kept even if visitors have both vaccines.

The rollout of vaccines in Canada is slow but steady. It will be a long time before Canadians receive both vaccines. After speaking with other travel agents in this area we believe that unless you drastically ease the restrictions and make it far easier to enter there will be little interest in coming to The Bahamas. So much of this could have been prevented if you had just allowed visitors to bring the test result with them for an extended seven day time period.

Your Tourism Minister and staff have seriously miscalculated the results of their poorly conceived policies and the country is now reaping the whirlwind to the devastating effect on your economy. He can lament all he wants. He must accept blame for the policies of his Ministry. I never thought that this situation could ever arise for the beautiful Bahamas.


Toronto, Canada.

April 24, 2021.


Alan1 says...

This letter is well written by a good friend of The Bahamas. I thoroughly agree with everything that he has said. It is now time for the quiet union and business community to speak up about the harsh rules. We need our economy to recover. If the Government continues with all the current requirements our tourism industry is doomed.. Unlike fifty years ago there are far more destinations in our region for vacations with far easier entry requirements. The idea now being proposed of visitors having to have both vaccines plus 15 days before entering will slow things down as well..A great many people in Canada, the U.S.A. and the U.K. have not even had the first vaccine. Most people have to wait at least three months for the second vaccine. Do we want tourists or not? We have to be more realistic .Airlines will not resume flights to Nassau if there is little or no demand. So where will the visitors come from ?

Posted 26 April 2021, 9:15 p.m. Suggest removal

juju says...

Thank you for taking the time to write your letter.
It is a very sad situation for those of us who love the Bahamas, its people and its beauty.
I SUSPECT that the Minister of Tourism’s hands were tied by the PM and the Doctor woman who received a Knighthood for her advice to the leadership...
The damage is done, although the worst is yet to come for Bahamians I fear.
Costa Rica is another good alternative to the Bahamas.

Posted 27 April 2021, 12:05 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Damn. Another Canadian letter. Lol. They just keep coming...

Let me get this straight. It's ok that Canada has some of the strictest travel restrictions on erf but you dumb little Bahamians better open up to Canada now. Who yinna tink ya'll is??.

Really thought we were done with these dumb letters....

Posted 27 April 2021, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

tourism didn't collapse because the Bahamas has a tourist visa requirement. tourism collapsed because we're in the middle of a global pandemic. Travel bring the virus and variants causes outbreaks people stop coming.

They would have us believe that the current wave is because of Easter holiday I remember quite clearly saying as the numbers starting spiking, *well they can't blame this on Easter weekend cuz it wen come yet.*. They sure giving it the old college try though

Posted 27 April 2021, 9:26 p.m. Suggest removal

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