SPREAD THE WORD - IT WILL SAVE LIVES: Vaccinated are urged to explain to others why they took jab, curfew changes announced


Tribune Chief Reporter


 PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis revealed Monday night that a deal has been inked for the delivery of substantial vaccine supplies, giving The Bahamas the capacity to administer the shot to all who wish to receive it - and urged those who have had to vaccinations to talk to those who have not to encourage them.

Amid another surge in COVID-19 cases, he made an appeal for more residents to get vaccinated, so the country can emerge from the pandemic and fully open its economy. He also announced tighter curfews, which take effect on Wednesday.

Parliament will meet Tuesday instead of in September as was previously planned, when Dr Minnis will table a resolution seeking to extend the country’s Emergency Powers Orders for the “final” time. He said, once extended, the orders will come to an end at the latest on November 13.

He revealed he will also table the draft Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Management Bill 2021 today for public consultation. This new bill will form the legislative framework for The Bahamas once this COVID surge dissipates and the emergency orders end.

“It was the intention of my government, that depending on the state of the pandemic, we would move toward concluding the use of the Emergency Orders this month, and to transition to a new legislative framework as more Bahamians were vaccinated,” Dr Minnis said.

“The surge in new cases, hospitalisations and deaths, has required us to temporarily adjust our plans in order to immediately save Bahamian lives and to protect our economy. My government has set a plan to further combat this wave and to transition the country to a new post-Emergency Orders regime after this deadly surge subsides.

“As a result of the arrival soon of new vaccine supplies, we will be able to begin the transition process away from the Emergency Orders.”

In terms of the curfew changes, for New Providence, Paradise Island and Grand Bahama, the curfew will be from 9pm to 5am as of Wednesday.

As for mainland Exuma, mainland Abaco, North and South Eleuthera, including Harbour Island the curfew will be 10pm to 5am.

While Dr Minnis again doubled down on his push for people to receive the vaccine, he gave insight into what the government’s vaccination campaign will look like in the coming days.

This includes the opening of several vaccination sites, as well as acquiring large scale vaccine supplies. He did not say if this means additional brands of vaccines will be acquired or whether The Bahamas planned to stick with largely the Oxford-AstraZeneca brand.

“I am pleased to announce tonight that we have concluded negotiations to bring in a substantial number of new vaccines,” Dr Minnis said. “Along with these new doses and the vaccine supply we already received, over the next few months we will have the capacity to vaccinate all Bahamians and residents who wish to receive the vaccine.

“But let me be clear: COVID-19 will not just disappear. What our vaccine supply will do is allow us to give a significant percentage of our population protection.

“This will in time lessen the likelihood that we will have large-scale surges that cause extremely high hospitalisations. In the coming days, I will have more to say about the expansion of our vaccination programme.”

He continued: “As I have said to you before, this fight against COVID-19 is a partnership between citizens and the government. We are bringing in the vaccines needed to protect Bahamians.

“We need each unvaccinated individual to come forward quickly to take the shots. In this recent wave you have seen how COVID-19 can harm or kill people of all ages.

“We are losing young, middle aged and older Bahamians to this virus. Young, middle aged, and older Bahamians are in hospital fighting for their lives. With more vaccines about to be available to vaccinate a significant portion of our population I need you to get the shots so we can end the emergency phase of this pandemic together.”

Dr Minnis urged vaccinated people to speak to one or two people who are hesitant about the shot and encourage them to get vaccinated.

Last week, The Bahamas received the third tranche of prepaid Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines through the Pan American Health Organisation’s COVAX facility.

As a result, first and second doses of the shot resumed on August 5.

Since then, demand for this round of shots was from mostly people seeking to have their first doses, Dr Minnis said.

“A total of 833 doses were administered on that Thursday in New Providence. On Friday, August 6th, 717 doses were administered. Over a period of two days, a total of 1,550 doses were administered.

“Over a period of two days a total of 1,550 doses were administered. Of that number, 65 percent of all shots administered were first dose shots.

“A total of 1,110 doses of the vaccine were administered on New Providence and Grand Bahama today, of which 75 percent were first doses. This is great news.

“Today, Monday, August 9 , an additional vaccination centre opened on New Providence at the Church of God of Prophecy on East Street.

“Over the next two days we are ramping up our vaccination programme, with the opening of more centres across New Providence.”

