831 COVID citations issued so far this year


Tribune Senior Reporter


COVID-19 ambassadors and police officers have issued 831 citations so far this year for breaking COVID-19 emergency rules, a number that corresponds to $551,800 in fines.

Chief Superintendent of Police Zhivargo Dames, officer in charge of the Cable Beach Police Station and the COVID Enforcement Unit, revealed this to The Tribune yesterday as the country grapples with what officials say is the third wave of the virus.

“We definitely always need more ambassadors and so if we are to be outfitted with more ambassadors, that will go a long way to enforcing these protocols,” CSP Dames said, noting there are 93 ambassadors in New Providence and 40-plus assisting officers.

“There is always concern around safety and making sure myself and COVID ambassadors and officers who work with us are safe. We’re doing all that we can to make sure we follow the protocols. We want to encourage members of the public to follow the protocols as they can because myself along with the ambassadors, we have to come into the community to enforce these protocols and we are therefore encountering a level of danger ourselves.”

CSP Dames said 101 businesses have been cited since the start of the year for operating while prohibited, corresponding to about $200,000 in fines. Two hundred and thirty-four people have been cited for patronising a prohibited business for a total of about $70,000 in fines.

There have been 102 citations for not wearing masks; for breach of curfew, 103 citations have been issued. For the requirement to carry a government ID, 72 persons have been cited for failing to abide by that and 71 people have been cited for attending large social gatherings.

The enforcement of COVID-19 rules is likely to gain renewed scrutiny as the government phases in exceptions to restrictions for fully vaccinated people.

Last week, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said fully vaccinated people will be able to participate in closed environments so long as everyone in that environment is also fully vaccinated. Masks will not be necessary, he said, adding that this applies to indoor dining and people who work in Junkanoo shacks.

It is believed that policing the exceptions will be difficult, especially as more and more examples of forged documents have emerged. CSP Dames said those under his charge will be ready to enforce the new rules.

“COVID ambassadors have been hired to ensure that the protocols for the emergency enforcement orders are enforced. Any addition that is brought on by the authorities that must be enforced, definitely, we will be ready to do our part to ensure that the emergency orders are carried out. Once that comes about, COVID enforcement unit will be ready to assist and enforce the rule.”


tribanon says...

> Chief Superintendent of Police Zhivargo Dames, officer in charge of the Cable Beach Police Station and the COVID Enforcement Unit, said: “COVID ambassadors have been hired to ensure that the protocols for the emergency enforcement orders are enforced. Any addition that is brought on by the authorities that must be enforced, definitely, we will be ready to do our part to ensure that the emergency orders are carried out. Once that comes about, COVID enforcement unit will be ready to assist and enforce the rule.”

These so called "COVID ambassadors" have no lawful standing to engage in any kind of law enforcement activities in our country. Minnis has recently tasked his AG (Carl Bethel) to draft the 'police state' legislation that will seek to legalize by statute these types of unlawful gestapo squad activities, as well as strip us of many of our other constitutionally guaranteed rights and liberties as individual citizens and residents of The Bahamas.

Posted 27 April 2021, 7:53 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

In clear view we all can see a sustained authority on our necks far into 2022. Why invest in extremely exorbitant Covid gun power if restrictions are to ease. Gov is lying to again. We are mimicking Britain whose intelligence just exposed massive covert related enforcement hirings along with questionable buying by government agencies, suggestive of further, long term lockdowns and zoo like restrictions. All under handshake conditions that so so amount of their? people be hired too.

Posted 27 April 2021, 9:52 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"CSP Dames said 101 businesses have been cited since the start of the year for operating while prohibited, corresponding to about $200,000 in fines. Two hundred and thirty-four people have been cited for patronising a prohibited business for a total of about $70,000 in fines."

How many were fined for not shouting "Heil Hitler"? Or did i get the name wrong? Im not perfect you know, contrary to the belief of many of my loyal readers. Im also quite an honorable gentleman, but i wouldn't refer to myself as "most honorable". Nope.

Anyway, would love to stay and write some more but gotta dash home now b4 curfew (but obey the speed limit on my way, of course).

Posted 27 April 2021, 10:25 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

OK. Thanks for the Hitler warning.

Posted 27 April 2021, 10:35 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Seems, Covid will come to an end soon. Its Compitance challenges both God Caesar.

Posted 27 April 2021, 10:43 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Enoch in the thirteenth realm will join forces of all Angels to challenge then destroy wipe from the spirit of eternity this third lord. The camel will piss on their heads. And they know the outcome.

Posted 27 April 2021, 11:05 p.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

This regime MUST GO!!! If they make these illicit dictatorial orders permanent, and either this administration or the PLP are re-elected, they will keep this power in place. WAKE UP BAHAMAS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE FOR WHAT'S LEFT OF OUR LIBERTY.

Posted 28 April 2021, noon Suggest removal

whatsup says...

Dictator still has Emergency Powers to May 23rd....why???

Posted 28 April 2021, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

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