PLP plays politics with lives

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The PLP is playing politics with people’s lives.

I commend the Prime Minister for always stressing the importance of getting vaccinated, as he did yet again in his broadcast this week. The FNM are on the right side of history when it comes to the jab and we will all thank them in the long-run. My question is, what on earth is the PLP playing at?

We are facing the biggest health and economic crisis in living memory. More than 300 Bahamians are dead because of this deadly virus with many more to come. Meanwhile most of us are drowning in economic misery, broke, unemployed and struggling to pay the bills. There is only one way out of this nightmare: vaccines.

You know who isn’t struggling though? You know who isn’t facing a death sentence from this virus? The ‘Top One Percent’ of society. The big shots. The elite. People like PLP leader Brave Davis and PLP Freetown Candidate Wayne Munroe, QC. When he did get sick, Munroe could afford the very best in local treatment and very expensive medications. Meanwhile the people of Freetown continue to live totally exposed, in the shadow of the grim reaper. We will never be able to afford the kind of care he can.

While PLP supporters across the country mourned the loss of their loved ones, Brave could afford to be rushed to top hospitals in the States to be seen by some of the best doctors. Young men and women are out there dying today, while former PLP Minister Cynthia Pratt was being treated by six specialists in a top overseas facility for weeks.

Of course, I do not wish any harm to come to anyone. I am very happy that they all recovered and returned to their families, but that isn’t really the point. Knowing that the masses are poor, suffering and totally defenceless against this terrible disease (unlike them) why are these top PLPs not actively encouraging everyone to get vaccinated? Why are they not putting politics aside and echoing the Prime Minister, calling for all persons to get as much protection as they can against this modern-day Biblical plague, so we can save lives and reopen our economy?

Surely that is the right thing to do in this crisis. But as far as the PLP is concerned it seems that “Mum’s the word!” as Hubert Ingraham liked to say.

Could it be that the PLP actually likes the chaos? That the PLP believes a sick, suffering fed-up population gives them a better chance at the polls? Are they hoping to ride a ‘Brave wave’ of misery into office? That is what some people are saying, I honestly don’t know. But I am told that some campaigners for the PLP are even out in the constituencies, actively encouraging the public NOT to get vaccinated. Meanwhile, the party leader, the chairman and many PLP candidates had their jabs long time ago.

These PLP politicians occupy a position of privilege, both in terms of their economic resources and because they have a powerful podium from which to sway and convince people. They should not misuse these privileges at this dangerous time for The Bahamas. The PLP must stop playing politics with people’s lives and come out in support of the Government’s efforts to get the population vaccinated. If they can’t be part of the solution instead of part of the problem, then they must carry some of the responsibility for all the death and misery that is to come. Be it on their conscience.

EB from Freetown

August 10, 2021


carltonr61 says...

EB must have written this letter months ago as the right side history on this Earth showed that as I type all fully vaccinated nations are entering lockdowns and restrictions. Our nurses and doctors are communicating with their peers around the world exchanging on the ground horrible reality and scientific data. The Covid authorities around the world are stoking to a uniformed script that vaccination is the answer. Science data is showing massive spread by the vaccinated. The data is being ignored by FNM government. Just look at Israel at this moment at the brink of lockdown after nearly 80%vaccination with 64% in hospital fully vaccinated. Go read and stop talking political dumbness.

Posted 12 August 2021, 8:04 a.m. Suggest removal

carltonr61 says...

Ask your government why they still vaccinating persons with medicines that are politically authorized but not medically approved for human use. Get on the right side of history. CDC might ad well issue a caution but the most they tell you is vaccinated persons can get Covid and do give it to others.

Posted 12 August 2021, 8:08 a.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

@carltonr61 - You should do your research a little more carefully bro. While new variants of the virus can be contracted by vaccinated people in some instances, it is still far less likely than contraction by the unvaccinated. People are wearing masks again and locking down, to protect their unvaccinated populations, because while those who have had the jabs may catch it, and may pass it on to others, they are far less likely to get seriously ill and almost guaranteed not to die. Transmission between individuals in a highly vaccinated society is not a national emergency or a crisis for the healthcare system. Eventually this will just be like the flu, people get it, not that many people die from it. No one really worried about it. Vaccines are the way out of a death sentence for our people. Your party has badly miss calculated their position on this, buddy.

Posted 12 August 2021, 12:33 p.m. Suggest removal

JokeyJack says...

"People are wearing masks again and locking down, to protect their unvaccinated populations..."

No, you are just wearing a mask so it's easier to force me to wear one, but your excuse does sound so much more virtuous.

People say they can't allow the vaccinated to go unmasked because it would be too hard to check who is vaccinated and who is not. The real reason, i think, is hecause then it would be too obvious to everyone how many of us there are. It would be a form of speaking in large groups which is not allowed. Instead of majority rule, we have majority shut up.

Posted 12 August 2021, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Voltaire says...

My Lord. This pandemic really has drawn the stupid line in the sand

Posted 12 August 2021, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

You're drinking from the wrong punch bowl my friend, as time will surely tell. Unless you're using a very costly medical mask, masking accomplishes absolutely nothing in terms of protection for the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.

Think of this virus as being the size of a particle of smoke. Put on your mask and strike a few stick matches. Then let them burn down a bit before extinguishing them. If you can smell the slightest bit of smoke, then you can easily breath in the virus wherever it may be lingering in the air while wearing your mask. The masking mandate, plain and simple, is about breaking the will of the people and browbeating them into participating in a massive mRNA vaccine experiment. It'a all about population control of the most evil kind.

And it's absurd for you to suggest people, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, are being locked down to protect the unvaccinated. The modelling now shows that it would have been, and still is, much better to only vaccinate the more vulnerable, i.e. those age 65+ with one or more serious co-morbidities.

Also highly vaccinated societies are just as prone if not more prone to a high level of hospitalizations as our societies with low levels of naturally acquired immunity. Societies that have achieved a high level of natural immunity seem to be faring the best.

But the vaccine developers and manufacturers, and the elected government officials and appointed public health officials they effectively control, are all pushing tests and vaccines on everyone for two main reasons: (1) population control, and (2) enormous windfall profits.

We need to be wary of the new powers that be who are having our elected officials and main stream social media and news outlets instigate scaremongering for purposes other than our well-being. And we need to be especially wary of public health officials around the world who are being pressured in a most insidious and hideous way to manipulate important statistics about the Wuhan virus and its variants.

Now pull you head out of the sand!

Posted 12 August 2021, 5 p.m. Suggest removal

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