On Tuesday the vaccination centre at Baha Mar, now located in the lobby of the Melia hotel, will open and then on Wednesday, another centre will open at St Anselm’s Church Hall, on Bernard Road.

By Wednesday of this week, with four vaccination centres opened in New Providence, and the Susan Wallace Community Centre on Grand Bahama, 2,050 doses of the vaccine per day will be administered.

To date, The Bahamas has received a total of 129,296 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

A total of 109,616 doses of the vaccine have been administered.


whogothere says...

> "This fight against COVID-19 is a partnership between citizens and the government."

Sort of like a driver/passenger partnership.. sort of in the way of -say - if one was thrown into the trunk of a car, while the driver rides off at break neck speed, in the opposite direction of incoming traffic, on a freeway, listening to the WHO's greatest hits at full volume while blindfolded...that sort of partnership?

Posted 9 August 2021, 11:23 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Top agents the big and mighty money backers the red party - want no more much anything do **Thee** Mr. Minnis — will he be reminded that he is but one the 35 —
during tomorrow's session of the House — whether we will truly see evidence **backboned crack** in support since the House's **34** Red MPs — last sat in session House — yes?

Posted 9 August 2021, 11:24 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

And you really believe that a PLP government would have a magic solution.

Posted 10 August 2021, 8:27 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

I've don't pretended spoke for them — regardless, has little left undealt with to do with the PLP — hadn't they been **2017 voter disciplined and shamed** over some of their governing ways, yes?

Posted 10 August 2021, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Even an administration of elected officials doing absolutely nothing but feathering their own nests through the usual kinds of corrupt activities would be infinitely better than the authoritarian police state that Minnis is in the process of creating.

Posted 10 August 2021, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Dominican Republic is picking up our tourist bookings a hundred fold. We knew he would follow G7 nations but they make billions from war and industrial import export. This is national suicide. Vaccine war against the people like France, Italy, Australia and psycho Canada.

Why should we suffer the fate of Israel Iceland and Denmark. I guess we serve different God's. Should we rebrand him something as he has used God more than the science vaccine. I will stick to God only. That you call on him so much.

Posted 9 August 2021, 11:32 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

Denmark anounced withdrawal of all covid restrictions. No more masks no more vaccines no more tests as they realized it just doesn't work

Posted 10 August 2021, 3:37 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Those conch have no spine. Unless it is a green back.

Posted 9 August 2021, 11:34 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

The CDC and WHO does not believe in his voodoo god plea for a medical emergency where vaccinated nations are spiking in Covid. Such blasphemy from the most currupt government in Bahamian history. He needs to pray for his party curruption offenses first. Sweep his door clean and lock himself up as example. Then he can preach and past judgment on unvaccinated people with negative test. I hope he can withstand God's judgment.

Posted 9 August 2021, 11:41 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Our last leader to play with God was Pindling.

Posted 9 August 2021, 11:46 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

He really should have said.. I scored some more vacs, we good. I got you. I trust you guys. you want the vac I have the vac. We been going through the motions for a while - I make a plan, it blows up in my face. I tell you to behave you don’t... I get it - I can’t control you or the virus - let’s call it a day...

Posted 9 August 2021, 11:48 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

so true. it seems that the government is saying, the vaccine is here, take it because there will be no more lockdowns. If the vaccine was not here, they would have locked down. Take the vaccine or risk covid.

Posted 10 August 2021, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

He has assumed spiritual supremacy over all Religious Cristian Councils in The Bahamas. Someone please call Sandilands. The man thinks he is God. Call Archangel Michael. I wonder at which gate of hell according to the 2nd Book of Enoch he will climb down to before the devil sees a threat by his unholy aggression upon a Holy Bahamian people. He has assumed Holiness and will be judged by Holiness.

Posted 10 August 2021, 12:06 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

A deal has been made to deliver vaccines. It should have been done a long time ago
The Government does not have the vaccine.

The FNM Government has been falling down on the job from day one.

The only future that is at stake is their future. Nothing that has happened has affected
Them they collect their salaries each and every month.

Doc loves his power does he have a limit at which he will stop?/

doc as far as corruption the Bahamas droped 8 EIGHT points under your leadership.

Posted 10 August 2021, 7:04 a.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

Vaccination and sophistication are the keys.

