Cabinet undecided on emergency extension


Tribune Senior Reporter

ATTORNEY General Carl Bethel says Cabinet is undecided on whether to extend the State of Emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic or implement a new statutory framework when the current emergency orders expire on May 23.

Regardless of what structure is put in place, Mr Bethel said rules governing people’s behaviour will persist until the country reaches herd immunity.

“When The Bahamas reaches the stage of what could be termed herd immunity, then we could consider that, for The Bahamas, the emergency is basically over,” he told reporters before yesterday’s Cabinet meeting.

“So, between now and then, there will be some legal framework, whether it’s a declaration of a State of Emergency or under a statutory framework. In any event, rules will have to be mandated to restrict physical contact continuing until we reach the stage where there is a degree of herd immunity. Whether that’s under an Emergency Power Order or under a new enactment, it’s not going to stop the need to make rules to restrict certain forms of activities.

“The argument over, ‘well, you know this emergency powers and it’s over a year’ and whatever, that is really a debate as to form, not to content. The content will continue to be that, as a responsible government, we have our duty to do everything in our power to enable the Bahamian people to protect themselves and the only way that this could be effectively done is to set rules so it is clear to everybody what the standard of conduct is.”

Mr Bethel has said that new legislation, which is being drafted, would allow the government to respond on a need basis as opposed to a broad national response.

“What we do know is that the emergency continues and so the government will in very short order make a determination as to what is the best way forward and that is as much as I could say at this point,” he said yesterday.

“Safe to say that we know the emergency continues. It is an unfortunate situation that now confronts the world. We see that Europe remains basically in lockdown, we see that India is collapsing, its healthcare system has basically collapsed, that the whole world will have to come to the aid of that great country and we pray for the souls of all around the world who have perished and who are in grave danger, including here in The Bahamas, from this third wave.

“We certainly are doing everything we can to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of the Bahamian healthcare system. It is challenged but not as bad as elsewhere in the world.

“We know then that an emergency continues. In The Bahamas we are using every available means to secure enough vaccines for those who wish to take it. Right now our issue is to get more supplies. We are working hard on that front. We are grateful to hear that the United States will now release its stores of AstraZeneca, which is the vaccine that is currently being used in The Bahamas,... if we get our share we will be able to make sure that the population who have taken the vaccine voluntarily will get it in short order and that really is the goal, it’s to make sure that every Bahamian who wishes to be protected, is protected and that the resources are here for them.”

The country has been under a State of Emergency since March 2020.


tribanon says...

Just listen to this devious SOB.

> "Cabinet is undecided on whether to extend the State of Emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic or implement a new statutory framework when the current emergency orders expire on May 23."

Simply an unbelievable power grab of the worst possible kind - the police state kind !!!!!!

>".... rules governing people’s behaviour will persist until the country reaches herd immunity."

And just guess who gets to both define and determine whether herd immunity is achieved!

> “The argument over, ‘well, you know this emergency powers and it’s over a year’ and whatever, that is really a debate as to form, not to content. The content will continue to be that, as a responsible government, we have our duty to do everything in our power to enable the Bahamian people to protect themselves and the only way that this could be effectively done is to set rules so it is clear to everybody what the standard of conduct is.”

The degree of arrogance here is nothing short of fact, shocking!!! Not even one word said about the important need for our constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and liberties as individuals to be returned to us, the Bahamian people, under our long established and much reverered democratic system of governance. And the last thing we need is for our elected officials, under the devious and most deceitful guise of seeking to protect us, to wrongfully keep existing (or acquire new) extraordinary powers over us that heavily infringe on or defeat our constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and liberties. The very last thing we need as Bahamians is this type of power grapping (and imdemnifying) legislation that Minnis has tasked Bethel with drafting asap. What we in fact do need, is protection from power crazed legislators whose only interest is to take advantage of a pandemic to forevermore control every aspect of our lives for their own well-being and not ours. Yes, simply a shocking display by Bethel of his shameful willingness to assist power-juiced Minnis in creating his much desired new authoritarian police state.

