To vaccinate or not to vaccinate...

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Vitriolic debates, some of which degenerate into insults and name calling, rage on social media with respect to covid 19 vaccine hesitancy and rejection.

But, as a Trinidad & Tobago based member of The Caribbean Voice pointed out, those who make and implement policies really need to listen to those who have issues with the vaccine and recognize that a lot of it, including the fears, have to do with mental health.

Fears are often based on personal issues such as individuals being allergic to certain medications or suffering from certain illnesses.

Fears can lead to panic attacks and paranoia. As well, vaccine compulsion often leads to anxiety, depression, and peritraumatic distress as individuals fear serious physical reactions and even death.

These fears need to be allayed and language becomes critical in this process, as any mental health practitioner would know.

Thus, mental health issues have to be addressed as a prerequisite to these persons becoming amenable to vaccine.

And until fears are allayed and mental health issues addressed, until hesitant persons are assured that either they have absolutely nothing to fear or that their allergies and medical issues will be addressed in any vaccine regimen, vaccine mandates will only make matters worse.

An August 5th article on the CNN website stated, “There’s a well-documented phenomenon in psychology called the “backfire effect.” Giving people facts disproving their incorrect beliefs can actually reinforce those beliefs.

“Researchers have observed this phenomenon in the context of political misconceptions, voting preferences, the decision to vaccinate one’s children and whether to get a flu vaccine oneself.

“The more people are confronted with facts at odds with their opinions, the stronger they cling to those opinions.

“And if arguing with facts backfires, you know what backfires even more? Criticizing, blaming and shaming them for being thoughtless, selfish, stupid, ignorant or psychopathic. You can check this yourself: When was the last time you changed your behaviour in response to someone blaming or shaming you?“

Thus, instead of engaging in debates to nowhere that compound the animosity and disconnect, displaying empathy and curiosity would be the way to go.

Walk in the shoes of those who refuse the vaccine, understand their perspectives then seek to create an environment that makes them feel safe and affirmed.

Perhaps too it would be better for those who have taken the vaccine to share their reasons for doing so. For in that sharing other hitherto hesitant individuals may find connections and reasons for them to also then take the vaccine.

ANNAN Boodram

The Caribbean Voice

August 9, 2021.


joeblow says...

... it seems quite a stretch to suggest that a person not wanting mRNA biotech may have mental issues. Quite preposterous. It seems to be more true, that a person NOT in a high risk category who takes the experimental, non FDA approved "shot" is gullible and suggestible!

People are correct when they say that no one knows the long term effects of mRNA tech on the human body since there has never been mass "vaccinations" with them.

People have a choice and if the mRNA biotech is as protective as they say (although there are increasing levels of breakthrough infections in every country with high "vaccination" rates), the "vaccinated" should have nothing to fear from the "unvaccinated -- right?

Posted 9 August 2021, 8:43 p.m. Suggest removal

B_I_D___ says...

One way to work it would be to NOT treat the unvaccinated in the hospitals, if you are unvaccinated that was your choice but you won't be allowed to burden the hospital network. Take your chances at home on your terms.

Posted 10 August 2021, 10:26 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

... using that logic, don't treat those who smoke and develop diseases or those who get in accidents while not wearing seat belts or people with hypertension who eat fast food or diabetics who eat bread! Why deliver women who get pregnant without using contraception? The list goes on and on!

Posted 10 August 2021, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

realityisnotPC says...

Some of us would agree with all of that. Adults need to take responsibility for their own choices and shouldn't expect others to come to the rescue to save them from their own decisions.

Posted 10 August 2021, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

ohdrap4 says...

Well people who follow leaders blindly often have dependent personality disorders, suffer from narcissism.

And doctors have pronounced sociopathic tendencies.

Let's analyse the Karens who want mandatory vaccines, and diagnose mentlly ill candidates before we vote for them

Posted 10 August 2021, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

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