Posted 10 August 2021, 7:29 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

the prime minister said that this will be the last extension. has he not learned to not say such things? Say it is expected to be the last extension, not the final. What if the Delta Plus variant spreads in the Bahamas? Apparently, the vaccine does not protect us from this variant.

Posted 10 August 2021, 8:11 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

This is not just the Bahamas so stop this political bullshit. Look at the draconian measures taken in Australia. In the UK the government monitors the covid infections and deaths daily and has warned that local lockdowns may be needed at some time. . This is a worlwide pandemic not a political game.

Posted 10 August 2021, 8:30 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

It is completely a political game. If you don't see it then you've been played...

The game is the only thing that matters is covid - nothing else - For example:

In USA only 9k people died under the age of 40 of COVID, but they have 22k more overdoes than normal in that age group. Overdoses and mental surrounding them don't matter..only covid does.

Personal freedom - does it matter? Nope

Cancer diagnostics? Nope

Children's Mental Health and life outcomes? Nope

3rd world access to vaccines for more dangerous diseases? No only covid!

People's liviehoods and small businesses? Nope - money isn't as important people lives stupid

Um Health care was stretched before covid? Nope only covid can fill hospitals.

Do people die of things other than covid? Uh nope!

The over reaction to covid has been a series of missteps of historic proportions and everything since has been a political theatre to cover the bungled panic policies that likely killed as many people as they protected. It's a game of never admit you're wrong because the opposition will destroy you even if you destroy everything else in the process.. An arms race of alternative facts...

There is no immunity from this. The only people getting immunity is big Pharma and it's not from the virus it's from accidentally messing you or your kids genes up a few years down the road..

Posted 10 August 2021, 9:07 a.m. Suggest removal

DDK says...

Spot on - all counts!

Posted 10 August 2021, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

@OMG, unlike you, most of us don't fancy the idea of our country being transformed into an authoriarian police state by a tyrannical wannabe Xi Jinping. Sinister Minnis wants you as a modern day slave with himself as your master. And he wants the ability (as an evil medical doctor) to force you to put into your body anything that he tells you to put in it, no matter what. To that I say, "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!" My ancestor slaves fought too long and too hard for me to have my freedom, and like so many of my fellow Bahamians, I'm not about to allow Minnis to take away my constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and liberties with a bogus piece of grossly unconstitutional new legislation.

Posted 10 August 2021, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Amen - 1.5 years of emergency orders were bad...wait til Minnis conveniently alters the constitution for the next generation of Bahamian's in the name of health. Our children should not have to inherit a country with less freedoms than their parents..The charade must end...

Posted 10 August 2021, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

Utter nonsense.

Posted 10 August 2021, 2:04 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

Its not bs. The real bs is that we following everyone who showing they dont have the answers ratger thsn observing whats happening locally and adjusting to account for it.

The only thing the PM needed to say last night is, in face of the data its become overwhelmingly clear that the border is the greatest threat. To all extent possible we will apply reasonable controls to protect our communities from persons crossing our international border who may be infected with COVID variants. As of August 15th all persons entering the Bahamas must present a negative PCR test on entry.

Thats all he needed to say. Oh and a plan to make testing more affordable. Like $20. Free for unemployed persons

Posted 10 August 2021, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Well done......no lockdown, hospital beds available, more doctors and nurses, vaccine available, everybody's free to keep themselves out of harm's way.....and if not.....well, hope and pray you don't need a ventilator because none are available. People, take responsibility for your own health. Don't follow the science, follow your own damn common sense.

Posted 10 August 2021, 8:49 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Fully vaccinated Israel in trouble same as fully vaccinated Iceland, UK and Denmark. No one is listening that the CDC for some reason is telling all that the vaccinated are spreading the virus.


We know what we will have a category 10 hurricane of a massive spike soon then lockdown if vaccinations continues.

Posted 10 August 2021, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

We are around a year out from when Minnis said he needed us to lockdown for 2 more weeks and that would be it. We did and yet again he lied. I have no idea why he keeps saying stuff which he know will probably not be true. The other week it was vaccinated people are out of the pandemic, yet now they are also being held under curfew (which no scientific study has ever shown to work). This time it is this being the last emergency orders and they will expire on November 13th. I no longer believe it, so why say it.

