‘Use fake tests and you’ll get caught’


Tribune Staff Reporter


NATIONAL Security Minister Marvin Dames has again warned people against using fake COVID-19 tests, ahead of an impending travel policy requiring those who are fully vaccinated to have a negative test before arriving in the country.

Speaking to reporters before yesterday’s Cabinet meeting, Mr Dames said officers will be on high alert for such instances and warned those seeking to obtain forged documents will be caught.

The new requirement comes into effect on Friday.

“Law enforcement officers remain vigilant, and they are most certainly guided by the orders so whatever adjustments are made by the competent authority. The law enforcement will adjust accordingly,” Mr Dames said.

“These are serious times and the actions that are being taken by the Competent Authority and this government is for the safety and security of the Bahamian people and all who visit this nation of ours and so I would say to all of those who feel that they want to do their own thing that there are consequences for that, and we simply want to ensure that everyone remains safe.

“These are some serious times, and we look around the world and we see the increasing numbers and persons are being hospitalised and are dying in the process. You know any responsible government will take the actions that we’re taking as a government.

Mr Dames spoke after the Office of the Prime Minister announced on Monday that all fully vaccinated travellers coming to the country – including children between the ages of two and 11 – will be required to obtain a COVID-19 test (Rapid Antigen Test or PCR), with a negative result, within five days of arrival.

For unvaccinated travellers, the requirements remain the same: those 12 years or older must get a PCR test within five days of arriving in the country.

The new travel changes come at a time when cases and virus-related hospitalisations are surging again.

Health officials have attributed the recent spike to a relaxed adherence of the COVID-19 rules, linking clusters to gatherings and other social events.

This has prompted calls for better enforcement of COVID-19 preventative measures among the law enforcement agencies.

When asked to respond to these concerns last week, Mr Dames said police officers cannot do it alone and noted that Bahamians must take personal responsibility for their health.

“It’s about personal responsibility, okay,” he told reporters at the time.

“The law can’t be enforced if you’re in your home having a party, you know. We have to take personal responsibility. If we go to church, if we go to an event, it’s very important to wear your mask.

“And … when you look at hospitalisations around the world, those persons, the vast majority, the 90th percentile who have been hospitalised are those persons who have not been vaccinated.

“You know, these are serious times and it’s more than enforcement. Enforcement can’t do it by itself. Some may want to say that. I mean, if you see on a daily basis what law enforcement officers are doing, the amount of persons who have been fined, you know, it’s taking away from their core responsibility, unfortunately.

“What is required here is personal responsibility and we must never forget that. Oftentimes we abdicate our responsibility and put it on law enforcement. This is not a law enforcement responsibility here. This is my responsibility and your responsibility. And so, while law enforcement has its role, at the end of the day, it boils down to each and every one of us.”

During a national address last Wednesday, Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis revealed that a new geofencing application will be introduced to replace the Hubbcat system in order to monitor people who should be in quarantine.

Speaking on this yesterday, Mr Dames said: “The prime minister would’ve alluded to adding additional technology or more improved technology to ensure that we’re able to keep track of those persons who are supposed to be in quarantine and again, technology continues to improve in this area so we’re just looking at the best technology to ensure that we are able to keep track of these persons who are supposed to be in quarantine and those who continue to ignore the order.

“This is serious business and we continue to work as a government to ensure that we’re doing all that we possibly can and humanely can to keep our people safe.”


ThisIsOurs says...

dont understand why no reporter links the spikes to travel. If we were on lockdown and they kept the border open the virus would still spread. Why? Because immigration customs, airport workers, flight attendants, bellmen, restaurant servers still have to be in contact with infected tourists and go home to their families

If on the other hand you closed the border. There'd be no virus transmission. No infected tourists.

Control the border, control the virus. (I said control, not close)

Posted 4 August 2021, 7:05 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

ahhhh! I could identify intelligence. But could you separate science from professional mass audience propaganda BS, as CDC says Vaccinated persons are shedding viral spikes to the vaccinated and unvaccinated. That is why our nurses refuse vaccination. they would get all and every patient sick. Businesses and employers need to follow CDC guidelines. Vaccines only help they now say - as new info data is only in testing mode of two weeks - to help you better survive Covid, Only mask wearing supposedly stops Covid. The Vaccinated spread Covid on the job, home - but not the unvaccinated - but big pharma profit gov paymasters hates the data.

Posted 4 August 2021, 8:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Honestman says...

Carlton 61 says: "CDC says Vaccinated persons are shedding viral spikes to the vaccinated and unvaccinated. That is why our nurses refuse vaccination."

What absolute nonsense is that? There are many studies showing that vaccines significantly reduce (but don't eliminate) the rate of transmission to others. To jump to the conclusion that this is why nurses are not getting vaccinated is just plain propaganda. There are many reasons why nurses are not volunteering to be vaccinated - just like every other professional group in The Bahamas. However, nursing is the one profession where all employees SHOULD be vaccinated a) to keep themselves from getting sick and b) to reduce the rate of transmission to patients in their care.

Posted 4 August 2021, 9 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Except we now know that being vaccinated makes no difference to the capacity of the vaccinated to not spread the virus. So b) is now mute. and a) seems to wane with protection dropping significantly over several 3 -6 months..

Posted 5 August 2021, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Meltdown Marvin is struggling for political survival. If someone can breech the security of what should be the most secure compound in the country and kill an armed guard, or is EIGHT Bahamians can be shot up and SIX killed in the broad of day, on a busy public street and the Bahamians still don’t know ( officially) who done it ( but many do) can you have any faith, trust or confidence in Meltdown Marvin? Yes, his friends in high places are throwing out a lifeline to Mr Meltdown, because they have him in their favor, but the Bahamian people, cannot stomach Mr Meltdown! Too many, many Bahamians died under his watch, even in their sleep (apparently ) by police gunfire. Marvin Dames Will get votes of the Bahamian people. Votes of NO CONFIDENCE!

Posted 5 August 2021, 4:01 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

The IS SOME Good news in the Covid numbers, soon if not now

Posted 5 August 2021, 4:15 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

They do realize there's been relaxed adherence to protocols since November 2020 but weirdly enough the only time numbers spiked dramatically is when we had exponential increases in tourists with no PCR tests. Jul 2020 and March and July 2021

Posted 5 August 2021, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

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