We must take our country back from these corrupt and most incompetent imbeciles when we next go to the polls. And under no circumstance should the kind of legislation being sought here be tabled for enactment before the outcome of the next national general election is known.

Posted 28 April 2021, 6:41 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamian242 says...

Hey you something wrong with you? Did read what was said? This is a worldwide Pandemic? Everyone is suffering worst than us, talking taking back Democracy! Go ahead take it, and die!!

Posted 28 April 2021, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

He's s trumpie. You can't reason with a trumpie...

Posted 28 April 2021, 8:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Topdude says...

He is an agent provocateur. He just runs his mouth to provoke us. It is a form of self flagellation. This is his unique and perverted way of jacking off in public . He has to comment on everything. He knows everything. Everyone is wrong. I have never seen a freak like this. And in my practice I deal with many sick people. He is very sick. The less we pay attention to him the sooner he will desist from his foolishness. And he will have to find another source of pleasure.

Posted 28 April 2021, 10:54 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Seriously?! You have a "practice"?! Now that must be truly scary for your clients/patients. lol

Posted 29 April 2021, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

and you thought that Biden would be good the the Bahamas, lol

You can go beg and kiss your idol's feet, so that he can get rid of the AstraZeneca vaccine that is not approved for use in the US.

Posted 29 April 2021, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...…

Bahamians will leave this country in mass. Behind our backs Covid passports were created even though banned by WHO. Police got sweeping powers. All while we trusted this transparent innocent government.

Posted 28 April 2021, 8:18 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The USA knows the millions just invested by our elites in mask factory and the prolonging of Covid for their gain. They will never trust this bunch of Pirates. Woods Rodgers DNA party needs to sweep these crooks out. Sad for mask factory that CDC says no masks outdoors for vaccinated and unvaccinated. Even with a million vaccines this crew will keep their feet on our necks.

Posted 28 April 2021, 8:24 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Say millions in mask factories.. lol...

What world you living in????


Posted 28 April 2021, 9:08 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Well the vaccination extravaganza is a flunk. It is failing miserably. Worldwide. They tried to use the fear factor. The increasing numbers. The crisis in India. But India created most of its own problems. Political gatherings (Remember Donald Trump’s ‘no masks’ rally’s? Then there were the national celebrations that drew thousands. And the poor medical system. In this country the infections rate is increasing, yes, but thankfully the hospitalizations and death rates are not increasing at the same rate. Many Bahamians have built up an immunity to the virus and at this point the emergency powers should not be pushing a vaccine as its major priority BUT a continuing of the safety measures. It is almost hypocritical for the PM to come in a public arena and tell Bahamians ‘if you take the vaccine, you can travel into our country and throughout our country without a Covid test and also not wear a mask in certain conditions.’ After the sacrifices the Bahamian people have already made. After he begged them as the competent authority to ‘just give him a little more time’. Who’s agenda if Minnis pushing with these vaccines. But it’s a fake and failing agenda. And those people who are planning these huge events. Not a dollar they are fined for their reckless behavior, and the idiots that follow them is too much! Three or four hundred idiots that go and party must return to 400 households. After not practicing social distancing or wearing masks. They must also go to work the next day or even attend classes. Too bad you wasn’t partying with the devil alone. But you must invite him into your home, your workplace or your classroom.

Posted 29 April 2021, 4:44 a.m. Suggest removal


The government is looking to set it stone policies that will strip Bahamians of their freedoms whenever they see fit. I am totally against this, as i am certain these powers will be used for all the wrong reasons. It will be used as leverage to make most if not all bahamians vaccinated. If we love our country we should stand up against this ag, and this government that is so compelled to oppress bahamians

Posted 29 April 2021, 7:39 a.m. Suggest removal

whatsup says...

STOP the emergency power....we don't need it. only dictators need it.

Posted 29 April 2021, 8:48 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

This A.G. is as dangerous as his predecessor, possibly even more so! NO MORE EMERGENCY POWERS FULL STOP

Posted 29 April 2021, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

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