Posted 10 August 2021, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

509 days of tyranny under Covid Autocratic rule. Next phase is forced vaccination. Child vaccination will follow. The plan is laid out. He will soon put on his military jacket. That is why he is holding onto his absolute one brain one way show. He has also banned the only vaccine that once inoculated does not lead to shedding and unlimited spread.


Posted 10 August 2021, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Isn't 'jab' slang for injection? For something so serious let us call it by its name.

Posted 10 August 2021, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Poison then

Posted 10 August 2021, 3:27 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

Minnis is evil to his very core and I've been warning as many as I can about this simple fact for quite sometime now, well before May 2017.

Most of us are abhorred at the idea of our country being transformed into an authoriarian police state by a tyrannical wannabe Xi Jinping. But this is exactly what Minnis is attempting to do with the Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Management Bill 2021 that he instructed Carl Bethel to draft. As Minnis puts it, ***"This new bill will form the legislative framework for The Bahamas once this COVID surge dissipates and the emergency orders end."*** He then goes on to state, ***"My government has set a plan to further combat this wave and to transition the country to a new post-Emergency Orders regime after this deadly surge subsides."*** His very telling use of the word ***"regime"*** should not go unnoticed.

The Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Management Bill 2021 is yet another power-grab attempt by Minnis to indulge his self-infatuation with ruling us as a dictator rather than as an elected official in a democracy who is anwerable and accountable to the people.

Make no mistake about it. Sinister Minnis wants you as a modern day slave with himself as your master. And he wants the ability (as an evil medical doctor) to force you to put into your body anything that he tells you to put in it, no matter what. To that I say, "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!"

My ancestors were slaves and fought too long and too hard for me, my children and my grandchildren to have our freedom. And like so many of my fellow Bahamians, I'm not about to allow Minnis to take away my constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and liberties with his bogus piece of grossly unconstitutional new legislation.

Posted 10 August 2021, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You did warn us. You and Tal were the only 2. I humbly apologize to you both.

Posted 10 August 2021, 1:33 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Has the House of Assembly's Ten Day August 2021 **mutiny session's fireworks** yet sprung out on the House's floor — I'm so excited to get to see if any Reds MPs, **has mind they own sufficient to display the backbone, demanded confrontation** in their body — yes?

Posted 10 August 2021, 10:55 a.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

> Minnis revealed Monday night that a deal has been inked for the delivery of substantial vaccine supplies, giving The Bahamas the capacity to administer the shot to all who wish to receive it.

**Translation:** I want to take personal credit for the fact that the developed countries will shortly be dumping on third world countries like The Bahamas millions of vaccine doses nearing their efficacy expiry dates at no cost.

Posted 10 August 2021, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

exactly...also good luck storing/transporting Pfizer/moderna durning the hottest time of the year with power cuts galore.

Posted 10 August 2021, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

OMG says...

What proof do you have of this . Please give vaccinev type, life when stored properly.. You take personal credit for spouting a non proven theory.

Posted 10 August 2021, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

You do not hold Minnis and Malaprop Wells to this standard.

But when we kibitzers speak, you want proof. If we post links you call 'fake news'.

Pfizer requires special freezers, and the americans are giving a few away. So, no, you will not be carrying it around in a 4 cup drink holder. Neither you could you stand in
The 90 degree heat posing for pictures with the vaccine.

You google it. I am not wasting data on you.

Posted 10 August 2021, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Guess new Health Legislation will put in place a system for business owners and staff to be vaccinated, even though CDC says vaccinated persons shed virus and get everyone sick. Questions will be answered shortly as it is about nine months of testing on the outcome of babies born to vaccinated mothers. Will these babies Ribosomes also produce spike proteins? The only promise Minnis has kept was his promise to carry out unconstitutional activity. Our bodies are now his through busess liscence and threat of starvation to get a vaccine that works for six months followed by a lifetime of health uncertainty.

Posted 10 August 2021, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

No vaccine no church no work no education, no freedom. In Israel both vaccinated and unvaccinated must show proof of Covid negativity and all must wear masks indoors and in open spaces. They were doing better before vaccines. And we must follow the script even though the Covid masters in UK admit that lockdowns and restrictions probably were a mistake. Proof of vaccinations now mean nothing. As the vaccinated around the world are testing posative. Just read CDC guidelines then figure out why we are still vaccinating. It is now less likely that a non vaccinated person would show up posative.

