Duane sands warns of ‘tsunami’ of infections


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Bahamas reached another grim milestone as it recorded over 600 new COVID-19 cases last week, including 228 cases on Thursday alone, representing the highest single day tally reported since the start of the pandemic.

This comes as the Ministry of Health announced nine more COVID-19 deaths, bringing the official toll to 304 up to press time.

The deceased victims included seven New Providence residents. They are a 20-year-old man, a 50-year-old woman, and a 41-year-old man who all died on July 20; a 54-year-old woman who died July 23; a 74-year-old man and 24-year-old woman who both died on July 29 and a 50-year-old woman who died August 3.

The other two deaths recorded included a 54-year-old Eleuthera woman and a 42-year-old man from Berry Islands who both died July 29.

Of the new cases recorded last week, there were 91 reported on Sunday, 35 on Monday, 78 on Tuesday, 67 on Wednesday, 228 on Thursday, and 118 on Friday for a total of 617.

Saturday’s data was not released up to press time.

The week before – July 25 to July 29 – there were nearly 560 new cases confirmed.

Health officials say in the coming days, the number of new infections will probably be higher than usual due to many getting tested this week after postponing it as a result of the recent Emancipation Day holiday.

According to the latest data, 120 people are in hospital sick with the virus, ten of whom are in intensive care.

In an interview with The Tribune yesterday, former Health Minister Dr Duane Sands said the high infection rates and increasing hospital cases shows that the country is in serious trouble. He added that more restrictive measures may be needed to arrest control of this pandemic.

He also believes the number of cases reported in the last several days is not an accurate depiction of the true number of infections in the country.

The actual number, Dr Sands said, is much higher and may even be triple the reported number.

“Bear in mind that those of us that work in the hospital or healthcare system are kind of like canaries in the mine,” Dr Sands said when contacted yesterday. “And so we see some things well before the general public does... well before it is translated into numbers.

“I don’t believe 228 is an accurate reflection of the number of daily cases in our community. It’s probably twice or three or four times that amount but confirmed cases are only a fraction of the actual number of cases so things are very serious.”

Dr Sands also reiterated his belief that the COVID mutations — particularly the Delta variant — presence in The Bahamas is what’s partly contributing towards further community spread.

“Notwithstanding the lack of laboratory confirmation of the presence of Delta in The Bahamas, I would put my professional reputation on the line and say that I believe the Delta variant is the reason why we’ve seen this traumatic uptick. That in combination with a number of other issues, so it’s a perfect storm as it were.”

He said healthcare workers continue to see a worrisome increase in hospital admissions among younger people and a significant number of pregnant women giving birth while battling COVID.

“If you look at the issue of pregnancy, we’ve had more than 100 and 120 pregnant mothers with COVID present to hospitals in Nassau and that makes their delivery more challenging.

“...I’m advised that we’ve seen more maternal deaths now as a result of COVID than we have seen in many years and so this ain’t no game.”

He added: “If you look at the deaths recorded (recently) people in their 20s (are) dying. We have persons under the age of 18 critically ill from COVID.”

The Bahamas has been battling this third wave of infections since February 28.

Last month, health officials announced new COVID-19 restrictions for New Providence, Grand Bahama along with North and Central Eleuthera to curb further spread, including tighter curfew hours, social limitations and travel guidelines.

However, yesterday, the former health minister said he believes the government should tighten certain measures especially as it relates to indoor activities.

He also said there is a need for cheaper COVID testing and more aggressive educational campaigns.

“I think it’s pretty obvious that we need to tighten the (reins), okay because until we allow the hospitals to recover and when I say hospitals, I say hospitals generally because all are feeling this surge, this overwhelming tsunami of COVID cases,” the Elizabeth MP said.

“Until we get that under control, there’s going to have to be more restrictive measures in place. That should include a dramatic reduction in indoor activity, indoor shared activity where people are carousing with individuals that are not in their circle.

“Whether you’re vaccinated or not, I think we need to double down on the educational campaigns to realise that mask wearing is not optional and mask wearing should not be on the chin or on the arm or hanging from their ear.”

Dr Sands said there needs to be a widespread understanding that fully vaccinated people can still contract and transmit the virus.

“I think the business that vaccinated people don’t transmit COVID is something that we need to put to rest,” he said. “Because they do. Vaccinated people get COVID. Vaccinated people spread COVID and so just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t give you license now to run around breathing on people.”

Officials have said 108,506 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been administered as of August 7.


JokeyJack says...

"Whether you’re vaccinated or not, I think we need to double down on the educational campaigns to realise that mask wearing is not optional and mask wearing should not be on the chin or on the arm or hanging from their ear.”

