QC Wayne Munroe in hospital with COVID


Tribune Senior Reporter


ATTORNEY Wayne Munroe, QC, the Progressive Liberal Party’s candidate for Freetown in the next general election, has been hospitalised with COVID-19.

In an interview with The Tribune yesterday, Mr Munroe said following a CT scan of his lung, it has been confirmed he will need treatment in hospital.

“I have a priest who is a doctor, Dr Roland Hamilton, and I let him take a rapid antigen test that came back negative,” Mr Munroe said yesterday. “I took a PCR test the same time and Dr Hamilton came and tested my oxygen level and said my oxygen level was 91 or something like that and so he felt that must be COVID despite the antigen test.

“He asked us to get oxygen for our home. We did that. Over the course of the evening the oxygen was running out and the oxygen wasn’t what he liked so I was brought here and admitted here.

“They did a CT scan of my lung. They say it is inflamed or something like that and that based on what they see, the treatment is drugs, steroids, that kind of thing. They’re not looking at incubation or anything like that.”

Earlier yesterday, Mr Munroe released a statement confirming his positive COVID-19 test result.

“Today, I wish to advise the public that I have tested positive for COVID-19. I would like to express my gratitude to the nurses and doctors at Doctors Hospital whose care I am currently in. I also wish to extend my sincere appreciation for the warm support I have received from family, friends, colleagues, and fellow Bahamians from across the community and country.”

Incumbent and Free National Movement candidate for Free Town Dionisio D’Aguilar offered best wishes to Mr Munroe.

“I am terribly saddened to learn of Mr Munroe’s hospitalisation after contracting the COVID-19 virus,” Mr D’Aguilar said of the news. “It is truly unfortunate that he has become another victim in this ongoing pandemic. My family and I continue to keep Wayne and his family in our prayers. We remain hopeful that he will fully recover from the virus and will be well able to return to his campaign.

“Ensuring the health and safety of all Bahamians is paramount for the Government of The Bahamas. I urge all Bahamians, particularly the good people of Free Town, to get vaccinated and continue to practice health and safety measures including the wearing of masks, regular handwashing and social distancing.

“We must be our brother’s keeper as we continue to beat back the virus. Following all the protocols helps us do just that,” said Mr D’Aguilar.

The Bahamas, meanwhile, confirmed 78 new cases of COVID-19 on August 3rd, including 67 in New Providence.

In a statement yesterday, the Ministry of Health acknowledged reports that a large youth convention created a COVID-19 cluster on New Providence.

“It is confirmed that multiple clusters of COVID-19 cases have been identified during contact tracing activities in July on New Providence and the Family Islands,” the statement said. “As cases increase, clusters have been linked to workplaces, construction sites, as well as social and other communal gatherings.

“While COVID-19 exposures can occur anywhere, the Ministry of Health reminds the general public that for all the islands of The Bahamas, private gatherings are to be restricted to 5 persons provided that the individuals are vaccinated. However, the Ministry strongly recommends that there be no large gatherings.

“The Ministry advised the public that cases, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19 have increased significantly over the past month. The health care system is at its capacity. To slow down or prevent the spread of the virus, as with other respiratory infections like the flu or the common cold, adherence to public health measures are critical.”

One hundred and nine people are currently hospitalised with COVID-19, 11 of whom are in the intensive care unit. Two hundred and ninety-two people have died from the virus to date.


John says...

If you read the article, it confirms that many persons who have Covid (Delta variant) do not test positive because the virus goes into the lungs and other organs rather than being present in the nasal passage. His was detected by CT scan. So the world must now change its testing methods. Many patients are not reporting cold for fever, but loss of appetite, headaches, abdominal and joint pain and general tiredness. The virus is now more difficult to detect and more invasive to the body.

Posted 5 August 2021, 9:53 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Noone ever thought the rapid antigen test was reliable. But the govt is protecting our border by allowing tourists to cross the border and take it 5 days after arrival. Then DAguilar says he cares about the health and safety of Bahamians. He may, but not as much as he cares about the tourist dollar. Both are important but health should have precedence

Posted 5 August 2021, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Obviously, there is something I'm missing in content Montagu's recontesting incumbent Red candidate Comrade Dionisio James's message to the good people of Montagu to **go get vaccinated** and continue to practice health and safety measures including the **wearing of masks,** regular handwashing, and social distancing? **We Montagurites** must be **our brother’s keeper** as **we** continue to beat back the virus, yes?

Posted 5 August 2021, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Paragraph five says he TESTED positive....which I took to mean the PCR came back positive.

Posted 5 August 2021, 10:46 a.m. Suggest removal

AnObserver says...

This is what happens when you listen to nutjobs on Facebook instead of people who actually have knowledge about virology. Take the damn vaccine, and don't end up in the hospital like this guy.

Posted 5 August 2021, 11:19 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

And who may that be who had knowledge of virology? Dr Fauci is proving more and more he is a crackpot with his own who can’t be trusted. And the vaccines are showing they can be problematic in the future for persons who take them. So you take the damn vaccines. Take several and be sure.

Posted 5 August 2021, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

"They’re not looking at **incubation** or anything like that.”

Well that's good news - because the treatment for severe cases includes **intubation**. Hopefully this was a mistake on the reporters side as opposed to a highly educated QC.

Posted 5 August 2021, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Can't help but wonder just how bright you would be if your blood oxygen level was well below normal.

Posted 5 August 2021, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

FreeportFreddy says...

Fair call!!

Posted 5 August 2021, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

> highly educated QC

In an interview with The Nassau Guardian last week, Munroe said he was not vaccinated against COVID-19 and did not intend to take “an experimental vaccine”.

Posted 5 August 2021, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

And you're upset with him for having the fundamental right to determine for himself what he wants or does not want put in his own body. That's called exercising one's free will.

You certainly have the right to donate your own live body to experimental science should you choose to do so, and you can even sing "We're all in this together" while doing so if that makes you feel any better. That's your own free will and business.

Posted 5 August 2021, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

lobsta says...

not upset at all. Darwin is at work.

Posted 5 August 2021, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

There nothing Darwinian about the evilness embodied in the likes of Gates, Fauci, Grady, Daszak, Collins, et al.

Posted 5 August 2021, 6:32 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Hope he gets well. He and Fred Smith do try a few things.

He probably caught covid while chasing ambulances.

Posted 5 August 2021, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

He's relatively young with no obvious serious co-morbidities. With the right therapeutics and rest he will fully recover and enjoy a robust level of natural immunity that the mRNA vaccines simply do not provide.

Posted 5 August 2021, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*. I urge all Bahamians, particularly the good people of Free Town, to get vaccinated*"

**Please stop with the political pandering. To fully vaccinate this nation you need another 200,000 doses. You have 30,000 Stop asking "everyone" to get vaccinated and focus on the most vulnerable people**

Posted 5 August 2021, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

So much more **was expected** in exchange for Montagu's dumping MP Comrade Sister Loretta, yes?

Posted 5 August 2021, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I made a mistake, they actually need 340,000 more doses to fully vaccinate

We did expect more. We crossed our fingers and hoped. Nobody except you and trib knew just how *non-consultative* Dr Minnis was

Posted 6 August 2021, 3:53 p.m. Suggest removal

TigerB says...

we better be grateful we got those few...especially Nassau...

Posted 5 August 2021, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

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