Posted 10 August 2021, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

All slaves will be branded by a QRCode pass on a card or in your phone showing Christian vaccination status and checked by Police to work or worship. Because the vaccinated persons status changed to highly probable infectuous Israel is having trouble so AL persons must test negative. Question now is was this plan for continuous vaccinations or failure?

Posted 10 August 2021, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

maybe that's the agenda? spread it without anyone notice?

Posted 10 August 2021, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

Plausible deniability.

Posted 5 September 2021, 6:25 p.m. Suggest removal

CoolCatBD says...

I was just thinking, if there are two drugs, one cost $12.50 and the other cost $12'500, which one would be used in the The Bahamas. I am sure the +$12k one better but...

Posted 10 August 2021, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Dawes says...

Wonder how many people will say they took the vaccine because it would meant they would be out of the pandemic? Or was the person saying that lying?

Posted 10 August 2021, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

They are dead serious. They rely on what doctor Wells says. I have a few friends that bragged of freedom then argued with tor owners showing their proud passport that they free and vaccinated. Until Wells gets them in line with CDC guidlines they are hopeless. Israel has now just barely missed lockdown at nearly 100% vaccination the nation is a non travel zone.

Posted 10 August 2021, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

they are breeding a stronger version of the virus, look what happened to chickens and Mareks disease due to overuse of leaky vaccines:


Posted 10 August 2021, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Bobsyeruncle says...

What has this got to do with Covid vaccines? This is about vaccines for Marek's Disease in chickens. Maybe you have feathers, a beak and 2 legs, but the rest of us don't

Posted 10 August 2021, 8:53 p.m. Suggest removal

whogothere says...

Hey bobby - I love chickens and eggs which one came first? - I know you love your links..

So here is great paper that breaks its down (a little dated - before they forgot to remember that the vaccine don't do much to stop transmission - eek - and even before they admitted c19 and variants are airborne - also eek - but they hit the nail on the head here:

"These “escape mutations” typically arise when the virus is put under selective pressure by antibodies that limit but do not eliminate viral replication. Under these conditions, the virus might then find a way to escape this pressure and restore its ability to reproduce more efficiently."

Mass vaccinations (yay less severe symptoms) with leaky vaccines means meaner virus can be forced to evolve more efficiently (naaay that no good)...also boosters for life (yay - this bits not in the article) !!


But if you see where @rodentos is coming from with the chickens you could start here (a little pre pandemic article with nice context):


Posted 10 August 2021, 9:50 p.m. Suggest removal

rodentos says...

when it comes to immune system humans are not that different from chickens! same principles apply

Posted 11 August 2021, 12:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

“Delta variant”….I guess they had to name it something, right?

Posted 5 September 2021, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

During a wave of the Spanish flu, the virus got so deadly, persons would leave for work in the morning and not return home. They contracted the flu and was dead in 12 hours. People died in their homes leaving young children behind and the children starved because everyone was too afraid of the virus to go rescue them. Some who died were left unburied because there were no coffins or no family members left to bury them or everyone else was too burnt out. People started abandoning or killing their pets when it was rumored that pets spread the virus and, in some instances, police did shoot and kill stray animals. And they also threatened to shoot, with the same force, persons found in public not wearing a masks. There were no vaccines for thhe Spanish flu back in 1918 and people soon realized that if they wanted to survive the pandemic, they must social distance, go out their homes as less is possible and wear masks whenever they did and follow all other safety measures. That is what brought the pandemic of the 1918 Spanish flu to an end, even though it left millions of fatalities in its wake around the world. That pandemic also lasted over two years.

Posted 10 August 2021, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Twocent says...

Bahamas…one good lockdown…COVID free!
New Zealand…COVID free!
Out islands…vaccines…spike!
Vaccinated persons…travel to FL…return Nassau…COVID!
Vaccinated persons…go to the office…boss lady got covid…days later…sick with…?
You understand!
Tell me again that vaccines are going to stop this thing, let us all travel, and regain our freedom….LOL
This ain’t about a disease…there is no sensible, rational, public health advice…this is about changes to create the “new normal” where liberty is a dirty word.

Posted 5 September 2021, 6:24 p.m. Suggest removal

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