You are right Dr Sands. Our big problem is that after 18 months people dont know where on their body to wear masks. Wonder if any are being used to prevent STDs? How exactly would that work? Kinda like a Bill Clinton cigar thing?

Posted 9 August 2021, 5:18 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Sooo... you saying its scientifically proven that masks prevent pregnancy?

Posted 9 August 2021, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

"No", if you're talking true health science, but "Yes" if you're taking the fake health science juiced up by evil politicians with scaremongering in an effort to control and manipulate the plebes by doing away with their constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and liberties.

Posted 10 August 2021, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Where they put them don’t matter - it’s like using chain link fence to keep mosquitoes...looks impressive but not that practical...I mean does the aerosol covid laden air magically disappear when one breathes out in mask..?

Posted 9 August 2021, 5:43 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Bingo x 1,000,000 !!

Posted 10 August 2021, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

> former Health Minister Dr Duane Sands
> said the high infection rates and
> increasing hospital cases shows that
> the country is in serious trouble. He
> added that more restrictive measures
> may be needed to arrest control of
> this pandemic.

I don't know if I can agree with the doctor that things will get worse. First whilst there is an exponential increase in the number of persons testing positive for the virus, the number of people getting seriously ill and/or dying from the disease is at a much less rate.
And remember, more people are being tested and re-tested than ever before and at a greater frequency than ever before. So these persons may have contracted the virus months ago and may now have a natural immunity to the virus and will not get sick from it. The recovery rate is still relatively high or even very high in this country.
> The actual number, Dr Sands said, is
> much higher and may even be triple the
> reported number. .

And if this is the case and the number of cases of persons getting sick is not increasing at an an increasing rate than that indicates that some type of immunity has kicked in and eventually there will be a decline in the number of persons getting ill and presenting to health care facilities.
> However, yesterday, the former health
> minister said he believes the
> government should tighten certain
> measures especially as it relates to
> indoor activities.

This sentiment would tend to correlate with earlier statements from medical professionals who indicated that a lot of spread is from family members who visit other family members who they don't live with. And Bahamians and residents alike, from day one, should have been encouraged to visit the beach more, especially during weekdays, when they are not so crowded and on family islands where the populations are sparse. The restaurants were able to effectively move their operations outdoors and to curb side but no spas barbers or gyms seem to have considered the effort,
And how can you justify putting more restrictions on a population, when thousands of tourists are being allowed into the country? One cruise alone brings 4,000 guests. And how many Bahamians on average does a guest come into contact with. Of course the guest may be fully vaccinated, but hey may also have suppressed symptoms.

Finally, for the most part most Bahamians (and residents alike) are home by sunset. And yes, of course, there are the young people, who believe they are invincible or who just don't take the virus seriously.. And unfortunately this is the group the new Delta strain is targeting. And it is not coincidental. In order fro the virus to continue to survive, it must mutate and continue to spread. and since the young population is most active and more mobile and yes, up to this point, probably the least infected, then they are the most practicable target. The virus is smart.

Posted 9 August 2021, 5:44 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...


CDC says vaccinated visitors shed virus without mask wearing.

Posted 9 August 2021, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

The viruses dropped their mask too?

Posted 9 August 2021, 9:07 p.m. Suggest removal


The fear boogeyman!

Posted 9 August 2021, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Were you born plain stupid or have you studied. Look at the facts all over the world you moron. Infections and deaths rising in Florida. UK averaging 30 + deaths a day with ovett 30,000 new infections yesterday. Delta varient more transmissable and dangerous. Vaccinations do not stop you getting covid nor passing it on WHAT THEY DO, DO IS REDUCE SYMPTOMS AND ICU CASES. Latest covid deathbwas 5 years old and under 40's are 95% of hospital admissions in UK. This is not scaremongering its reality.

Posted 10 August 2021, 8:23 a.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

Finally someone with the facts. Well said OMG!

Posted 10 August 2021, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Not fear. Just don't freak the fear on Bahamians that are not vaccinated for the spread according to FNM script.

Posted 9 August 2021, 6:32 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**A tsunami is to be made to dig deeper into pockets workers** — who may soon learn that two of the largest local worker insurers are quietly in advance discussions — come the beginning of September 2021 — increasing across the board the amount of the **unvaccinated** workers deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance — which is set to skyrocket to **$10,000 minimum cash** — And, their monthly payments remain covered could double, or be dropped from employer's policy altogether — which workers will have to scratch together — so my trusted source has reported back, yes?

Posted 9 August 2021, 8:22 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

I dropped my insurance when premium was very close to 1000 per month.

Just drop it folks. It will save you 12000 per year.

Posted 9 August 2021, 9:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

Dr. Sands is very wise in all that he says about the Covid19 crisis. I hope the public will become more serious about the risks.
If not then soon we will be overwhelmed and our health system will not be able to cope. We have enough problems now attracting visitors to our shores with all the regulations. If we have a more serious Covid situation why would anyone want to visit here? We need to wake up immediately.

Posted 9 August 2021, 8:39 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Obviously your head is in the mud. The Bahamas is attracting more tourists for this time of year than a regular year, considering the situation. So wake up to reality and stop pandering to foolishness. Furthermore some parts of the US where most tourists come from are more infected than typhus country and that is why the chose to come here.

Posted 9 August 2021, 9:57 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

This doctor and nahaja are making themselves a puppy show in the afternoon.

I dread the day this man becomes prime minister.

Posted 9 August 2021, 9:12 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

**Can report to date** since his exiting cabinet ----- Dr. Duane's ------ Unofficial Leadership Campaign Committee has seen **a flocking of donations** by the red party's big wealthy backers ----- shifting directions away from their previous **2017** general election, yes?

Posted 9 August 2021, 9:41 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

He shocked Nahaja with a lie about treatments which proves he is more politician monetizing Covid than saving lives doctor. He is on global control the population like cows in a pen script. No vax no work coming our way as in France and Italy. UK unions threatened to shut the country down. This new extension is our warning of forced imperial war upon our only God made bodies. that leader says is his. What a sweet talk willy. And then he will leave you heartbroken. Two mandates these puppets must master persuasion with. child vaccination and forced vaccination. 5 year old childs death has become the gas lighter to emotionalize parents toward sacrificing and surrendering their children health. Come into my den said the spider to the fly.

Posted 9 August 2021, 10:39 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Sands is now clearly more politician than medical doctor because of his persistent refusal to address the real science and risks behind these warp speed developed experimental mRNA vaccines as they unfold from truly independent studies conducted by reputable scientists around the world who have no political or population control agenda and no personal financial motive.

It seems the **un**vaccinated are becoming afraid of the vaccinated and with good reason.

Studies are beginning to show those who have been jabbed with may actually be facilitating or possibly even stimulating the creation of more harmful and transmissable variants of the original Wuhan virus. Some studies are even showing the viral load of the vaccinated on average significantly exceeds that of the **un**vaccinated. All of this has been giving the FDA in the US great cause for concern against the backdrop of the enormous political and big pharma pressure being applied for the FDA to approve the experimental mRNA vaccines for general use. Not good at all to say the least!

And the efficacy of the jabs has been proven to wane exponentially with the passage of time, possibly leaving many who do not elect to receive one or more annual boosters for the rest of their lives even more vulnerable to serious illness than they would have been had they not been jabbed in the first place. It's almost as if these experimental vaccines were designed with limited duration of efficacy in mind in order to create and milk financially a new Vaccine Dependent Global Society.

Only the most vulnerable portion of the global population should have been encouraged to get jabbed with these warp speed developed experimantal vaccines, i.e. those age 65+ with one or more serious co-morbidities or immune suppresses systems.

Meanwhile, we are all left to wonder what if anything has been done to prevent the sinister forces at play from developing and unleashing on the world (or targeted ethnic groups or individuals) new gain-of-function viruses, possibly of the COVID-666 kind!

Posted 10 August 2021, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

I just read FDA statement on approval process and says very little. Only displaying a clock 🕒 and deeming they takes this process very serious. I don't think that is the answer Fauci nor our Autocratic leader wants to hear. EMU emergency use authorization after MSM hysterical war like drumbeat may force FDA hand. Historically the vaccines have only seen human live trials experiment for eight months and the data is just coming in. Iceland, Denmark and Israel results are very concerning after 93% vaccination then almost 100% infection of the entire population. Now they want the vaccine approved on grounds it will help you when and after you do catch covid. Sounds shaky to me. Whole vaccinated populations have ordered to remask to avoid hospital overloads.

Posted 10 August 2021, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The vaccines are no longer on prevtion global narrative. Just assistance that natural immunity by God' Grace have been doing well for the healthy from the beginning of time. Fauci is desparate he demanded no more than two weeks for FDA approval. This is a small window for the politicians waiting to force vaccinate millions of children every year until eternity. Pharma stocks and payments should be huge that governments gave them the money to make the vaccine they loose nothing and cannot be sued for death or injury during this live human test phase.

Posted 10 August 2021, 1:29 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Global master general Fauci ordering the FDA to approve his vaccines within two weeks. Hope FDA board don't vanish mysteriously.


Minnis also has phases three and four for us tied in with Fauci threat to FDA. .

Posted 10 August 2021, 2:30 p.m. Suggest removal

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